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Stop Spammer

Started by M-DVD, December 31, 2008, 07:31:43 AM

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Quote from: Wizzlefits on May 10, 2010, 12:38:43 AM
Make sure you check the radio button next to then choose 1.1.11 and then hit the parse button.
Thanks. FYI that page does not load correctly in Firefox 3.6.3, no radio buttons. Used IE, that worked fine.

[edit]PS: Seems like the only custom editing required to install 2.3.7 on SMF 1.1.11 to update a custom theme not already hit by the standard install is to add the mod text in the parse to the language file(s) Modifications.[language].php. I'm only using English and that one edit solved the issues.


$txt['stopspammer_error'] = 'خطا في قاعدة بيانات السبام . فشل في الاتصال <br />
يرجئ اعادة المحاولة ثانية او الاتصال بمسوول السيرفر';
$txt['stopspammer_count'] = 'المحاولات التي تم منعها لغاية اليوم';
$txt['stopspammer_title'] = 'ابحث عن معلومات اكثر في `منتديات ايقاف السبام`';
$txt['stopspammer_enable'] = 'تفعيل!ايقاف خاصية منع السبام';
$txt['stopspammer_show01'] = 'اظهر الرابط "معلومات اكثر" لكل الاعضاء';
$txt['stopspammer_show01_sub'] = 'بامكانك معاينة اي عضو بمجرد الضغط علئ الزر';
$txt['stopspammer_faildb'] = 'اذا فشل الارتباط مع قاعدة بيانات الانتي سبام';
$txt['stopspammer_fail01'] = 'اظهر خطا وتوقف عن التسجيل';
$txt['stopspammer_fail02'] = 'اسمح بالتسجيل الفوري';
$txt['stopspammer_fail03'] = 'تفعيل العضو ولونه بلون اصفر لمتابعته مستقبلا';
$txt['stopspammer_faildb1_sub'] = 'بامكان مجهزك الاتصال بقاعدة بيانات الانتي سبام';
$txt['stopspammer_faildb2_sub'] = 'مجهزك غير قادر علئ الاتصال بقاعدة بيانات الانتي سبام. يرجئ المحاولة لاحقا.<br />اذا استمر ظهور هذا الخطا اطلب المساعدة من خلال

منتديات الانتي سبام ;
$txt['stopspammer_not_translate'] = '<a href=""><span

class="error"><b>Known Issues</b></span></a>';
$txt['stopspammer_leyd01'] = 'ليس محاولا للسبام: هذه المعلومات غير محفوظة في قاعدة بيانات ايقاف السبام. ولكن بامكانك المعاينة';
$txt['stopspammer_leyd02'] = 'مشتبه به:لايمكن معاينة سجل هذا الشخص حاول المعاينة الان';
$txt['stopspammer_leyd03'] = 'محاولة سبام: انظر الئ المزيد من المعلومات عن نشاط هذا الشخص ';
$txt['stopspammer_profilecheck'] = 'عاين هذا الشخص';
$txt['stopspammer_limitexceded'] = 'لقد تجاوزت حدود المعاينة (5000  استفسار في اليوم).<br />يجب الانتضار لغاية يوم غد لمعاودة المعاينة.';
$txt['in_stop_forum_spam'] = 'في منتديات ايقاف السبام:';
$txt['spammers_checks'] = 'معاينة هولاء الاعضاء';
$txt['spammers_report'] = 'التبليغ عن هولاء الاعضاء';
$txt['confirm_spammers_checks'] = 'هل انت متاكد من معاينة الاشخاص الذين تم اختيارهم؟';
$txt['confirm_spammers_report'] = 'هل انت متاكد من رغبتك في التبليغ عن هولاء الاشخاص؟\n\n
فكر حينما تبلغ عن اي عضو فان هذا العضو سوف يعلم كمحاول للسبام حول العالم \nوليس بامكانهم \\\'استخدام اي من المنتديات المرتبطة بهذا البرنامج حول العالم\n\nلقم بالتبليغ فقط

