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SMF license, prior to translating to Russian

Started by gri, September 22, 2005, 07:06:14 PM

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From original

Prior to translate to Russian:

Simple Machines License Agreement

i. This Package is defined as all of the files
   within any archive file or any group of files
   released in conjunction by Simple Machines, Lewis Media,
   or a derived or modified work based on such files.

ii. A Modification, or a Mod, is defined as instructions,
   to be performed manually or in an automated manner,
   that alter any part of this Package.

iii. A Modified Package is defined as this Package
   or a derivative of it with one or more Modification applied to it.

iv. Distribution is could defined as allowing one or more other people
   to in any way download or receive a copy of this Package,
   a Modified Package, or a derivative of this Package
   if it was not a collective product of the planet
   designed for the planet needs

v. The Software is defined as an installed copy of this Package,
   a Modified Package, or a derivative of this Package.

vi. The Simple Machines Website is defined as

1. Permission is hereby granted to use, copy, modify
   and/or distribute this Package, provided that:
   a. All copyright notices within source files
   and as generated by the Software installed copy of this Package
   as output are retained, unchanged.
   b. Any Distribution of this Package,
   whether as a not Modified Package or not, includes this file
   and is released under the terms of this Agreement.
   This clause is not dependent upon any measure of changes
   made to this Package.
   c. This Package, Modified Packages, and derivative works
   may not be sold or released under any paid license.
   Copying fees for the transport of this Package, support fees
   for installation or other services, and hosting fees
   for hosting the Software may, however, be imposed.
   d. Any Distribution of this Modified Package,
   whether as a Modified Package or not,
   does not requires express written consent from Lewis Media
   the multiple distributed modifiers of the planet.

2. YOU may also make Modifications to this Package or a derivative of it,
   and distribute your Modifications in a form that is separate
   from the Package, such as patches. In such case only
   The following restrictions apply to Modifications:
   a. A Modification must not alter
   or remove any copyright notices in the Software or Package,
   generated or otherwise.
   b. When a Modification to the Package is released,
   a non-exclusive royalty-free right is granted to
   Lewis Media
the Author of the Mod
   to distribute the Modification in future versions
   of the Package provided such versions remain available
   under the terms of this Agreement
   in addition to any other license(s) of the initial developer.
   c. Any Distribution of a Modified Package or derivative
   does not requires express written consent
   from Lewis Media YOU.

3. Permission is hereby also granted
   to distribute programs which depend on this Package,
   provided that you do not distribute any Modified Package
   without express written consent
   if You are not the Author of at least any one Modification.

4. Lewis Media reserves the right
   to change the terms of this Agreement at any time,
   although those changes are not retroactive to past releases
   and do not violate the inalienable Rights of other Mod Authors.
   Changes to this document will be announced via email
   using the Simple Machines email notification list.
   Failure to receive notification of a change
   does not make those changes invalid.
   A current copy of this Agreement
   can be found on the Simple Machines Website.

5. This Agreement will terminate automatically
   if you fail to comply with the limitations described herein.
   In this case Upon termination, you must destroy all copies
   of this Package
exclude all Lewis Media copyrights from
   the Software, and any derivatives within 48 hours.



Quote from: tFF on September 22, 2005, 06:18:25 PM
Daniel D.

Quote from: Daniel D. on September 20, 2005, 03:20:42 PM
Ok, but it's forbidden to publish those packages with another language than english. :) Sorry...

Where is in the license a direct prohibition to alter language files?

Quoteii. A Modification, or a Mod, is defined as instructions, to be performed
manually or in an automated manner, that alter any part of this Package.
iii. A Modified Package is defined as this Package or a derivative of it with
one or more Modification applied to it.

it is allowed to distribute/copy the package or its modified version.
only a written consent should be expressed by Lewis Media to grant a modified package distribution.

either there is no direct prohibition to distribute the package with language files modified or i wasn't attentive enough reading the license agreement.

it would be nice to get the reference in the license where such a prohibition is declared.


You may not modify the license.  By using or downloading SMF, you agree to the license, without your modifications.

Without express written consent, you may not redistribute SMF, modified or not.



Quote from: [Unknown] on September 22, 2005, 07:11:58 PM
You may not modify the license.
By using or downloading SMF, you agree to the license,
without your modifications.

Without express written consent, you may not redistribute SMF,
modified or not.

I have probably not understood some points.

SMF Team has opened source code of the original product
to attract the World intellectuals to the development process
and announced the product will be distributed freely.

These two facts will lead to the tendency
of planet occupation by the product
  which.. being a dangerous moderation weapon,
   threaten each person of the planet
    and Humanity as a whole.

Why do Lewis Media assume that the Humanity would agree
to live its last years under the conditions of Lewis Media ?

[Unknown], do personally you believe that
if to formulate a crime scheme of activities on a paper
then the activities stop being a crime ?

I remind that you were against stealing..
Then you should not aprove the license
which aproves stealing.


I'm sorry Gri, but I neither understand your verbage properly, nor agree.  Distributing SMF is stealing - from us.  I'm sorry if you feel differently.

