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My SMF 3.0 Dream

Started by Xarcell, October 06, 2011, 01:51:46 AM

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Quote from: 青山 素子 on April 04, 2012, 01:34:38 AM
Quote from: SoLoGHoST on April 04, 2012, 01:10:45 AM
that the uploader is responsible for what they upload.

True, but given the recent developments in the "take down first, figure out guilt later" actions going on, even if the uploader will be responsible, the site owner will have quite a fight while their website is down. Also, the owner will have to prove that they had no knowledge of the file activity and probably undergo investigations.

Quote from: 青山 素子 on April 04, 2012, 01:34:38 AM
Quote from: SoLoGHoST on April 04, 2012, 01:10:45 AM
In any case, if this were even an issue, PM Attachments could be unapproved until they were reviewed, but than we have an issue on PERSONAL CONTENT, which is what PM Attachments are about.

Yep, having to do the whole approval thing and active monitoring means you lose whatever safe harbor status exists.

This would only apply in the CP not copyright|trademark two different situations and rules.  If you discover CP you don't wait for a DMCA take notice lol you document it, SS, get IPs and anything else, take it down and contact authorities and the host!  This is not rocket science.

The site is not responsible for trying to figure out other peoples copy right.   It's not a hard concept the info is readily available. 

Have to stop confusing CP with ® when a site is responsible for removing content
Insert Witty Signature Here.


But how are you supposed to know about it when it's in a private message? If two people are using your forum to share CP, that's going to cause trouble for you if anyone finds out, there's no way around it.

Private messages should be private, otherwise the conversation might as well just be in a public board. Breaking the privacy of PMs is not something we'll build into SMF.
Steven Hoffman
Former Team Member, 2009-2012


Quote from: Fustrate on April 04, 2012, 01:50:12 AM
But how are you supposed to know about it when it's in a private message? If two people are using your forum to share CP, that's going to cause trouble for you if anyone finds out, there's no way around it.

Private messages should be private, otherwise the conversation might as well just be in a public board. Breaking the privacy of PMs is not something we'll build into SMF.

Then your not responsible obviously as stated before by you and I, and I agreed it would be a hassle but really have to wonder what kind of board people are running to have to worry so much about this and what is on their systems, just thinking here.  I think 99.9999999% of admins could easily show they weren't involved with what their  forum users were doing.  Just like webmail.  So never got answer  to this question so webmail is out too?  If this was true YahooMail! would already be shut down.

Insert Witty Signature Here.


I agree admins should not be approving PM btw.  Be like Yahoo checking every webmail message.
Insert Witty Signature Here.


And when one of those people gets raided by the authorities, their computer is searched, and your website turns out to be a hub for pedophiles? Yes, it's an overly dramatic scenario, but it can happen. We'd rather not put a feature that can be abused into the vanilla distribution of our product, but that doesn't mean you can't distribute or install a mod or plugin which adds that feature.

In the end, it comes down to what the developers are willing to add to SMF, and this is just one of those things that we're not going to do.
Steven Hoffman
Former Team Member, 2009-2012


Quote from: Fustrate on April 04, 2012, 02:00:27 AM
And when one of those people gets raided by the authorities, their computer is searched, and your website turns out to be a hub for pedophiles? Yes, it's an overly dramatic scenario, but it can happen. We'd rather not put a feature that can be abused into the vanilla distribution of our product, but that doesn't mean you can't distribute or install a mod or plugin which adds that feature.

In the end, it comes down to what the developers are willing to add to SMF, and this is just one of those things that we're not going to do

I think that scenario is out of the scope of the discussion, clearly.  I am still waiting to hear about webmail just for fun.  Does the newletter feature allow attachments?  Don't really know right off hand but could that be a similar issue?

I think it would be easier to just say were just not doing this tbh as to try to pedal this idea imo but I am just user not a SMF admin and my 2 cents dont go too far here.
  I have no beef in it really as I am not interested in PM attachments for my forum I was just disputing who was going to be on the spot for uploads.  This is like saying Verizon should not sell answering machines cause a user might leave messages about CPHowever SMF ultimately decides what features to include end of story, take it or leave it.  That is not what I was really discussing but we can do that too lol

Sorry for many edits as I am on the laptop and in bed and my typing skills are not of a secretary lol
Insert Witty Signature Here.

青山 素子

Quote from: RoCKeT-88 on April 04, 2012, 02:03:24 AM
I think that scenario is out of the scope of the discussion, clearly.  I am still waiting to hear about webmail.

