Image for Anti-Spam Verification Questions

Started by GL700Wing, January 08, 2021, 09:30:46 PM

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Thank you for that  explanation, i am going to take a look at this and see if i can get it working.


Quote from: GL700Wing on January 12, 2025, 05:50:26 PM
Quote from: Nodaz on January 12, 2025, 03:30:29 PM... any other insight recommendations?
The Image for Anti-Spam Verification Questions mod with relevant questions is very effective.

Ive download and uploaded the mod ( not installed yet)
curious is you can explain this in the validation results:

And if there is and issue here with the skipped file.


Quote from: Nodaz on January 28, 2025, 05:10:04 PMIve download and uploaded the mod ( not installed yet)
curious is you can explain this in the validation results:
Those messages are not uncommon and relate to issues to do with connecting to the main SMF third-party mod site and the main SMF download site and have nothing to do with the Image for Anti-Spam Verification Questions mod (and they do not mean there is an issue with the Image for Anti-Spam Verification Questions or any other mod).

QuoteAnd if there is and issue here with the skipped file.
The skipped file is for the Contact Page mod which the Image for Anti-Spam Verification Questions mod also supports/integrates with - the file is skipped if you don't already have that mod installed.
Life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful ...

"Before you allow people access to your forum, especially in an administrative position, you must be aware that that person can seriously damage your forum. Therefore, you should only allow people that you trust, implicitly, to have such access." -Douglas


Quote from: GL700Wing on January 28, 2025, 11:28:04 PM
Quote from: Nodaz on January 28, 2025, 05:10:04 PMIve download and uploaded the mod ( not installed yet)
curious is you can explain this in the validation results:
Those messages are not uncommon and relate to issues to do with connecting to the main SMF third-party mod site and the main SMF download site and have nothing to do with the Image for Anti-Spam Verification Questions mod (and they do not mean there is an issue with the Image for Anti-Spam Verification Questions or any other mod).

QuoteAnd if there is and issue here with the skipped file.
The skipped file is for the Contact Page mod which the Image for Anti-Spam Verification Questions mod also supports/integrates with - the file is skipped if you don't already have that mod installed.

Thank you for the explanation !  Ok the mod is installed.   Presumming the default images for the mod are saved in (eg, ./Themes/default/images)] How do i access them?


Quote from: Nodaz on January 29, 2025, 04:24:58 AMThank you for the explanation !  Ok the mod is installed.  Presumming the default images for the mod are saved in (eg, ./Themes/default/images)] How do i access them?
@Nodaz The following is a list of sample images that were saved to the ./Themes/default/images/VerificationImages folder/directory when the mod was installed:
You cannot view this attachment.

To view/use a sample image specify its full URL in the Verification questions image URL field (eg, will display the image below).
You cannot view this attachment.

If you want to use your own image copy it to the ./Themes/default/images folder/directory and then specify its full URL in the Verification questions image URL field (eg,
Life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful ...

"Before you allow people access to your forum, especially in an administrative position, you must be aware that that person can seriously damage your forum. Therefore, you should only allow people that you trust, implicitly, to have such access." -Douglas


Thank you for you patience and guidance !  All set and working properly !


I am getting
"An error has occurred
Token verification failed. Please go back and try again."

whenever i try to change anything in this mod starting yesterday.

 Its happening on both forums that ive installed this mod on.  Any insight as to what is happening and how to resolve?  Ive logged out and back in on both forums ,no change in ability to make changes without an error.


Haven't seen that issue reported before - try clearing the browser cache and/or using a different browser.
Life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful ...

"Before you allow people access to your forum, especially in an administrative position, you must be aware that that person can seriously damage your forum. Therefore, you should only allow people that you trust, implicitly, to have such access." -Douglas


Thanks @GL700Wing  nice mod.

