A Status Update

Started by David, October 26, 2003, 03:24:13 PM

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Nah get it up nowwww!!!


pweaseee...  before christmas make it our christmas prezzie from smf

I, Brian

Darn it - the example link takes so long to load up I wondered if it was installing SMF on my browser!

Jeff Lewis

Co-Founder of SMF


Coming soon!


Quote from: Fizzy on December 11, 2003, 02:03:24 AM
Better to have a quality finished product rather than a quick and buggy release. :)

No question. Cant wait! ;) Hope it'll be easy to adapt my YABBSE db! ;)


Mr. Jinx

I want to upgrade my YaBBse forum to SMF, and I can't wait!
...so I'm considering to be become a charter member only to get the beta.
The thing I'm afraid of is that it will released very shortly (this year?). Could someone confirm this?


they won't say when it will be released, other than soon.  even if they do, you'll receive new releases before everyone else for a full year, and you'll get direct support.

Mr. Jinx

You're rite.. I'm using YaBB for such a long time.
I think they earned it! Here we gooooooooo 8)

Jeff Lewis

Just another update....we have released our final Charter Member only beta before we release a public beta version...we're getting much closer everyone :)
Co-Founder of SMF


Quote from: Jeff Lewis on December 24, 2003, 07:24:26 PM
Just another update....we have released our final Charter Member only beta before we release a public beta version...we're getting much closer everyone :)
I'm using SMF on my board now. It truly rocks. Everyone else should wet themselves in anticipation [/
I'm only a half geek really...


Alexandre P.

Arf, can't wait to.. :P

Maybe a gift for Jan 1st? :D
Aucun support par M.P., courriel ou messagerie instantanée / No support by P.M., email or I.M.



Ok guys, looks like you've been busy since I upgraded to YaBBSE from the cgi version. I don't have a lot of time to read all your specs. I'm sold. I'm getting NPO support on my forum and can pay the license fee. Here are my questions

1) Can I be put on a mailing list when you annouce Gold?
2) I've noticed a bug in SE where lastLogin was not always set. Is this fixed in SMF? Makes it hard for me to manage my member list when I'm cleaning out old members if I cannot rely on the data in lastLogin.
3) Please tell me template manipulation is easier!
4) Will I have to do the upgrade from SE to SMF myself? The CGI to PHP version was scary enough.

Jeff Lewis

Quote from: rpoelking on December 31, 2003, 11:28:36 AM
1) Can I be put on a mailing list when you annouce Gold?

An announcement will be posted here and for those that have notification turned on, they will receive an email.

Quote2) I've noticed a bug in SE where lastLogin was not always set. Is this fixed in SMF? Makes it hard for me to manage my member list when I'm cleaning out old members if I cannot rely on the data in lastLogin.

This doesn't exist in SMF (the bug)

Quote3) Please tell me template manipulation is easier!

All display code is seperated from main code and is extremely flexible.

Quote4) Will I have to do the upgrade from SE to SMF myself? The CGI to PHP version was scary enough.

Someone may help here, some people have taken advantage of our Charter Membership and have had team members do the upgrade for them.
Co-Founder of SMF


(I might add that if you think buttering toast is hard, you might still find upgrading from YaBB SE to SMF pretty easy.  It's nothing like converting from the Perl version of YaBB.)




Don't forget Jeff, there is also news posted in the admin page of EVERYONE's forum when new releases come out.

rpoe, if you open the admin interface in SMF, like YaBBSE, you will see the iframe that loads from SMF's site directly that tells you when new releases come out.


Hey, don't insult me like that :P!  It doesn't use an iframe in SMF, I hate iframes :P.

But, yes, it's there - and I also plan to put news out in all YaBB SE iframes to the same effect ;).



Just a quickie, havent looked at how it's done in SMF, but in the earlier YSE versions (possibly before you were around), it never used an I frame and if the yabb.info site went down, noone was able to get into their admin pages.

Just checking the way its done now wont cause a similar problem?
Liverpool FC Forum with 14 million+ posts.
