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Started by snork13, August 22, 2006, 08:53:53 AM

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Is it possible to set the permission by Board or at least by Category, snork? We have areas where members can play with all the toys but the usual suspects invariably forget to tone it down when in the more serious areas.
SMF v2.1.4  Mods : Snow & Garland v1.4, Simple Image Upload v2.0.0,  PHP  v.8.1


Quote from: YogiBear on September 28, 2009, 04:51:39 PM
Is it possible to set the permission by Board or at least by Category, snork? We have areas where members can play with all the toys but the usual suspects invariably forget to tone it down when in the more serious areas.

not at this point, you could add a check for board manually. i swapped at work and home, but maybe i can look into for a future release
Please DO NOT PM me with requests for individual support, but post your questions and concerns in the appropriate section of the forum where other users can benefit from them as well. Thank you.
I have been super busy as of late. Working on updates to all my modifications for 2.0.1


Just grabbed this one, working perfectly on SMF 2 RC1.2 :)

Thanks, nice mod.

I was going to create this one myself, that's how I found it :)

SMF 2.0 RC5

Webhost to New Webhost file transfer service, PM me - Fast transfers



One issue, when this mod is installed, quick modify no longer works. ???

SMF 2.0 RC5

Webhost to New Webhost file transfer service, PM me - Fast transfers


Quote from: ♪ JohnCcCcCc ♫ on October 14, 2009, 12:59:43 AM

One issue, when this mod is installed, quick modify no longer works. ???

I never had that issue when testing unless you had too many smilies
Please DO NOT PM me with requests for individual support, but post your questions and concerns in the appropriate section of the forum where other users can benefit from them as well. Thank you.
I have been super busy as of late. Working on updates to all my modifications for 2.0.1


It does it on all of my quick edits even where no smileys are ???

SMF 2.0 RC5

Webhost to New Webhost file transfer service, PM me - Fast transfers


I found a glitch hehehe. It treats the code and hide tags as smileys. I have mine set up to limit it to 3 smileys per post. I just tried to make a post on my site that had more than 3 sets of code and hide tags - there were NO smileys in the post whatsoever - and it would not let me post it. I received the message that I was only allowed 3 smileys per post and to go back and remove some of them. The minute I removed all the code and hide tags except for 3 (of each), it let me make the post.

(I use the code tags inside of my hide tags)

How do we fix this?


this mod is not working for me....

i have the smf Version 1.1.11 when i tried to install this but no luckk

how can i limit smilies without using this mod??? and do we have any other mods for limit smilies..

Chas Large

This mod works fine in 1.1.11. I had a support request for a version for 1.1.11

I edited Snork's package info file from 1.1.10 to 1.1.11 in two places, added that file back into the archive, uploaded and installed it OK.

Attached is the edited archive, I hope you don't mind Snork :)
My Modifications :)  My Forum

Please DO NOT PM me with support requests. Post the problem in the appropriate Support Board so everyone can benefit from the advice given.


after I install this mod I got a ?> sign in upper left corner of the page when i making a reply?

Quote from: JohnCcCcCc on October 14, 2009, 12:59:43 AM

One issue, when this mod is installed, quick modify no longer works. ???

Had the same issue.

Uninstall and reinstall fixed this.

I also figured out a ?> was added to every page when this bug appeared.

Before the uninstall/reinstall of the mod, my html looked like:

?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

After it reinstall it fixed itself:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

It should also be noted that you can get around the smiley limit by using the quick modify feature. When you edit an existing post using that feature, you can add unlimited smileys.

Ignore my previous post.

I did some further digging: if you enable caching, the bugs starts to appear again. It only seems to work with caching disabled.


Okay, I did some more digging and fixed the caching issue:

Open up ./Themes/default/languages/Post.english.php
At the end you will find:

[...other mod settings...]

$txt['error_smiley_limit'] = 'You can add '. $modSettings['smileyNumber'] .' smilies per post. Remove some smileys and try again.';?>

change this to:

[...other mod settings...]

$txt['error_smiley_limit'] = 'You can add '. $modSettings['smileyNumber'] .' smilies per post. Remove some smileys and try again.';

(Notice how the ?> has it's own line now)
Now open up your ftp client and go to your forum cache folder and delete every file except .htaccess.

Refresh the page (after enabling cache again) and your quick modify works fine again.

Warning! Doing this will break the uninstall for this mod. You need to add the ?> on the same line again for the uninstaller to start working again.


Hello snork13

A prima mod. Could you maybe update this to the version 2.0 RC4?

Thx and greetings  ;)



I added SmileyLimit manual on my SMF 2.0 RC5 and works fine! Thx snork13, so no longer messages with 20 or more smileys but only 7.


To get this mod to work in SMF 2.0 RC4/RC5 do the following edit in the "package-info.xml" file.

Find :
<uninstall for="2.0 RC3">

Replace With :
<install for="2.0 RC3, 2.0 RC4, 2.0 RC5">

Find :
<uninstall for="2.0 RC3">

Replace With :
<uninstall for="2.0 RC3, 2.0 RC4, 2.0 RC5">



works this Mod with SMF 2 RC1.2 ?


Quote from: Maria_HH on April 29, 2011, 05:34:59 AM

works this Mod with SMF 2 RC1.2 ?

Why are you using a 2 year old version of SMF that has multiple known (and exploited) security holes?
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.



How can I make this mod work with smf 2.0 ?


i will be updating it, along with others.
Please DO NOT PM me with requests for individual support, but post your questions and concerns in the appropriate section of the forum where other users can benefit from them as well. Thank you.
I have been super busy as of late. Working on updates to all my modifications for 2.0.1


Oké, thanks snork13  ;)