اذا كنت متاكدا كليا ان الشخص محولا للسبام واذا ارتكبت خطا\nقم بالتبليغ بالسرعة الممكنة لمبرمج هذه الخاصية\\\'لاصلاح الخطا في قاعدة البيانات الخاصة بالسبام';
$txt['stopspammer_api_key'] = 'مفتاح ال اي بي اي الخاص بك';
$txt['stopspammer_api_key_sub'] = 'اذا رغبت باستخدام مفتاح ال اي بي اي الخاص بك يجب ان تذهب اولا الئ <a

href="" target="_blank"></a>للتسجيل للحصول علئ مفتاح وتدوينه هنا. اذا لم تسجل او

لاتملك مفتاحا فاترك المساحة فارغة والخاصية ستستخدم المفتاح العام';
$txt['stopspammer_check_sub1'] = '<br />اذا قمت بتفعيل خاصية ايقاف محاولات السبام, كل مرة تقوم بمعاينة اي شخص';
$txt['stopspammer_check_name'] = 'معاينة اسم المشترك';
$txt['stopspammer_check_mail'] = 'معاينة عنوان البريد الالكتروني';
$txt['stopspammer_check_ip'] = 'معاينة عنوان ال اي بي';
$txt['stopspammer_check_sub2'] = 'بصورة عامة, كل مرة تقوم بمعاينة اي شخص باستخدام خاصية ايقاف مخاولات السبام فان البرنامج سيقوم بفحص اسم المشترك, عنوان البريد

الالكتروني له وعنوان ال اي بي الخاص به. اذا حصلت علئ نتائج ايجابية كثيرة ولكنها غير حقيقية بسبب اسم الستخدم فبامكانك ايقاف خاصية البحث عن الاسم. لايحبذ الغاء الخاصيتين

الاخرتان (البحث في عنوان البريد الالكتروني وعنوان ال اي بي) مالم تكون علئ علم تام بما تفعل;


QuoteThanks. FYI that page does not load correctly in Firefox 3.6.3, no radio buttons. Used IE, that worked fine.
humm... I'm using FF 3.6.3 and they show.  Oh well, at least ya got it working.


where the author?
Last Activity: February 13, 2010, 11:19:25 О_о


Quote from: ZeUsSaN on May 10, 2010, 07:27:43 PM
where the author?
Last Activity: February 13, 2010, 11:19:25 О_о
Snoopy took over this mod. He was here today.;u=68708


Anyone working on this for RC3 ?
I'm getting too old for this!

my forum is on RC3... and working fine.


My test site is RC3 and it works perfect, along with httpBL and Bad Behavior mods.


Quote from: ZeUsSaN on May 10, 2010, 07:27:43 PM
where the author?
Last Activity: February 13, 2010, 11:19:25 О_о

I'm here.

I read every day all the posts, but normally never answer any of them because by the time I read them, either Arantor or Wizzlefits had already answered them and I don't see any point on answering twice the same question.  ;D

El verdadero sabio es aquel que lo ve todo, lo estudia todo, lo analiza todo y molesta poco.
A true wise man is he who sees everything, studies everything, analyses everything and hardly ever annoys.


When the mod author isn't seen for extended periods, some might think the mod will no longer have bug fixes, features added etc.
Some might also not realize that some authors make a living coding and these mods are just side projects, and at times it might be a little bit before a author can reply. Gotta feed the family first. ;)

With that being said,
Some people just can't help giving a helping hand. Or in this case a helping post. LOL!

Living Proof

Quote from: Wizzlefits on May 11, 2010, 07:44:19 AM
My test site is RC3 and it works perfect, along with httpBL and Bad Behavior mods.

I have tried installing but get the error:
11.   Add Before   ./Sources/ManageMembers.php   Test failed

Would it be safe to install and manually add the script in ManageMemebrs.php?


Quote from: Living Proof on May 17, 2010, 09:51:24 AM
Quote from: Wizzlefits on May 11, 2010, 07:44:19 AM
My test site is RC3 and it works perfect, along with httpBL and Bad Behavior mods.

I have tried installing but get the error:
11.   Add Before   ./Sources/ManageMembers.php   Test failed

Would it be safe to install and manually add the script in ManageMemebrs.php?

Yes you can.
Just make sure to backup ManageMembers.php before editing it.  ;)


When can we expect the new languages to be included?


