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My opinion on SMF

Started by Golden_Helmet, September 21, 2004, 06:01:36 PM

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SMF brokes the 20.000 member mark

Congratulation ;)


Quote from: klumy on June 18, 2005, 04:28:25 PM

SMF brokes the 20.000 member mark

Congratulation ;)

Yesssssss :).

-Dan The Man


I hope to see SMF stay the way it is now. 
I personally can't afford to pay anything for my forums right now.  Being a student on SSI (disability) I can barely afford to pay for my internet access and webspace currently.  However, when I receive my financial aid, I plan to become a charter member.

My forums main objectives are 1.  I Major in art and hope that I can design themes that will aid me in getting scholorships for art (a 3.5 gpa isn't enough when it comes to art scholorships!) and 2.  I also major in mental health - planning on using animal and art therapy for those who are low income and otherwise lack decent therapy.  I also work with trauma related disorders and that is the purpose of my site...the people I work with don't usually respond to treatment...but I've found that using the forums and internet DOES seem to help them get someplace with their real life therapy...SO you see...I believe that having a forum in my instance is very important...I would hate to not be able to help people simply because I'm broke!

If and when I do have enough cash, I would definately donate some cash to the Simple Minds team.  Because I appreciate everything that opensource is...and those who support it by chancing a loss in the time to income ratio.

But, I do know from experience that not everyone see's it this way...not everyone appreciates the time, effort and support offered...Developers know'd be surprised at how upset and suspicious some can be....I've been outright told that I was "being watched" because I was "too friendly".  Usually I'm not so nice...but the open source community brings out the appreciation and respect for others who are in  position similar to mine and those who help us out...

I like this community, and I've only tried one other board - phpbb...I like it but it's too hackable and takes forever to mod it to be what is standard with SMF!  I'm sticking around here...

Thanks to all for wanting my opinion and thanks for reading!



Quote from: sabastina on July 19, 2005, 09:42:34 PM
I personally can't afford to pay anything for my forums right now.  Being a student on SSI (disability) I can barely afford to pay for my internet access and webspace currently.

Boy, I can imagine.  I've known many people in a similar situation, and can very much understand.

Your forum sounds very cool.  It's great to know people do such things with the software :).



 Its been about two months since my last confession,  :'(
I mean post in this topic.

I have been amazed at all the great advice, the learning curve is very
easy  to get.  I have gone from what is Index.html to beginning to write my own themes and modify portals.

The software is amazing, but the Smf staff and support of the members in the group are also amazing.
I came here as a longggg time phpbb user.
Dont get me wrong its  serves it purpose.

The purpose of phpbb is to find security flaws and fix them and release a new release each week. After awhile I wondered if Bill Gates was helping write the phpbb software. It just seemed like Deja-vue all over again, use software, upgrade fix, problem, upgrade, fix problem upgrade.

Thanks again for all you do.


Knowing your limitations makes you human, exceeding these limitations makes you worthy of being human.


I have a phpBB site modded with subforums, Prillian Instant Messaging, Birthday, IP tracking and logging, Fully Integrated Shoutbox and more.

We run well over 100 smilies, have 118 member and on and on.

I added an SMF test board because I am always in the market for something better.

To test speeds I brought both boards up together. Obviously speeds vary due to a number of factor. PhpBB loaded in .0193s and the test SMF with only the Shoutbox mod added in .0139s with only 2 test members.

A fellow Admin tested from his machine and noted it was slower.

So, we don't see the claimed big speed differences claimed.

Further, while SMF indeed comes out of the box with more features, some of which, such as Karma, I would never use or add to phpBB, once modded the phpBB comparable features are superior.

The SubForums mod we added has more features than SMF does. And they are shortly going to release an upgrade that adds more features to it that we will use.

Yes. I agree for those who want out of the box SMF comes with more. Not one speck of an argument.

But what do you do when those features do not do all you want? Or there is not the features you do want?

As for the claims SMF has never been hacked or known to have security issues. Well, no issues is a false claim and hackers want to get the biggest bang for the efforts so they are going to go after the most used boards. SMF is not one of them.

You can get premodded phpBB boards. But it is bothersome to see only such as Nuke referenced when such are not liked in the phpBB Community.

A lot of people like the MX board. But I don't because I don't want an attached portal.

What I am saying is the real issues I am seeing are ability, desire and needs. And comparing phpBB, IPB, VB, SMF and others as if they are equal in intended purpose is a non starter.

And no problems? I have tried to access the SMF forum and seen nothing but error messages at times.

Does that mean SMF is bad? Nope.

Does it means I will be switching form phpBB to SMF. No way at this time.

And this stuff phpBB is a really bad board that falls apart all the time. Hmmmm. I have had some error but overall it has been a very dependable board. And the errors mainly came during modding or server upgrades which is not the phpBB scripts fault.

I have never had an error from the script when it has been in place and untouched over time. Only server upgrades and such have been a cause.

For any board if you do not have enough space on the server you can get errors and corupted files. That is usually because one tries to run too much on too little.