Quote from: Dave J on March 11, 2022, 02:46:42 AM
Quote from: GL700Wing on March 09, 2022, 05:26:41 AM
Quote from: Sir Osis of Liver on March 08, 2022, 05:34:46 PMn/m, I see it now.  Have to provide your own image.  Thought default image was included with mod.  It's a bit confusing, installing it this way.
Noted - will include a default image with the next release ...

GL feel free to use the one I created if you wish (attached), unless you have one of your own

Thanks @Dave J I will get the numbers from the chatcapta generator site and update image them. I think it will be more effective (I'm not sure  ;D )
ElkArte is a modern, powerful community building forum software.


Just a word of caution for those who use colors. Please remember that many people are daltonians or color blind. 

Dave J

Quote from: DenDen60 on February 04, 2025, 11:27:33 AMJust a word of caution for those who use colors. Please remember that many people are daltonians or color blind.

That's why the numbers and colours are on the segments of the images

Sir Osis of Liver

Not sure, but I believe this image is included in the mod -

You cannot view this attachment.

When in Emor, do as the Snamors.
                              - D. Lister

Sir Osis of Liver

These were the original two images.  There was some js that displayed the bw image for the color blind -

  You cannot view this attachment.     You cannot view this attachment.

When in Emor, do as the Snamors.
                              - D. Lister


Creating an image using a Scrabble type font gives the option for asking verification questions about both letters and tile values ...

You cannot view this attachment.

Question: How many letters in the image have a tile value of 3? (answer as a word)
Answer: Five

Question: How many times does the letter 'F' appear in the image? (answer as a number)
Answer: 3

Question: What is the total value of all the tiles in the first row? (answer as a number)
Answer: 12

Question: What is the total value of all the tiles in the second column? (answer as a word)
Answer: Seven

Question: What letter is on the fourth tile in the second row? (answer with uppercase letter)
Answer: G

Question: From the bottom to the top what are the letters in the third column?
Answer: FAT

Question: From right to left what vowels are on the second row?
Answer: OEAI

Life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful ...

"Before you allow people access to your forum, especially in an administrative position, you must be aware that that person can seriously damage your forum. Therefore, you should only allow people that you trust, implicitly, to have such access." -Douglas


I was wondering if it is at all possible to either EDIT the "Help - I can\'t see the verification image!" text to say something else, Or Change it's colour .... or ... Both ???

Thanks in advance  :)


Quote from: stoo23 on February 28, 2025, 09:57:49 AMI was wondering if it is at all possible to either EDIT the "Help - I can\'t see the verification image!" text to say something else, Or Change it's colour .... or ... Both ???
Sure - to change the text either edit the mod's text string in ./Themes/default/languages/Modifications.english.php or add your own text string with the same string name after it:
$txt['verification_image_help'] = 'Help - I can\'t see the verification image!';
Note: Language files are read from top to bottom so if you add your own 'verification_image_help' text string after the mod's text string it will be used and if you later remove the mod you won't get an error message relating to the mod's text string.

The message colour is determined by the CSS for the 'alert' class in the 'index.css' file of the theme you are using - if you want to use a different colour you can either:
1. Change the colour for the 'alert' class in the 'index.css' file of the theme you are using (this will then apply to all text that uses the 'alert' class throughout your forum); or
2. Create a new CSS class in the 'index.css' file of the theme you are using with a different colour (eg, .alert_vih { color: blue; }) and change the relevant line in ./Themes/default/GenericControls.template.php to refer to it (if you do this you will have to manually edit this file to remove all of the mod's changes if you later need to remove the mod).  Example:
<br /><p><a href="' . $image_help_href . '"><strong class="alert_vih" style="font-size: 120%;">' . $txt['verification_image_help'] . '</strong></a></p><br />
Life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful ...

"Before you allow people access to your forum, especially in an administrative position, you must be aware that that person can seriously damage your forum. Therefore, you should only allow people that you trust, implicitly, to have such access." -Douglas


Thank you Very much, for your 'prompt' and clearly Detailed reply !!  :)

as an aside, I run 2 x forums, One is for a delightful bunch of Bespoke Cutters & Tailors who are so pleased I have something that may help make My job easier and help avoid 'bots' and spammers  :)  :D

The other is for Assembly language programmers .... and you could Not believe the level of discussion and negativity the implementation of this Mod' has generated (just within the general Admin' / Moderation team) !!??