Hi Snoop . . . I'm having a weird problem. One of my regular forum members has suddenly appeared on the awaiting approval list.
I didn't put him there. So, I figured I'd just check on his entry (he's the only one on the list) and use the drop down menu to approve him.

Problem is . . . there are no options  on the drop down list that just say "approve"

My drop down list looks like this:

With Selected:
Approve (Delete Accounts)

When I click on Approve (Delete Accounts) I get a pop up that asks if I want to delete selected members
And when I choose Reject, of course, I get a pop up that asks me if I want to reject all selected members

I don't want to do either of those things, I just want to clear him off the awaiting approval list . . .

Am I missing something?


Quote from: subcor on June 19, 2010, 10:18:51 AM
When can we expect the new languages to be included?

Sorry I've been too busy with other things. I'll do that as soon as I have some spare time.

El verdadero sabio es aquel que lo ve todo, lo estudia todo, lo analiza todo y molesta poco.
A true wise man is he who sees everything, studies everything, analyses everything and hardly ever annoys.


Quote from: codysan on June 23, 2010, 11:51:00 PM
Hi Snoop . . . I'm having a weird problem. One of my regular forum members has suddenly appeared on the awaiting approval list.
I didn't put him there. So, I figured I'd just check on his entry (he's the only one on the list) and use the drop down menu to approve him.

Problem is . . . there are no options  on the drop down list that just say "approve"

My drop down list looks like this:

With Selected:
Approve (Delete Accounts)

When I click on Approve (Delete Accounts) I get a pop up that asks if I want to delete selected members
And when I choose Reject, of course, I get a pop up that asks me if I want to reject all selected members

I don't want to do either of those things, I just want to clear him off the awaiting approval list . . .

Am I missing something?

It looks like you have a problem with your SMF installation. That drop down list should have a few more options.

Anyway this mod doesn't touch that drop down list at all, so your problem must be due to something else.

The first thing you should do is to approve that member going directly inside your database:

Assuming you can access your DB (using a program like phpMyAdmin or anything similar) go to your "members" table, look for that particular member and change the values of "is_activated" to 1 and "is_spammer" to 0.

Another way of doing this is going to the profile page of that member. I am sure there is always a button inside the profile page of every non-approved member saying "approve this account" or something similar.

Of course doing this you only sort the problem about this particular member, but you still need to sort the problem with your drop down list.

Try to search inside a more general help sub-forum (inside this SMF forum) to see if anybody can give you a hand with that to see why your drop down list doesn't look like everybody else.

Anyway, if you cannot find help anywhere else, come back and tell me. I will do an effort and will try to find some time to analyse your SMF installation to see where is the problem.

El verdadero sabio es aquel que lo ve todo, lo estudia todo, lo analiza todo y molesta poco.
A true wise man is he who sees everything, studies everything, analyses everything and hardly ever annoys.


Arabic files is attached

Arabic Translator - Web Designer
My Mods / My Themes  //  GfxLand


We've had a bit of a issue with Stop Spammer unfortunately a registered account was deleted prior to a flagged spammer being "approved". The forum header still states 1APPROVE and when your taken to the relevant page no members appear for approval. If we remove the mod and delete the files the issue goes away only to reappear on reinstall. Anyone know of a solution please?


Solved,registered a spammer and applied a rejection cleared the forum header '1APPROVE'


Quote from: stevehow on July 02, 2010, 08:30:45 AM
We've had a bit of a issue with Stop Spammer unfortunately a registered account was deleted prior to a flagged spammer being "approved". The forum header still states 1APPROVE and when your taken to the relevant page no members appear for approval. If we remove the mod and delete the files the issue goes away only to reappear on reinstall. Anyone know of a solution please?

Quote from: stevehow on July 02, 2010, 11:57:31 AM
Solved,registered a spammer and applied a rejection cleared the forum header '1APPROVE'

I don't think that have sorted your problem.

This mod have had this bug since the first version done by M-DVD 2 years ago. One of these days I need to concentrate on it and sort it.

El verdadero sabio es aquel que lo ve todo, lo estudia todo, lo analiza todo y molesta poco.
A true wise man is he who sees everything, studies everything, analyses everything and hardly ever annoys.
