Content of the latest posts

Started by davidhs, May 26, 2010, 01:15:53 AM

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Thank you very much for this mod.

It is almost what I was looking for since a long time.

However, I need to take content of latest topics (not posts). Can you please tell me if your mod is able to do that?



This MOD only can take content of posts, but if you write

Maximum number of posts by topic = 1

only take content of 1 post by topic (similar to content of topic).


New version:
1.2.1   2012-12-22
+ SMF compatibility: Adds 1.0.23.
+ SMF compatibility: Adds 1.1.17.
+ SMF compatibility: Adds 2.0.3.


New version:
1.2.2   2013-04-10
+ SMF compatibility: Adds 1.1.18.
+ SMF compatibility: Adds 2.0.4.
- SMF compatibility: Removes support to obsolete series 1.0.x and Beta and RC versions.


New version:
2.0     2013-10-17
@ This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License
! SMF 2.0.x: Integration hooks functions parameters must be passed by reference.
! Attached images resizable did not expand if were repeated in a topic.
+ Upgrade code to the configuration variables from version 1.x to 2.0.
* Allows to create any number of predefined lists in the administration panel.
+ Variable in header of list to insert web address of forum.
+ Variable in header of list to insert url to the images folder in the users current theme.
+ Variable in header of list to insert url to the images folder in the default theme.
+ Value "current" (current board) in BBC attribute "boards" (boards).
- Value "all" (unlimited) in BBC attributes "number_by_group" (maximum number of posts by group) and "number_by_topic" (maximum number of posts by topic). It is still supported for backward compatibility.
+ SMF compatibility: 2.0.5.


New version:
2.0.1   2013-10-18
! SMF 2.0.x: Tab duplicate in settings area.


New version:
2.1     2013-10-31
! There was a PHP error when the list of predefined lists was empty.
+ Upgrade code to the configuration variables from version 2.0.x to 2.1.
+ Possibility of grouping post by the first character of the subject.
* Rename value "yes" to "board" (by board) in BBC attribute "group" (group posts). "yes" is still supported for backward compatibility.
+ Value "character" (by first character of the subject) in BBC attribute "group" (group posts).
+ Field in administration panel to indicate the letters of group (if posts are grouped by first character of subject).
+ Field in administration panel to indicate the subject prefix which will not be take into account when grouping posts (if posts are grouped by first character of subject).
+ Field in administration panel to indicate if show boards (if posts are not grouped by board).
+ Field in administration panel to indicate if show subject (if content type is not subject).
+ Field in administration panel to indicate if show poster.
+ Field in administration panel to indicate if show content (if content type is not all, post or subject).
+ Field in administration panel to indicate the posts order.
@ The BBC has many attributes and can not be added more.
* Navigation tree of boards is placed before subject.
+ SMF compatibility: 1.1.19 and 2.0.6.


New version:
2.2     2013-12-21
! Error in source code.
! SMF 2.0.x: Functions of administration area must return settings variables for the Quick Search of the Administration Center.
+ SMF 2.0.x: The Quick Search of the Administration Center look for in settings variables of MOD.
! If posts are grouped by the first character of the subject and there are more than one list in a topic, links "Go to..." not work.
+ Variable in header of list to insert URL to forum folder.
* Reorganization of the fields in the administration panel.


I created a predefined list but i dont see any new tab in the menu bar of my forum. How can someone see the new unread posts?


Quote from: searchgr on January 06, 2014, 07:43:22 AM
I created a predefined list but i dont see any new tab in the menu bar of my forum. How can someone see the new unread posts?
This MOD does not add tab in menu.

If you create a predefined list (for example #1), you can write in a post
[contentlatest predefined=1][/contentlatest]


So how does the unread posts appear? I don't see them around :)


Quote from: searchgr on January 06, 2014, 11:30:58 AM
So how does the unread posts appear? I don't see them around :)
I suppose you want to create a list with the unread post.
You can use BBC and several parameters, without create predefined list.
- unread=new search content in recent unread topics,
- unread=all search content in all unread topics.
For example, this
[contentlatest type=subject boards=all age=100 unread=new][/contentlatest]
creates a list of subjects of recent unread post posted on last 100 days in all boards.

Or you can create default parameters:
- Content type: Subject.
- Boards: All.
- Maximum age: 100 days.
- Only unread posts: Recent unread topics.
and write:

Or can create a predefined list (i.e. #1) with parameters:
- Content type: Subject.
- Boards: All.
- Maximum age: 100 days.
- Only unread posts: Recent unread topics.
and write:
[contentlatest predefined=1][/contentlatest]


New version:
2.3     2014-01-27
+ Upgrade code to the configuration variables from versions 2.1-2.2 to 2.3.
+ Field in administration panel to indicate if is consulted first post of topics.
+ Field in administration panel to indicate if are consulted replies of topics.
+ Field in administration panel to indicate if are not consulted posts with subject prefix.
+ SMF compatibility: 2.0.7.


OK, maybe I am dense... but how does this mod work? 
I've been to Admin > Configuration > Modification Settings > Content of the latest posts

I set it up to expand everything in all forums... pretty much the defaults, and saved it.  Nothing in the forum changes.  Is there more that has to be done?

I was hoping this mod would allow users to see an expanded view of posts in a forum, so they didn't have to click so much.  Like an expanded tree.  Is that not what this does?  I find it very confusing, so any help would be appreciated.


Quote from: mweishaa on April 18, 2014, 05:55:09 PM
I was hoping this mod would allow users to see an expanded view of posts in a forum, so they didn't have to click so much.  Like an expanded tree.  Is that not what this does?  I find it very confusing, so any help would be appreciated.
This mod does not.

You can create a list with content of last messages posted
1. Create a predefined list (I suppouse #1)
2. Create a topic with this text
[contentlatest predefined=1]text[/contentlatest]


New version:
2.3.1   2014-06-24
! Use HTML entities in ISO-8859-1 languages.
! Help.
+ Functions to get/update/delete data check the parameters before using them.
* Big multi-line text input fields are wider.
* Submit buttons have shortcut key to get focus.
+ SMF compatibility: 2.0.8.


New version:
2.3.2   2014-10-08
+ SMF 1.1.x: Implemented a generic form of displaying lists, similar to SMF 2.0.x.
+ SMF compatibility: 1.1.20 and 2.0.9.


Ok, this MOD probably is what I am looking for.

But how can I add a index, like the last screenshot?
l: simple p: machines