One very capable Coder even suggested the Questions I posed, ... were "a tough IQ test" !!?? ... WTF ???
I used the antispam.png, with the 3 x 3 rows/columns of coloured blocks, asking a variety of mathematical questions along with questions relating to block/colour order etc.

Complaints about how long and how many tries it took to complete the Test registrations etc,... >:(  ::)  :P  unbelievable ....  :o

Along with a number of suggestions that "any half decent AI bot could easily work out all the permutations in no time anyway" !!! ???
(guess I/We may as well All 'Give up Now' eh ??)

Whilst I can perhaps believe there May be AI capable of eventually defining everything necessary in an image to answer the questions,.. I seriously doubt some Spammer / Script Kiddie, vainly trying to gain access to a couple of truly obscure Forums would be Armed with such AI tools  ;)  :)  ;D
Stewart  8)


Quote from: stoo23 on February 28, 2025, 04:41:04 PMThank you Very much, for your 'prompt' and clearly Detailed reply !!  :)
You're welcome.

QuoteThe other is for Assembly language programmers .... and you could Not believe the level of discussion and negativity the implementation of this Mod' has generated (just within the general Admin' / Moderation team) !!??

One very capable Coder even suggested the Questions I posed, ... were "a tough IQ test" !!?? ... WTF ???
I used the antispam.png, with the 3 x 3 rows/columns of coloured blocks, asking a variety of mathematical questions along with questions relating to block/colour order etc.

Complaints about how long and how many tries it took to complete the Test registrations etc,... >:(  ::)  :P  unbelievable ....  :o
All this from supposedly IT literate users in response to a 3x3 image grid - interesting to say the least!

QuoteAlong with a number of suggestions that "any half decent AI bot could easily work out all the permutations in no time anyway" !!! ???
(guess I/We may as well All 'Give up Now' eh ??)

Whilst I can perhaps believe there May be AI capable of eventually defining everything necessary in an image to answer the questions,.. I seriously doubt some Spammer / Script Kiddie, vainly trying to gain access to a couple of truly obscure Forums would be Armed with such AI tools  ;)  :)  ;D
Even though it will be interesting to see how 'smart' AI becomes over time (and whether or not it can accurately interpret images) I think the main advantage of this type of anti-spam approach is that you can quickly and easily change the image and/or questions (tip: avoid using questions with true/false answers) and a word grid image created with a Scrabble-type font gives the option for option for asking verification questions about both letters and tile values ...
Life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful ...

"Before you allow people access to your forum, especially in an administrative position, you must be aware that that person can seriously damage your forum. Therefore, you should only allow people that you trust, implicitly, to have such access." -Douglas


 ;)  ;D  ::)
QuoteAll this from supposedly IT literate users in response to a 3x3 image grid - interesting to say the least!
Yes, rather sad isn't it ??
I figured you may have been intrigued by the responses etc  ;)

QuoteI think the main advantage of this type of anti-spam approach is that you can quickly and easily change the image and/or questions
Yes, agreed absolutely.

Quote(tip: avoid using questions with true/false answers)
Yes, also agreed  ;) 

QuoteA word grid image created with a Scrabble-type font gives the option for option for asking verification questions about both letters and tile values ...
Yeah, although our forums are in English, many of our members do not have English as their First language, so am somewhat tentative about going Too Hard on the Word 'thing' as such, but I DO tend to agree with you.

Anyway, thanks once again, hopefully I can also Edit and perhaps Add some instructions to the Page, regarding requirements for Text string inputs, like using Only Spaces between words, not Commas etc, Just to satisfy the "Cranky Old Curmudgeon" members,..  ;)  :)  :D  ;D


One further question, ... Is it Possible to Disable the 'Link' function of the Text ??
