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Problems with login to joomla administrator

Started by kober, April 16, 2006, 05:13:04 PM

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I`m using:
Joomla 1.08
SMF 1.1RC2 + patch
Bridge 1.1.3

When I log into Joomla (using smf bridge) as administrator I can edit, delete news etc so here everything is all right, but when I want to go to [nofollow] and using password I get message "Incorect password or username", the second administrator who is not using forum (his password is not converted in jos_users) can log without any problems

Is there any way to have both? smf login and joomla backend to be working?


Go to your SMF profile, and change your password.



Does your Joomla super-admin username match your SMF admin username?


Yes, I can log into joomla frontend and there I'm seen like a super-admin also on SMF I can do everything but wen I want to go to joomla backend I`m get the error :(


OK.  I am going to walk you through the solution.  This will take several posts, in which I will ask you for information.  When you give the information, I will give you the next step based on that information.

My first question is:

Do you have PhpMyAdmin?


Big thanx :) for helping me :)

yes, I have phpmyadmin ;)


Good.  Then go to your Joomla database, and to your jos_users table.

Find the admin username, and look up the corresponding entry in the "name" column.  Please post that here.


In jos_users there are 3 SuperAdministrators: kober, alicja, admin

name==username ;) in all 3 of them gid is good == 25 ;)

put password are much longer for alicja and kober - we are using also SMF the "admin" is not using it and on this accoun I can log without any problems to backend :(


Quoteput password are much longer for alicja and kober - we are using also SMF the "admin" is not using it and on this accoun I can log without any problems to backend

That would be the reason why I said to go to the SMF profile, and change the password.

SMF's password hash in the database is not the same as Joomla's hash in the database, even for the same password.  So, you can't copy the SMF hash into the Joomla password field and expect to be able to login that way.

Changing the password from the profile page will reset the Joomla password hash to a Joomla password hash instead of a SMF password hash.

Please go to the profile page, and change the SMF password.  This will dump the proper hash into the Joomla users table.


Changing password in the SMF profile didn`t help :( I get still the same error
