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Remove "Last Edit"

Started by Diego Andrés, May 02, 2012, 11:29:41 AM

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Diego Andrés

Link to the mod

Free & Premium MODs for SMF

Remove Last Edit
Remove the 'Last Edit' notice from any post.
Developed by Diego Andrés
Original Developer: NanoSector

📦 Installation
It is installed as a traditional SMF MOD for SMF 2.1.x, just grab the latest release of the package and go to: Admin > Main > Package Manager > Add Packages > Package to Upload > Select File > Upload.

You can find detailed instructions and/or more documentation about the process in Package Manager - Installing a Package.

🌐 Localization
Croatian by Branko.
Serbian (CYRILLIC and LATIN) by Branko.
French by alexetgus
Dutch by NanoSector

🔨 Changelog
Review the changes and patches from the different releases/versions of the package in the Changelog

SMF Tricks - Free & Premium Responsive Themes for SMF.



Thanks! I hope it's of any use to you :)
My Mods / Mod Builder - A tool to easily create mods / Blog
"I've heard from a reliable source that the Answer is 42. But, still no word on what the question is."


I have been using a similar mod, Enable or Disable  Last Edit: by for Administrators.

But I can see were your mod would be very useful to many too.


Quote from: ApplianceJunk on May 02, 2012, 12:33:58 PM
I have been using a similar mod, Enable or Disable  Last Edit: by for Administrators.

But I can see were your mod would be very useful to many too.
Yeah, I've seen that one too, but I dislike how it removes it from everything an Admin posts.
I'd rather be able to select for which posts I remove it, which is why I wrote this mod :)
Plus this allows your users to remove it from their own posts, of course if you enable the permission for them.
My Mods / Mod Builder - A tool to easily create mods / Blog
"I've heard from a reliable source that the Answer is 42. But, still no word on what the question is."


Does anybody need extra features in this? Maybe a switch to enable/disable the "Last Edit" text? No idea if that's of any use to anyone.
My Mods / Mod Builder - A tool to easily create mods / Blog
"I've heard from a reliable source that the Answer is 42. But, still no word on what the question is."

Matthew K.

Write something new and big :P Much more fun anyway, eh?


Such as?

* Yoshi2889 is out of ideas
My Mods / Mod Builder - A tool to easily create mods / Blog
"I've heard from a reliable source that the Answer is 42. But, still no word on what the question is."


Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


I like this mod  8)

Been playing with it for half an hour or so. The difficulty is finding posts with "Last edited by..." to test it on  :o

A useful addition for Admins when preparing an article for the front page of a portal - to get rid of the amendment history makes the article more professional.

Thanks  ;)


Quote from: Shambles on June 01, 2012, 01:26:43 PM
I like this mod  8)

Been playing with it for half an hour or so. The difficulty is finding posts with "Last edited by..." to test it on  :o

A useful addition for Admins when preparing an article for the front page of a portal - to get rid of the amendment history makes the article more professional.

Thanks  ;)
I'm glad it's of any use to you :)
Good luck playing with the mod and be sure to post suggestions when you find something that can be improved/added. :)
My Mods / Mod Builder - A tool to easily create mods / Blog
"I've heard from a reliable source that the Answer is 42. But, still no word on what the question is."


Quote from: Labradoodle-360 on June 01, 2012, 12:44:33 PM
Write something new and big :P Much more fun anyway, eh?

Quote from: Yoshi2889 on June 01, 2012, 12:52:01 PM
Such as?

* Yoshi2889 is out of ideas
Uh, you don't need to re-invent the wheel  :laugh: - maybe you could fix/extend that mod - maybe a challenge

when auction is enabled it works fine, but if it is disabled, you will have a bunch of errors... - just a suggestion...
This is a mod does not exist in other versions and this would be great to offer a platform, where (my   8) ) members could sell/buy items.
I tried other mods like the shop mods - but this is just to earn virtual money for members which get "money/points" when they write a post, start a survey, ... - useless and not like this one

You can test the working auction mod in my testforum:;sa=home

guests are allowed to add a new item...
use Test / 12345678 as login data to try it...

cheers inti31
my forum
my testforum

my mods - which I only made them work for 2.0 Gold:
Topics Filter v3.2 SMF 2.0 Gold


Quote from: Inti31 on June 02, 2012, 05:39:46 AM
Uh, you don't need to re-invent the wheel  :laugh: - maybe you could fix/extend that mod - maybe a challenge

when auction is enabled it works fine, but if it is disabled, you will have a bunch of errors... - just a suggestion...

The older I get the more senile I seem to become, as I can't see the link between this topic and the ebay auction mod posted  ::)


The author of this mod wanted a fresh challenge because he was bored.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.

Matthew K.

And, there are plenty of possibilities to write new cool things :)


Quote from: Inti31 on June 02, 2012, 05:39:46 AM
when auction is enabled it works fine, but if it is disabled, you will have a bunch of errors... - just a suggestion...
Huh? Can you give me an example of this issue?

This is a mod does not exist in other versions and this would be great to offer a platform, where (my   8) ) members could sell/buy items.
I tried other mods like the shop mods - but this is just to earn virtual money for members which get "money/points" when they write a post, start a survey, ... - useless and not like this one

You can test the working auction mod in my testforum:;sa=home

guests are allowed to add a new item...

cheers inti31
Excuse me and no offense but what does this have to do with my mod? :P

Quote from: Arantor on June 02, 2012, 10:24:40 AM
The author of this mod wanted a fresh challenge because he was bored.
What he said, though it's not that I'm "bored", more that I need something to do when I have spare time.
My Mods / Mod Builder - A tool to easily create mods / Blog
"I've heard from a reliable source that the Answer is 42. But, still no word on what the question is."


Quote from: Yoshi2889 on June 02, 2012, 02:55:38 PMExcuse me and no offense but what does this have to do with my mod? :P

nothing, it was just a try to give you a challenge / sth. to do when you have spare time...  :laugh:

others only wrote just things like plenty of possibilities and fresh challenges (don't know what they mean exactly) - so I just gave the challenge a "name"

cheers Inti31
my forum
my testforum

my mods - which I only made them work for 2.0 Gold:
Topics Filter v3.2 SMF 2.0 Gold

Excuse me for my english. i am from holland :)


My Mods / Mod Builder - A tool to easily create mods / Blog
"I've heard from a reliable source that the Answer is 42. But, still no word on what the question is."


Quote from: Yoshi2889 on June 01, 2012, 12:14:10 PM
Does anybody need extra features in this? Maybe a switch to enable/disable the "Last Edit" text? No idea if that's of any use to anyone.

I always have a bag of ideas.

Right now, I can force the admin of a board to remove the "Last Modified Time" of my posts by luring them on one a page of mine, which includes this image:

img src=".....index.php?action=unsetedittime;post=1;topic=2;uid=3"

If I get anyone with the appropriate permissions visit my website, they will automatically trigger your script and remove my modification time for me, even if I don't have permission myself.

It would be nice to prevent this. :3

Add Logging, removing the modification time should be visible in the mod centre in the appropriate places.

I also filed a security report on your mod, as it is possible to remove the modification time from other posts than your own, even if you don't have permission for it. It's a pretty obvious bug, looking at the source. It'd be nice if that was fixed. "Dirty hacks" as you put it in your source aren't always the best things nor cool, sometimes people want a clean solution. :3

Optimize efficiency. If someone isn't allowed to do it at all, quit right away. No need to set off a SQL query. Also, you don't need to fetch "subject" from the database if you don't use it - just fetch "SELECT 1". Though, you might want to fetch id_member ...

Anyhow, I commend you for your documentation.
