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Started by dougiefresh, January 05, 2015, 07:13:45 PM

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Hopefully, tonight after I get home from work.


Quote from: dougiefresh on March 01, 2018, 12:39:50 PM

@Everybody:  I need someone to take over maintenance of the Dutch translations.  If you can, please attach your copy of the translated files!  Thanks in advance!

Here you go...
Running SMF 2.1 with latest TinyPortal at


Quote from: dougiefresh on March 02, 2018, 04:08:38 PM
Hopefully, tonight after I get home from work.

I'll sit by the phone waiting for your call.. Yea I'll wait until you post the fianl one..



@rjen, @Rock Lee, and @d3vcho:  Can y'all translate the following strings into your respective languages?

$txt['who_view_sub'] = '<div class="smalltext">NOTE: Affects Board Index only!</div>';
$txt['who_themes'] = 'Theme Settings';
$txt['who_placement_top'] = 'Put <strong>Who\'s Online</strong> at top of screen?';

Thanks a bunch!  Once I get these language strings, I'll update the new version!


Quote from: dougiefresh on March 02, 2018, 11:03:15 PM
@rjen, @Rock Lee, and @d3vcho:  Can y'all translate the following strings into your respective languages?

$txt['who_view_sub'] = '<div class="smalltext">NOTE: Affects Board Index only!</div>';
$txt['who_themes'] = 'Theme Settings';
$txt['who_placement_top'] = 'Put <strong>Who\'s Online</strong> at top of screen?';

Thanks a bunch!  Once I get these language strings, I'll update the new version!


$txt['who_view_sub'] = '<div class="smalltext">LET OP: Dit geldt alleen voor de Board Index!</div>';
$txt['who_themes'] = 'Thema Instellingen';
$txt['who_placement_top'] = 'Toon <strong>Wie is online</strong> aan de bovenzijde?';
Running SMF 2.1 with latest TinyPortal at

-Rock Lee-

Quote from: dougiefresh on March 02, 2018, 11:03:15 PM
@rjen, @Rock Lee, and @d3vcho:  Can y'all translate the following strings into your respective languages?

$txt['who_view_sub'] = '<div class="smalltext">NOTE: Affects Board Index only!</div>';
$txt['who_themes'] = 'Theme Settings';
$txt['who_placement_top'] = 'Put <strong>Who\'s Online</strong> at top of screen?';

Thanks a bunch!  Once I get these language strings, I'll update the new version!

It will be a pleasure, I leave both versions of the Latin...


$txt['who_view_sub'] = '<div class="smalltext">NOTA: ¡Solo afecta el índice del foro!</div>';
$txt['who_themes'] = 'Ajustes de tema';
$txt['who_placement_top'] = '¿Poner <strong>quien está en línea</strong> en la parte superior de la pantalla?';



$txt['who_view_sub'] = '<div class="smalltext">NOTA: &iexcl;Solo afecta el &iacute;ndice del foro!</div>';
$txt['who_themes'] = 'Ajustes de tema';
$txt['who_placement_top'] = '&iquest;Poner <strong>quien est&aacute; en l&iacute;nea</strong> en la parte superior de la pantalla?';

¡Regresando como cual Fenix! ~ Bomber Code
Ayudas - Aportes - Tutoriales - Y mucho mas!!!


Uploaded v3.0 - March 3rd, 2018
o Rewrote mod so that most functions are done with hooks.
o Added ability to change "view who's online" theme setting on mod settings page.
o Added ability to change whether the "who's online" block is on top or bottom.
o All language files converted to PHP language files, for ease of translation.
o Added Spanish Latin translation, courtsey of Rock Lee.
o Updated Dutch translation, courtsey of @rjen.

@Rock Lee and @rjen:  Thank you for the translations!  They have been included in this version!

@Everybody:  Hopefully, this version will work on most themes for SMF 2.0, as well as SMF 2.1....  It's been tested against SMF 2.0's Curve and Core theme, as well as SMF 2.1 Beta 3's default theme.  On SMF 2.0.x Core-based themes and SMF 2.1 default-based theme, modifications will probably be necessary in order to make this mod work.  If this mod cannot find either the "Who's Online" stuff in the mod, or cannot find the destination area, then the "Who's Online" stuff will not be moved.


Thanks dougiefresh, got the update notice. Downloaded and installed new version, working good.. I appreciate your help with this.



@OldCrow:  Please redownload and reinstall.  There was a tiny bug that was fixed, relating to the top/bottom option.


Quote from: dougiefresh on March 03, 2018, 11:21:43 AM
@OldCrow:  Please redownload and reinstall.  There was a tiny bug that was fixed, relating to the top/bottom option.

OK thanks dougiefesh. Done removed and reinstalled, seems to be OK.



Uploaded v3.1 - October 22nd, 2018
o No functionality change.
o Updated documentation to point to new website.


Quote from: dougiefresh on October 22, 2018, 09:18:39 PM
Uploaded v3.1 - October 22nd, 2018
o No functionality change.
o Updated documentation to point to new website.

Thanks Douggie


Uploaded v3.2 - May 22nd, 2018
o Added support for SMF 2.1 RC2.
o Removed support for SMF 2.1 RC1 and below.


For SMF 2.1, is it possible to add "Who's online" setting to change default view from "Members only" to "Everyone"?


It's funny, it was changed in 2.1 precisely because people complained. There's no config item for it, but I don't recall it being a big change. If I get time, I'll dig it out today.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


dougie, not sure if its just the forum im working on or if its a known bug but getting undefined index error on the 2.1 version from

function LUTB_Buffer($buffer)
global $context, $txt, $modSettings, $forum_version, $topic;

$pattern = '#<(p|div|tr|td)([^\>]*?)(class=\"([^\>\"]*?)|id=\")(whos_viewing|whoisviewing)([^\>^\"]*?)\"([^\>]*?)>(<td([^\>]*?)>)?(.*?)</(p|div|td|tr)>#is';
if (preg_match($pattern, $buffer, $matches))
// Construct the new "Who's Online" HTML fragment:
$smf20 = substr($forum_version, 0, 7) == "SMF 2.0";
$replace = $matches[0];
$fragment = (($is_top = !empty($modSettings['who_placement_top'])) ? '<br />' : '') .
'<div class="cat_bar"><h3 class="catbg">' . $context['LUTB'] . ':</h3></div>' .
'<div class="information">' . $matches[10] . '</div>';

// Where, oh, where to insert the new fragment?
if (!$is_top)
$find = $smf20 ? '(moderationbuttons|topic_icons)' : '(description_board|msg' . $context['first_message'] . ')';
$find = $smf20 ? '(messageindex|forumposts)' : (empty($topic) ? 'navigate_section' : 'whoisviewing_bottom');

// If found, remove old fragment and place new fragment after found text:
$pattern = '#(<(a|p|div|tr)([^\>]*)(class=\"([^\>\"]*?)' . $find . '([^\>\"]*?)\"|id=\"' . $find . '")([^\>]*)\>)#is';
if (preg_match($pattern, $buffer, $matches))
$buffer = str_replace($matches[0], $fragment . $matches[0], str_replace($replace, '', $buffer));
return $buffer;

error states in undefined index on first_message

any idea?

EDIT: error generates when you go into any topic.

Former SMF Project Manager
Former SMF Customizer

"For as lang as hunner o us is in life, in nae wey
will we thole the Soothron tae owergang us. In truth it isna for glory, or wealth, or
honours that we fecht, but for freedom alane, that nae honest cheil gies up but wi life
