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[SMF Converter] IPB 3.0

Started by Nibogo, October 13, 2010, 07:32:18 PM

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That's not what I meant ;)

Since we only have the database available, we need to "trick" the converter and create a fake "conf_global.php".

What I asked you is what is the folder (on the server) where SMF is installed (eg: /home/user123/public_html)

Also, is your IPB database already imported into phpmyadmin?
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I replied to the PM.
Thank you


Converting members... Unsuccessful!
This query:
id AS id_member, SUBSTRING(name, 1, 80) AS member_name,
joined AS date_registered, posts,
IF(mgroup = 4, 1, IF(mgroup > 5, mgroup + 3, 0)) AS id_group,
last_visit AS last_login, SUBSTRING(name, 1, 255) AS real_name,
IFNULL(msg_total, 0) AS instant_messages,
SUBSTRING(password, 1, 64) AS passwd,
SUBSTRING(email, 1, 255) AS email_address,
SUBSTRING(website, 1, 255) AS website_title,
SUBSTRING(website, 1, 255) AS website_url,
SUBSTRING(location, 1, 255) AS location,
SUBSTRING(icq_number, 1, 255) AS icq, signature,
IF (bday_year = 0 AND bday_month != 0 AND bday_day != 0, CONCAT('0004-', bday_month, '-', bday_day), CONCAT_WS('-', IF(bday_year <= 4, 1, bday_year), IF(bday_month = 0, 1, bday_month), IF(bday_day = 0, 1, bday_day))) AS birthdate,
SUBSTRING(aim_name, 1, 16) AS aim, SUBSTRING(yahoo, 1, 32) AS yim,
SUBSTRING(msnname, 1, 255) AS msn, hide_email AS hide_email,
SUBSTRING(IF(avatar = 'noavatar' OR INSTR(avatar, 'upload') > 0, '', avatar), 1, 255) AS avatar,
IFNULL(email_pm, 0) AS pm_email_notify, '' AS lngfile, '' AS buddy_list,
'' AS pm_ignore_list, '' AS message_labels, '' AS personal_text,
'' AS time_format, '' AS usertitle, '' AS member_ip, '' AS secret_question,
'' AS secret_answer, '' AS validation_code, '' AS additional_groups,
'' AS smiley_set, '' AS password_salt, '' AS member_ip
FROM `hoi_vara`.ipb_members
WHERE id != 0
LIMIT 0, 500;
Caused the error:
Unknown column 'id' in 'field list'

Any ideas?  :-\
edit. This works
Former Lead Support Specialist

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