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Custom Board Icons

Started by live627, September 06, 2023, 07:14:30 PM

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Custom Board Icons
This modification gives you the ability to change the default board icons to ones you choose.

Observe that you don't need custom icons for every board.


There are no settings. Install to enable, uninstall to disable.

The place to upload icons is the bottom of the edit boards page.


Great work and thank you for making this MOD for 2.1.4 :).


ElkArte is a modern, powerful community building forum software.




Does this allow for differentiation of New topics versus Read topics?
-- Senkusha
The Kawaii Klub
The Creative Anime Role Playing Community.
(SMF v. 2.1.4, PHP v. 8.0)


Quote from: Senkusha on December 07, 2023, 06:20:29 PMDoes this allow for differentiation of New topics versus Read topics?
I do not recall a setting for it, but you could use CSS to achieve this.

something like -

.cbi_off {
  opacity: 0.4;


Quote from: TwitchisMental on December 07, 2023, 07:43:50 PM
Quote from: Senkusha on December 07, 2023, 06:20:29 PMDoes this allow for differentiation of New topics versus Read topics?
I do not recall a setting for it, but you could use CSS to achieve this.

something like -

.cbi_off {
  opacity: 0.4;

This is important to me but I do not have the Skill Set to do this !!!  Is it possible for the Developer to recode the Mod and implement the change ?


You just paste that bit of code into your index.css file. That's it.
I promise you nothing.

Sesqu... Sesqui... what?
Sesquipedalian, the best word in the English language.


Perhaps I can be tutored to do this.

I have accessed my cPanal and see this
You cannot view this attachment.

Where would I find the index.css ?


Diego Andrés


forum_path_or_root: Means that this is the root, unless your forum is in a subdirectory.

SMF Tricks - Free & Premium Responsive Themes for SMF.


Is it possible to have different icons independently per theme? Or is it the same across the whole site?


Quote from: lonelyjuly on December 12, 2023, 04:40:39 PMIs it possible to have different icons independently per theme? Or is it the same across the whole site?
With this mod it would be the same no matter what theme..

However you could do the same trick with just CSS for each individual theme that you have installed.


Quote from: keyboard on December 09, 2023, 12:06:48 PM
Quote from: TwitchisMental on December 07, 2023, 07:43:50 PM
Quote from: Senkusha on December 07, 2023, 06:20:29 PMDoes this allow for differentiation of New topics versus Read topics?
I do not recall a setting for it, but you could use CSS to achieve this.

something like -

.cbi_off {
  opacity: 0.4;

This is important to me but I do not have the Skill Set to do this !!!  Is it possible for the Developer to recode the Mod and implement the change ?

I think it would still be a better idea if the Developer would just inject this code in during the install .... It sure would "Complete" the Mod.


I will send 10 Kilo's of Sausage to the Developer's email if he could update the program to insert the modification.

 :)  :)  :)  :)

pingtoip [nonactive]

Dave J

One thing I have noticed is that when the images are set as 'replace board icon' when there is a new post/topic there is no indication. I tried replacing

.board_icon a.board_on2 {
    background-position: -45px 0;
.board_icon a.board_off {
    background-position: 0 -45px;


.board_icon a.board_on {
  border: 4px limegreen solid;

.board_icon a.board_on2 {
  border: 4px orange solid;

in the css but it didn't work


OK working with the code Tim posted I've used

.cbi_on {
  border: 4px limegreen solid;
.cbi_on2 {
  border: 4px orange solid;

If there's a new post/topic then the green square shows

Obviously the line colour and size can be adjusted to suit your needs

NOTE: The above additional code needs to be added to each themes index.css

Dave J

I've now added the following code to the mod install21.xml file

<file name="$themedir/css/index.css">
<operation> <!-- End of File -->
<search position="end" />

/*cbi code for on off notification*/

.cbi_on {
  border: 3px limegreen solid;
.cbi_on2 {
  border: 3px orange solid;


All tested and works OK


Hi, first thanks for this great mod, i installed on my forum but it mantain also the default image with the new one i uploaded.. what can i do to fix?


sample image where i modify first icon board and it mantains default one also.
Is should replace it true? and not mantain both.


i saw that this happens on my custom themes, not on the default theme, there was something on the code that should be added on custom themes to apply them correcty.
