CM2F (mail 2 forum) Port for SMF

Started by digitalgraal, July 04, 2005, 03:06:43 AM

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Please add me to the list of testers? I sent you email.



SMF does have a templating system.  If you don't believe me, check here:

Integrating the forum into your site...

Look at the example of using SSI.php.  That's much easier than using Smarty, and in either case it's also much faster.

Even if SMF did use an intermediary template language (which has been argued many times, and I have been convinced that it's a bad idea in the long run, because it's really just a new language to learn in the end - although it's true people fear PHP) it would, for efficiency reasons, still be converted to PHP code.  As such, for mod authors, it's very unlikely there will be any huge changes in the template system.



Hi Unknown,

I have a question.

I am using the function loadtemplate to load the CM2F admin interfaces, this forced me to create a .template.php file for each of my admin functions.
I have seen the existence of loadsubtemplate() function, that would call template_xxxx() functions in the same template file. But, I am not sure on how to use this function, or if it can be used for my case. Could you enlight me? Or point me to some reference documentation?

The admin functions are now working fully integrated with SMF template function and i have posted some screenshots on my website. I am not sure if they are the most efficient coding possible, but at least i am able make the SMF port dependent on the same CM2F core modules, that will allow me to keep the  evolution of CM2F engine based on one single fileset.

CM4F Groups
Community Messaging 4 Forums
Bridging Worlds Mail-Forum-CMS


Quote from: digitalgraal on July 27, 2005, 09:38:14 AM
I am using the function loadtemplate to load the CM2F admin interfaces, this forced me to create a .template.php file for each of my admin functions.

Forced?  You can of course use one file, e.g.:


And then use:

function Action()
   global $context;


   $context['sub_template'] = 'action1';

No need to use more than one.

You don't want to use loadSubTemplate most of the time.  Instead, use either:

$context['sub_template'] = 'sub_template_name';


$context['template_layers'][] = 'layer_name';



Quote from: UnknownEven if SMF did use an intermediary template language (which has been argued many times, and I have been convinced that it's a bad idea in the long run, because it's really just a new language to learn in the end - although it's true people fear PHP) it would, for efficiency reasons, still be converted to PHP code.  As such, for mod authors, it's very unlikely there will be any huge changes in the template system.

I loathe intermediate template languages, and I'm glad you're not planning to inflict one on us. I agree they are just another language to learn; I see no advantage to them. I like SMF's template system the way it is. It's very nicely designed, and I'm using it for my own site. As part of my post moderation mod (which I haven't had time to package up yet), I created an optional skeleton theme with a sidebar, with tutorial instructions for using templates to integrate SMF into your site. I'll upload this when I finish my deadline work.


Any update on this feature....Thanks



Sorry about the delays that i am having, but the subscribe function have created me a lot of problems to map in the new environment, i have checked how SMF was actually doing to authorize forum visualization, in order to make available for subscription the same forums.
I think that i have it now.

I am now making some full looping tests, making posts in SMF that are sent to Mailboxes and then replying to have the answers being transferred back to the forum.

Every thing is running, there are couple of important bugs, specially with the overall theme system, and with some hyperlinks that are not running any more and that i will have to  solve in the near future.

My plan is to, after the last tests that i am doing, to deliver the first alpha version of the code, to 5 volunteers. I will take the five people that have replied initially to this thread. This will allow me to have more debug on the way in order to solve all the possible problems in the overall code, and that  i am not able to test all by myself.

There are only 4 people that have shawn their interrest in the initial testing :

Ed Teune.

Some one else is interrested? And can the 4 listed people answer me if they are still interrest?

The alpha phase will also help, i hope, with the feeback of the people, to improve some of the coding that i have done for SMF in order to improve the system.

Once the alpha version is closed, i will release a beta version , only accessible to the users registered back at my site. This will allow me to control the people downloading the code and asking for support.

I don;t think that the beta phase will be too long, because, most of the code has already been tested for all the other versions of CM2F. And the alpha phase will clear the ones that are created because of the metalayer and morphing functionalities.

I will keep posting some updates on this site.

CM4F Groups
Community Messaging 4 Forums
Bridging Worlds Mail-Forum-CMS


Hi D

Count me in. Great to know you've made such good progress


ps. I think you missed Tobias Eigen off your list?