If you are hosting mailboxes for people and those people exchange illegal content using it, or just violating copyright using it, you could still run into trouble. Yes, there is the whole "safe harbor" thing and other defenses, but you might still be subject to legal issues of which you may not want.

Also, it wouldn't be too hard to be a pain and use PM attachments to eat up disk space to mess with the owner. Since those are PM attachments, you couldn't just go and clean them out like you could with public attachments.
Director, Simple Machines

Note: Unless otherwise stated, my posts are not representative of any official position or opinion of Simple Machines.


Quote from: 青山 素子 on April 04, 2012, 02:11:05 AM
Quote from: RoCKeT-88 on April 04, 2012, 02:03:24 AM
I think that scenario is out of the scope of the discussion, clearly.  I am still waiting to hear about webmail.

If you are hosting mailboxes for people and those people exchange illegal content using it, or just violating copyright using it, you could still run into trouble. Yes, there is the whole "safe harbor" thing and other defenses, but you might still be subject to legal issues of which you may not want.

Also, it wouldn't be too hard to be a pain and use PM attachments to eat up disk space to mess with the owner. Since those are PM attachments, you couldn't just go and clean them out like you could with public attachments.

I am not sure how many times I have to say I agree the headaches are there or could be.  I have agreed to that numerous times already.  Ultimately that is the site admins choice. 

Disk space argument I get totally but that is the site admins problem no one elses.
Insert Witty Signature Here.


Quote from: 青山 素子 on April 04, 2012, 02:11:05 AM
Quote from: RoCKeT-88 on April 04, 2012, 02:03:24 AM
I think that scenario is out of the scope of the discussion, clearly.  I am still waiting to hear about webmail.

If you are hosting mailboxes for people and those people exchange illegal content using it, or just violating copyright using it, you could still run into trouble. Yes, there is the whole "safe harbor" thing and other defenses, but you might still be subject to legal issues of which you may not want.

Also, it wouldn't be too hard to be a pain and use PM attachments to eat up disk space to mess with the owner. Since those are PM attachments, you couldn't just go and clean them out like you could with public attachments.

Actually you could, even without viewing them. You simply make it a site policy that if storage space becomes an issue, any and all attachments may be subject to removal.

Ok, let's take the current PM system. Using that on a vanilla installation, a person who is so inclined can already do the following:

1/ Use the bbc img tags to exchange pictures of anything, including CP or snuff.

2/ Exchange links to illegal downloads.

3/ Engage in grooming and/or sexual harrassment of minors.

4/ Exchange proprietary code.

5/ Exchange details of hacks and other malware.

I could go on with more examples, but I'm sure the point is clear by now. As I said, I have been thinking about this lately, and I'm not convinced the old arguments against PM attachments really hold up to scrutiny.

青山 素子

Then see about that modification that was mentioned earlier. The author might be fine with sending you a copy.

Remember that just because SMF isn't as bloated as you want doesn't mean you can make it that way.
Director, Simple Machines

Note: Unless otherwise stated, my posts are not representative of any official position or opinion of Simple Machines.


Quote from: Antechinus on April 04, 2012, 02:39:14 AM
Quote from: 青山 素子 on April 04, 2012, 02:11:05 AM
Quote from: RoCKeT-88 on April 04, 2012, 02:03:24 AM
I think that scenario is out of the scope of the discussion, clearly.  I am still waiting to hear about webmail.

If you are hosting mailboxes for people and those people exchange illegal content using it, or just violating copyright using it, you could still run into trouble. Yes, there is the whole "safe harbor" thing and other defenses, but you might still be subject to legal issues of which you may not want.

Also, it wouldn't be too hard to be a pain and use PM attachments to eat up disk space to mess with the owner. Since those are PM attachments, you couldn't just go and clean them out like you could with public attachments.

Actually you could, even without viewing them. You simply make it a site policy that if storage space becomes an issue, any and all attachments may be subject to removal.

Ok, let's take the current PM system. Using that on a vanilla installation, a person who is so inclined can already do the following:

1/ Use the bbc img tags to exchange pictures of anything, including CP or snuff.

2/ Exchange links to illegal downloads.

3/ Engage in grooming and/or sexual harrassment of minors.

4/ Exchange proprietary code.

5/ Exchange details of hacks and other malware.