To some it is too much but I pay $100 a year for good bandwidth, 10 DBs and so on. And on a Host that specializes in forum board sites.

Not trying to be nasty or impolite. But right is right and fair is fair.

For anyone curious about the ShoutBox differences here is my site. Not trying to promote it but just give a visual for what I am talking about. Sorry, but you have to be logged in to view the editor. [nonactive]

I strongly suggest developing guidelines for mods like phpBB has guidelines. The Ulitimate Shoutbox was a lot harder than it should have been because of that issue.

Enjoy and I will go home now and leave you alone! ;D


PHPBB doesn't hold a candle to SMF it is simply in a different class .. there are so many reasons it's rediculous.

I just can't be @rsed to argue the obviousness (obvious nature?) of this yet again .. and it's late .. and I'm tired.


Comparing two softwares with 2 members in them and no usage is like comparing two vacuums on a clean carpet. 

QuoteAnd no problems? I have tried to access the SMF forum and seen nothing but error messages at times.

Which ones?  If they are MySQL error messages, it means your phpBB forum is most likely getting them too.

Anyway, if you look at a horse and expect to see a mule, you won't see a horse nor will you even see a pony.  You'll see a mule.



QuotePHPBB doesn't hold a candle to SMF it is simply in a different class .. there are so many reasons it's rediculous.

I just can't be @rsed to argue the obviousness (obvious nature?) of this yet again .. and it's late .. and I'm tired.
This is nothing but pure rhetoric based on vapor.

I agree they are different. And that is exactly why you cannot compare them in the ways I have seen attempted here.

There is nothing obvious as you conclude.

Because more comes prepackaged does not make it superior. Not in the least. That is a foolish argument.

And as for coding. I never said SMF coding was bad. I said it was different.

So I am not knocking SMF but it is pure bias to try to compare them based on what comes out of the Box.


QuoteAnd as for coding. I never said SMF coding was bad. I said it was different.

As for coding that is the prime area phpbb ABSOLUTELY doesn't compare.

Anyway, going to bed


This dude is delusional.
Ive been a webmaster for about 10 years.
And at the

TRUE CORE, SMF is superior. They arent even built the same.
That like comparing a Corvette to a VW Bug.
Yes they are both cars but the similarity stops there.
I am not Biased as I have been a heavy user of both and with 500 members I can speak from experiance.

And I Dont think I said PHPBB falls apart I think I clearly said it upgrades are fo security. While SMF generally upgrades to improve

Case in point  The New Beta we all love, isnt a new security version.
Meanwhile the last 5 upgrades for PHPBB was just that to fix security hacking flaws. " Say What "?
Ok phpbb last year was hacked and they stole our entire members list.
hmmmm then there is a security fix.
I am positive his SMF misgiving were more MYSQL oriented then SMF.

Now I ask PHPBB if it wasnt broke why do you keep fixing it LOL !

Cozmo :D :D :D

Knowing your limitations makes you human, exceeding these limitations makes you worthy of being human.


I would think you would compare things out of the box and not post-modification - surely? I mean - you compare the default offering?

Either way, after checking out your site I wasn't convinced of a difference in load times (at least in phpBB direction) - but as [Unknown] said it's impossible to compare on such a small scale.

In reference to the shoutbox - I'm the author of that modification and I don't see what possible guidelines it would need to follow that it doesn't?  The instructions are very clear - install it through the package manager and then add a line to your template.

Also, you're unlikely to find an unbiased opinion here - and the same would obviously be true if you posted the reverse at phpBB. We respect your opinion, and I'm sure you'll have the same respect for the others here.
I'm only a half geek really...


On a side note - we do have security updates and no-one here would deny that (1.0.5 was a necessary update). the one thing SMF has going for it is upgrading is a three click process - all automated :)
I'm only a half geek really...


QuoteComparing two softwares with 2 members in them and no usage is like comparing two vacuums on a clean carpet.
I guess you missed the point completely.

One board running with fewer quiries and less DB load should blow away any board running more of each when the claim is vast differences in speed.

The point is the vast differences in speed does not exist on my site.
QuoteWhich ones?  If they are MySQL error messages, it means your phpBB forum is most likely getting them too.
You are not reading well at all.

Reread and note I stated issues can come from the server and not the script.

This is two points in a row you missed what I was talking about.

Good grief! Even on phpBB they admit their script is not for everyone. Each needs to use what meets their needs!

And that does not make one script superior to the other.

SMFs mod base just isn't up to the feature richness of phpBB. It can be in time but for now it is not.

Just compare the Shoutboxes to see the difference in use levels of each.


Quote from: CoreIssue on July 31, 2005, 06:33:54 PM
I agree they are different. And that is exactly why you cannot compare them in the ways I have seen attempted here.

There is nothing obvious as you conclude.

Because more comes prepackaged does not make it superior. Not in the least. That is a foolish argument.

And as for coding. I never said SMF coding was bad. I said it was different.

