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Problem with email

Started by InfoStrides, May 31, 2010, 05:04:12 PM

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Kill Em All

Try replacing your upgrade_2-0_mysql.sql that is in the same directory as your upgrade.php with this file provided. Then run the upgrade.php again.

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Quote from: Kill Em All on June 17, 2010, 07:45:22 PM
Try replacing your upgrade_2-0_mysql.sql that is in the same directory as your upgrade.php with this file provided. Then run the upgrade.php again.

There was no difference. Similar error occurred.

Kill Em All

After looking at your error and the upgrade_2-0_mysql.sql file, I have no idea what might be the problem. I had one hunch at first, but I do not think it was right. I'm gonna see if anyone else might know what the problem may be. Sorry I could not be further help. I'll post back if I come up with a better solution.

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Quote from: Kill Em All on June 18, 2010, 01:35:46 AM
After looking at your error and the upgrade_2-0_mysql.sql file, I have no idea what might be the problem. I had one hunch at first, but I do not think it was right. I'm gonna see if anyone else might know what the problem may be. Sorry I could not be further help. I'll post back if I come up with a better solution.

Thank you very much for your help.

Kill Em All

In your database, look in your smf_settings table. Replace "smf" with the prefix you typed when installing SMF. Look for a variable in there that says "smfVersion" and let us know what it says for it. It should say SMF 2.0 RC2.

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Quote from: Kill Em All on June 19, 2010, 02:56:09 PM
In your database, look in your smf_settings table. Replace "smf" with the prefix you typed when installing SMF. Look for a variable in there that says "smfVersion" and let us know what it says for it. It should say SMF 2.0 RC2.

I have the correct prefix in it "infostrides_settings". I checked for the variable "smfVersion", there is nothing like that there. Please find below contents of "_settings"

     Edit      Delete     rand_seed     xxxxxxxx
   Edit    Delete    next_task_time    xxxxxxxx
   Edit    Delete    memberlist_updated    xxxxxxx
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   Edit    Delete    totalTopics    3916
   Edit    Delete    spider_name_cache    xxxxxxxxx..
   Edit    Delete    admin_features    xxxxxxxx
   Edit    Delete    cal_enabled    1
   Edit    Delete    karmaMode    2
   Edit    Delete    warning_settings    0,,
   Edit    Delete    spider_mode    x
   Edit    Delete    allow_guestAccess    x
   Edit    Delete    allow_hideOnline    x
   Edit    Delete    number_format    1234.00
   Edit    Delete    default_timezone    Africa/Lagos
   Edit    Delete    lastActive    1440
   Edit    Delete    trackStats    1
   Edit    Delete    hitStats    1
   Edit    Delete    allow_disableAnnounce    x
   Edit    Delete    mostOnline    1240
   Edit    Delete    mostDate    xxxxxxxx
   Edit    Delete    mostOnlineUpdated    2010-07-01
   Edit    Delete    mostOnlineToday    684
   Edit    Delete    time_format    %B %d, %Y, %I:%M %p
   Edit    Delete    topbottomEnable    1
   Edit    Delete    defaultMaxMembers    25


I expanded all "_settings" to check all variables inside but could not see anything like "smfVersion"

Kill Em All

Would you mind sending me login details for phpmyadmin for me to take a look at your database.

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