I could go on with more examples, but I'm sure the point is clear by now. As I said, I have been thinking about this lately, and I'm not convinced the old arguments against PM attachments really hold up to scrutiny.

Very true great post.

Right why I said just go with were not doing it get over it~  Solves all this!  LOL
Insert Witty Signature Here.


Quote from: 青山 素子 on April 04, 2012, 02:39:37 AM
Then see about that modification that was mentioned earlier. The author might be fine with sending you a copy.

Remember that just because SMF isn't as bloated as you want doesn't mean you can make it that way.

LOL Also very true and a good funny post~
Insert Witty Signature Here.


Personally I'd like the option of PM attachments sometimes, but I wouldn't make it available to any and all members who just happened to register. I'd be limiting it to a well-trusted group only.

This doesn't mean I'm going to jump up and down and demand it be a default feature. It's just something I've been considering as a possible addition to a site I run.


Quote from: Antechinus on April 04, 2012, 02:55:42 AM
Personally I'd like the option of PM attachments sometimes, but I wouldn't make it available to any and all members who just happened to register. I'd be limiting it to a well-trusted group only.

This doesn't mean I'm going to jump up and down and demand it be a default feature. It's just something I've been considering as a possible addition to a site I run.

I think it's safe to assume if so it will be a mod.  I understand this concept like if admins could only have the option.
Insert Witty Signature Here.


Quote from: 青山 素子 on April 04, 2012, 02:11:05 AM
Also, it wouldn't be too hard to be a pain and use PM attachments to eat up disk space to mess with the owner. Since those are PM attachments, you couldn't just go and clean them out like you could with public attachments.

Wrong!  You can clean them out the same way and much more.  I already provided tons of pruning options in the SMF Admin for my PM Attachments Mod.  You can set a maximum disk usuage storage space on them.  You can prune them by member name sent to or sent from, their age, how many views/downloads the attachments received, and many more pruning options.

But, like RoCKeT-88 stated, just say that you won't allow this to be part of SMF.  That makes more sense to me, rather than trying to rationalize why you won't make it a part of SMF...

Cheers :)


We've both rationalized it to ourselves and said we won't make it a part of SMF, so we've covered all the bases :)
Steven Hoffman
Former Team Member, 2009-2012


Search function does not let people know they are searching in the section they are in and not site-wide. I would even consider this equal to a bug.

Laguages install automatically but on most templates the language switcher doesnt - these days no other software is as bad as SMF in this respect. Manual edits to template files to include function calls should not be necessary.

Should be a pruning feature for private messages. At the moment there isnt even a mod to do this but it is standard on many boards. Another pile of garbage building up.

4.| Add a BBC manager and a Menu Manager.

Agree - Menu manager needed. Most SMF portals do not have this unfortunately.

6.| Remove most of the profile fields in profiles and let the custom profile fields do the work. If the admin wants them, he can create them.

Agree, and all field types should be searchable - not just the text fields.

22.| Scrap karma system for users and add like/dislike system based on posts.

Agree, Karma - outdated, let it go.

24.| Profiles need a make-over, add more information and ditch the old YaBB look. Be sure to add page views a profile, and show what the user is currently viewing.
Agree, they dont look very interesting.

26.| Allow multiple polls per topic.
Agree, waste of time adding a topic for every poll.


A lot of great ideas,well done

Zelite poptpuno besplatno reklamirati svoj server?
Ocekujemo Vas!

Tomy Tran

Good morning,

I have seen some forums built by XenForo recently. Since that time I dont know is there an accidently but I feel that our new applied modifications is reducing. We have new 9 mods through 2 months, any way, I visits some forums by XenForo and Xen is really pretty, and I think SMF should come up to 3.0 very quickly and should have some utilities like in XenF such Gravatar intergrater, consider to use fb, g+,, twitter or any new social networks appears later for user's profile. Search by google or siteself is available and Google Analytics is in Core 3.0 this should have good bridges to Joomla base.



Given what has been stated previously about SMF 3.0 and smCore, it isn't going to be for at least another year, possibly even more before SMF 3.0 as such emerges into something that could be called stable.

I would note that adding social networks to the profile is very easy to do through custom fields should one be so inclined.

As for search with Google, I couldn't possibly encourage that. There are privacy implications to this that I'm certainly not comfortable with and would encourage all forum owners who use such things to be very mindful of user privacy and the implicit sharing of that data with Google, primarily for Google's benefit in being able to sell more expensive ads.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.