So I am not knocking SMF but it is pure bias to try to compare them based on what comes out of the Box.

CoreIssue, I strongly suggest you cut short what you're doing right now.  Imagine if a Muslim went to your Christian talk forum, and started bashing Christianity, calling any arguments against vapor and ascribing anyone's experience to foolishness.

You are doing this - and right or wrong, you are only going to dig yourself a hole and become a troll if you continue.  Your harsh and unkind words are only hurting you, and I really would rather this not get to the point where you are a troll I have to ban.

Just remember: people have their own opinions, and calling them rhetoric, vapor, folly, or anything else... well, that is not very Christian.  Or, at least, not how I was taught.

Quote from: CoreIssue on July 31, 2005, 06:40:35 PM
I guess you missed the point completely.

One board running with fewer quiries and less DB load should blow away any board running more of each when the claim is vast differences in speed.

Clearly you have no experience in the area of databases, I'm sorry to say.  That is not at all true, and no expert would ever say such a thing.

QuoteYou are not reading well at all.

Reread and note I stated issues can come from the server and not the script.

I refer to my above comments.  I didn't ever say SMF was for every server or every person, I said that if you are getting errors from time to time, it is likely you get them in both places (which means it has nothing to do with SMF whatsoever, obviously, but maybe that was not clear.)



QuoteTo test speeds I brought both boards up together. Obviously speeds vary due to a number of factor. PhpBB loaded in .0193s and the test SMF with only the Shoutbox mod added in .0139s with only 2 test members.

Were these Identical conditions on a test server?

A fellow Admin tested from his machine and noted it was slower.
Did he have settings more optimsied for SMF or phpBB

Speaking MySQL wise, youll also note SMf works on PHP5, phpBB doesnt.

QuoteThe SubForums mod we added has more features than SMF does. And they are shortly going to release an upgrade that adds more features to it that we will use.
Intruiging, what extra features does it add?

And no problems? I have tried to access the SMF forum and seen nothing but error messages at times.
Im sure there was a valid reason

Quote[ Time: 2.9616s ][ Queries: 19 (0.5670s) ][ Debug on ]
Are you sure your tests are accurate?


Do you surf, the SMF looking for TRUTH, JUSTICE and to DEFEND the Evil doers at SMF?

I oplogies for starting this, I was simply praising my
pleasure in dealing with SMF and the Staff.

I had no Idea saying thank you would start a war.

I think its best to end it that WE ALL AGREE TO DISAGREE with your points. I mean how many members are you will to take on to prove a point dude. I would find it insane to go to PHPBB and tell them how great they areant LOL/

Too Funny
Last Comment On This From

Again sorry group, next time I will send flowers LOL
or a cake.

Knowing your limitations makes you human, exceeding these limitations makes you worthy of being human.


QuoteOn a side note - we do have security updates and no-one here would deny that (1.0.5 was a necessary update). the one thing SMF has going for it is upgrading is a three click process - all automated
Thank you for a polite post. I appreciate it.

With respect I have seen on other forums discussing board the claim SMF has never had a security hole and no one has ever been hacked using it.

I do believe we both agree those are nonsense claims that will never be true to any board.

Even if one approaches perfection one server software update can open up a hole.

As for upgrading I am sorry to tell you that you can do the same thing with phpBB but in a different way. You can use easymod to automatically update.

But it will not auto update if it collides mods that would be over written. Even on SMF that has to be an issue to deal with at times for some.

And that is why I said it would be very good for your community to develop a formula for presenting mods and updates to the community. So when such would conflict with existing mods and such a fall back manual standard would be in place that all could become familiary with.

So both SMF and phpBB have auto installers. But as I saw in the lists not all mods will install with it and some will not install in entirity. Same as with phpBB.

So there is not that much difference on that issue.


QuoteCoreIssue, I strongly suggest you cut short what you're doing right now.  Imagine if a Muslim went to your Christian talk forum, and started bashing Christianity, calling any arguments against vapor and ascribing anyone's experience to foolishness.

Why should I have to image what has happened a number of times and from more than just Muslims! ;)

We are a debate board so such conversations are welcome.

So to such me saying stop because it is against what is being said is close minded.

QuoteYou are doing this - and right or wrong, you are only going to dig yourself a hole and become a troll if you continue.  Your harsh and unkind words are only hurting you, and I really would rather this not get to the point where you are a troll I have to ban.
What harsh and unkind words?

Man, what political correctness!!!

You don't have to ban me. I am leaving now and not coming back to a board that has this kind of reaction when someone posts an honest opinion in a topic asking for opinions.

I did not see the requirement it all be positive.

QuoteJust remember: people have their own opinions, and calling them rhetoric, vapor, folly, or anything else... well, that is not very Christian.  Or, at least, not how I was taught.
Then it is impossible to have a conversation here.

Those are not personal attacks but commentary on what was being said. Which was factual.

Bye. This is too political correct for me to contiinue. I am being censored and not allowed to speak without being threatened.