Hi Rhizome,

i am not sure Tobias wanted to participate in this testing phase. Maybe if he is around he can clear it up for us. If he is in, then we have the five initial testers closed.

CM4F Groups
Community Messaging 4 Forums
Bridging Worlds Mail-Forum-CMS

Tobias Eigen

Hiya - I am definitely in. Glad we're ready to start the testing. 


Kabissa - Space for Change in Africa

Joomla Website, Mailman mailing list server, seeking SMF/Mailman integration a la Fud Forum (


Hi Tobias,

sorry for the confustion.

I am not able to send the files righ away, because i need to get a more decent internet connection that will able me to send by email the filet which is aroung 1500Kb.
I am trying to find some wireless hotspot open that i could use to connect and send the files. Can you send me an email to just to have your emails in order to send the file at the first opportunity that i have?


ps. I am in holidays away from home:) This is why the poor connectivity.
CM4F Groups
Community Messaging 4 Forums
Bridging Worlds Mail-Forum-CMS


Hey this is good news. 

It is true that this is holiday time... but  but the quest for holly graal is an endless pursuit. ::)



did you now have a working email to SMF posting feature?

I am using the current 1.1b3 version.
Does it work with this ?

If it is not too buggy, I would like to try it in a test forum.

Regards, Stefan.


Quote from: digitalgraal on August 10, 2005, 03:03:57 PM
I am trying to find some wireless hotspot open that i could use to connect and send the files. Can you send me an email to just to have your emails in order to send the file at the first opportunity that i have?


ps. I am in holidays away from home:) This is why the poor connectivity.

Hi, D
Your email bounced, maybe it is (missing 'l')?

EDIT: confirmed - checked it on your website


Quote from: digitalgraal on August 10, 2005, 03:03:57 PM
I am not able to send the files right away,
because i need to get a more decent internet connection
that will able me to send by email the files
which is around 1500Kb.
I am trying to find some wireless hotspot open
that i could use to connect and send the files.
Can you send me an email to
just to have your emails in order to send the file
at the first opportunity that i have?

ps. I am in holidays away from home:)
This is why the poor connectivity.

do not restrict the number of alfa or beta testers.

Also pay attention, that I am a Russian Human -
so I am around one and a half of a tester..
whom nevertheless only one tenth of the developers understand
and who select on himself whom to understand.

If it is possible please move me
from the list of testers
  for sending huge files to them..
to the list of testers who prefer
  to get _only the links_ to the original files.. instead.

I hope you have requested the emailing of the replies
and I have emailed my e-mail to you.. separately.

Have the rich connectivity holidays.


Hi All,

i am sorry for the delay, but i was at the same on holidays and finishing some of the interface bugs.

Taken in account some of the feedbacks that i have got and on my mailbox and on the suggestions made by some of the people,

i will make available the files for download during tomorrow. I am currently finishing the installation documentation in order to have a clear guide to the files that needs to be modified.

Since the number of people that wants to beta test is not to big, around 8 or 9, i will not restrict the numbers of beta testers.

I will send you some notifications by email.

CM4F Groups
Community Messaging 4 Forums
Bridging Worlds Mail-Forum-CMS


Quote from: digitalgraal on August 22, 2005, 04:57:53 AM
Taken in account some of the feedbacks that i have got
and on my mailbox
and on the suggestions made by some of the people,
i will make available the files for download during tomorrow.
I am currently finishing the installation documentation
in order to have a clear guide to the files that needs to be modified.

Since the number of people that wants to beta test is not too big,
around 8 or 9, i will not restrict the numbers of beta testers.

I will send you some notifications by email.

please confirm that your package require SMF 1.1.

Any more special requirements in advance ?

Tobias Eigen

Hi digitalgraal - good to have you back! I look forward to testing your new package.

Best wishes,

Kabissa - Space for Change in Africa

Joomla Website, Mailman mailing list server, seeking SMF/Mailman integration a la Fud Forum (


Good to see you back D.
And why the apology - everyone needs a holiday :)

gri, I believe CM2F is being developed for 1.1



yes, i am using the 1.1. beta 3 version to make the tests, and i don´t think there should be any problem with any other version. Maybe it is something that could be test.

CM4F Groups
Community Messaging 4 Forums
Bridging Worlds Mail-Forum-CMS