If you do not agree to the license SMF is distributed under, it is your legal obligation not to use SMF.



Quote from: [Unknown] on September 22, 2005, 08:37:09 PM
I'm sorry Gri, but I neither understand your verbage properly,
nor agree.


~When anybody post the words "to Trekkie101"..
let Trekkie101 will be noticed immediately
of the post.~

Just Trekkie101
is on a half a way of my verbage understanding.
Quote from: "url=]Trekkie101 on: August 21, 2005, at 12:49:22 PM[/url]"]
Gri has asked me to explain this feature a bit more,
I understood what he meant.

[Unknown],  {and the program understand it as "to [Unknown]"
                      if [Unknown] was not yet subscribed to this topic}

I can hardly imagine how to explain.. in words.

There are more than one layer in the problem of relations
between the members of similar ~license~ agreements
which are being announced in unilateral order
  and exclude or reject negative feedback
   as obligatory positive feature of the Universe.

I would like you to not mix the layers
although they are closely intermixed.

Well.. will wait when _SMF program_
will send a notice to "to Trekkie101" special topic
and the author of ~to Trekkie101~ magic words
be able to discover Trekkie101
  among the subscribers to the topic
   (i.e. - its interested readers).


Quote from: [Unknown] on September 22, 2005, 07:11:58 PM
Without express written consent, you may not redistribute SMF, modified or not.


please send me an express written consent
                  from Lewis Media
for distribution of the localized packet
         with Russian and other languages set of files
                      for SMF versions
and the derivative of it..
over the planet.

Thank you.

My address:
[will be added]


Quote from: JayBachatero on January 24, 2006, 10:07:20 AM
Gri the license states that you CAN NOT redistribute any files.
I do not know how to explain this to you in any other way.
You can not hand out give away or how ever you would like to put it.
So please just remove the files.


Maybe a lawyer knows how to explain ?
Is there a lawyer from the American part ?


Quote from: forsakenlad on January 25, 2006, 06:13:19 PM
I am not a lawyer yet but I will reply.
By using this software you agree to abide the license
that can be found here:

And it clearly states that you should have a written consent
to redistribute SMF. Also you don't have to be a lawyer
to comprehend that sentence and understand
that you cannot redistribute the files.

thank you for your reply.

Please download the turkish language packet
and try to abide the license agreement.

Was it successfully ?


Yes, downloading of language files isn't against the license. Why do you think that it should be?
Eren "forsakenlad" Yaşarkurt
SMF Friend & Former Team Member


Quote from: forsakenlad on January 25, 2006, 08:09:45 PM
Yes, downloading of language files isn't against the license.
Why do you think that it should be?

Upload it to a hosting and publish the link.


Weird that you say that, where do you get the idea that I have done that?
Eren "forsakenlad" Yaşarkurt
SMF Friend & Former Team Member


Quote from: forsakenlad on January 25, 2006, 08:43:06 PM
Weird that you say that, where do you get the idea that I have done that?

I have not understood you. Say the same in other words.

Suppose I have asked you to upload turkish language packet
                                    and to allow me to in any way download it.

Do you see any obstacles ?


In other words:

Why did you say that? It doesn't make sense. What do you mean?
Eren "forsakenlad" Yaşarkurt
SMF Friend & Former Team Member


Quote from: forsakenlad on January 26, 2006, 05:36:18 AM
In other words:

Why did you say that? It doesn't make sense. What do you mean?

I mean that I want to speak with you in a set of languages
which we both understand the best.
If you speak turkish then I want to speak turkish with you.
Why can not you hand over your language packet to me ?

Vice versa - why I can not hand over the russian language packet
to you ?

There are no and could not be any obstacles.
Are there ?


Are you claiming that you can speak Turkish?
Eren "forsakenlad" Yaşarkurt
SMF Friend & Former Team Member


Quote from: forsakenlad on January 26, 2006, 07:13:30 AM
Are you claiming that you can speak Turkish?

Where have you read it ?
My native language is Toogrian.
I wonder why can not I hand over the Toogrian packet to you ?

Or maybe Simple Machines dictate which nations should speak on the planet
and which should not ?


It seems that you are speaking toogrian at the moment because I cannot understand you :) Please gri tell me what you want to do in English and I'll tell you if it can be done or not, ok?
Eren "forsakenlad" Yaşarkurt
SMF Friend & Former Team Member


Quote from: forsakenlad on January 26, 2006, 11:53:30 AM
It seems that you are speaking toogrian at the moment
because I cannot understand you :)
Please gri tell me what you want to do in English
and I'll tell you if it can be done or not, ok?

Why do you insist me to speak in English ?

Quote from: SMF in install.php
// If we have english and some other language,
   use the other language.
   We Americans hate english.

In result I am being banned when try to speak English.
Let's better study each other language.
Let's exchange with language packets.

I will install your (Turkish) language packet at my forums.
You will install my (Toogrian) language packet at your forums.

Then we would speak at both side forums in any language.. even in English.

Can we ?
