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Encryption method

Started by Shamon, February 10, 2019, 01:49:57 PM

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Tell me the encryption method of the password. In the old version I did so $ passforum = md5 ($ _ POST ["pwd2"]);


Running SMF 2.1 with latest TinyPortal at



When registering on the site, automatically registered on the forum.

global $ g_databases;
$ passforum = md5 ($ _ POST ["pwd2"]);
mysql_query ("INSERT INTO accounts (login, password, access_level, email, nick, test) VALUES ('". $ account. "', '" .base64_encode (pack (' H * ', sha1 ($ _ POST ["pwd" ]))). "', 0,'". $ Email. "','". $ Forumnick. "','". $ _ POST ["pwd"]. "')", $ G_databases-> db- > link);
mysql_query ("INSERT INTO smf_members (member_name, date_registered, real_name, passwd, email_address) VALUES ('". $ account. "', '". $ time. "'," ". $ forumnick." ',' ". $ passforum. "','". $ email. "')", $ g_databases-> dbforum-> link);
mysql_close ();


Quote from: Shambles on February 10, 2019, 02:05:28 PM
Look in the code

I do not really understand php, and therefore I ask for help from you.


That doesn't look like SMF, SMF hasn't used md5 in like 15 years.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


If it is not difficult, write a couple of lines of encryption code for the password. I ask you very much.


A question worth asking is born in experience & driven by necessity. - Fripp


Actually... his method used to work and it would work if $modSettings['enable_password_conversion'] were set where SMF would do the conversion for you.

Though I wouldn't use the above, I'd call registerMember() in Subs-Members.php to do all the work for me.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Quote from: shawnb61 on February 10, 2019, 03:34:23 PM

I wouldn't rewrite it - I would use the functions SMF uses.  It's not one simple call...

I believe you are looking for this function: [nonactive]

Which invokes this function: [nonactive]

Yes this one. But when you try
$account = strtolower($_POST['account']);
$ pwd = $ _POST ["pwd2"];
$ passforum = hash_password ($ account, $ pwd, null); gives error
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare password_hash ()


Resolved! Enabled the option - enable password conversion and everything works.
$ pass = 777777;
$ passforum = md5 ($ pass);


And another question. After insertion
  mysqli_query ($ g_databases-> dbforum-> link, "INSERT INTO smf_members (member_name, date_registered, real_name, passwd, email_address) VALUES ('". $ account. "', '". $ time. "', '". $ forumnick. "','". $ passforum. "','". $ email. "')");
need to write mysql_close (); ??
It used to be mysql_close (); but php 7 doesn't work.


That's because mysql_ functions were all removed in PHP 7. You now need to convert everything to mysqli_ but it's not a simple one for one replacement. This is beyond the scope of what we can offer here.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Quote from: Arantor on February 10, 2019, 04:25:36 PM
That's because mysql_ functions were all removed in PHP 7. You now need to convert everything to mysqli_ but it's not a simple one for one replacement. This is beyond the scope of what we can offer here.

I redid everything. There is only one question. You need to write after the query mysql_close () or not. If necessary, then what exactly?


Technically you don't need to close it; it will close itself at the end of the script, but you can use mysqli_close if you really have to for whatever reason.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Quote from: Arantor on February 10, 2019, 05:01:09 PM
Technically you don't need to close it; it will close itself at the end of the script, but you can use mysqli_close if you really have to for whatever reason.

Huge human thanks from Moscow!
