Hide Tag Special

Started by enik, April 11, 2005, 03:41:07 PM

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Hide Tag Special 3.0 by

Important!!For Smf 2.0 RC5 and 2.0.* please use HideTagSpecial30_(Only_for_2.0).zip


Este mod insertara el tag BBC [hide][/hide].
Con esto se puede ocultar el texto, imagenes, enlaces, casi todo lo que entre en los tags [hide][/hide]

Las opciones de este mod se encuentran en:
Admin -> Hide Tag Special

Copyright 2011 by enik @ visita www.smfpersonal.net/ para soporte oficial.

Si tu quieres ayudarnos,por favor visita nuestra seccion de contribuciones:


This mod add the tag BBC [hide][/hide].
This can hide the text, images, links, almost everything between the tags [hide][/hide]

The options of this mod are in:
Admin -> Hide Tag Special

Copyright 2011 by enik @ visit www.smfpersonal.net/ for official support.

If you want help, please visit our contributions section:

Nueva versión:

  ° Mejor manejo en administración.
  ° Añadida la etiqueta bbc en el area de posteo (Se activa o desactiva desde admin.) en Admin/Mensajes y temas/Codigos BBC/Activar Tags BBC
  ° Añadidos los idiomas Español es y latin.

New version:

   ° Better management in administration.
   ° Add the tag bbc in the area of posting (It turns on or off from admin.) in Admin/post and topics/Bulletin Board Code/Enabled BBC tags
   ° Added languages Spanish es and Latin.

Importante esta version no soporta upgrades.
Ya que es completamente nueva.

Note this version does not support upgrades.
It is completely new.


This code add a [hide][/hide] to the code.
All between the [hide] can be seen only after you post in the thread.

The Options for it can be found in:
Admin -> Hide Tag Special


haven't tested it yet but wanted to say this feature is requested on my forum, so much appreciated.


Looks like this mod is causing an error when using SSI

Notice: Undefined index: hide_hiddentext in /home/domain/public_html/nameless/forum/Sources/Subs.php on line 991

Notice: Undefined index: hide_hiddentext in /home/domain/public_html/nameless/forum/Sources/Subs.php on line 1004

My home page is all tweaked now. I uninstalled the mod and I can't get rid of the error messages. :(

Skate, Snow, and Surf - SF Boarders - Bringing San Francisco Bay Area boarders together.


Quote from: nameless on April 26, 2005, 03:43:56 AM
Looks like this mod is causing an error when using SSI

Notice: Undefined index: hide_hiddentext in /home/domain/public_html/nameless/forum/Sources/Subs.php on line 991

Notice: Undefined index: hide_hiddentext in /home/domain/public_html/nameless/forum/Sources/Subs.php on line 1004

My home page is all tweaked now. I uninstalled the mod and I can't get rid of the error messages. :(

hmmm you deinstalled it and this error coming up?
Or only after you installed it?

Are you use the Faster Parse Code? (Because i don't tested it with this).

Hmmm ssi.php i think it should work there, but i must test it ;)... tested it and it work... because it load the subs.php and is this file loaded the script should work...

After your installed it:
This error cames only if the language file for you language is not updated.

<edit file>
$languagedir/index."YOUR LANGUAGE".php
</edit file>

<search for>
</search for>

<add before>
$txt['hide_hiddentext'] = 'Hmmm there is a secret in this post :D';
</add before>

After deinstall...:
Are your sure you have no errors after deinstalling?

Support only via MOD Thread! NO PM Support!
My Forum: ayu][kult Forum
My Mods: My Small Mod Collection
My Parser: DIN1031's ModParser
Current Info: More away the next days, because i've to much work to do :x


When I installed it I got those errors. When I uninstalled it they still showed up because the code was still in Subs.php. I had to manually remove it.

I do not have Faster Parse Code installed. I only have the shoutmod installed.

Skate, Snow, and Surf - SF Boarders - Bringing San Francisco Bay Area boarders together.


Quote from: nameless on April 26, 2005, 11:26:01 AM
When I installed it I got those errors. When I uninstalled it they still showed up because the code was still in Subs.php. I had to manually remove it.

I do not have Faster Parse Code installed. I only have the shoutmod installed.
Hmmm... i try it again deinstall, install, deinstall, install... i never geht a error...

What kind of errors appers after you install it... it's a little misterios for me...
Support only via MOD Thread! NO PM Support!
My Forum: ayu][kult Forum
My Mods: My Small Mod Collection
My Parser: DIN1031's ModParser
Current Info: More away the next days, because i've to much work to do :x


Those are the exact errors I get. It says it right above the SSI information .

Skate, Snow, and Surf - SF Boarders - Bringing San Francisco Bay Area boarders together.


Quote from: nameless on April 26, 2005, 05:34:49 PM
Those are the exact errors I get. It says it right above the SSI information .
Somehow i understand it know :). (My brain is standing a little bit away from me *sneakaway*)

Hmm this error appers only, if someone used a other language than english or german...

Hmmm it can also be... that i used i think i use the wrong language file for this... a language file that's not loaded in the ssi... i try to find the right one (that one who loads everywhere also in the ssi pages...).

Support only via MOD Thread! NO PM Support!
My Forum: ayu][kult Forum
My Mods: My Small Mod Collection
My Parser: DIN1031's ModParser
Current Info: More away the next days, because i've to much work to do :x


I love this mod, but can you make it work with the Faster Parsecode?


Quote from: Rianna on April 27, 2005, 07:14:56 PM
I love this mod, but can you make it work with the Faster Parsecode?
Hmmm i must update the old version so i think i try it :).
(bwuhaha i wrtite you a pm when i finshed because i need a test person for this *runsandhide*)
Support only via MOD Thread! NO PM Support!
My Forum: ayu][kult Forum
My Mods: My Small Mod Collection
My Parser: DIN1031's ModParser
Current Info: More away the next days, because i've to much work to do :x


Version: 1.10
- Fix a error in the SSI include (i don't know why this happend but know there should be never a porblem again :D)
- The alternativ text for the hide can now be changed in the Forum Settings.
- The Admin can know allowed to view every hide without a post
- And a very very small chance to view the hiden text without post (very very difficullt to find but know there is no chance to view it without post.)

Deinstall the old Version before you install the new Version.
Support only via MOD Thread! NO PM Support!
My Forum: ayu][kult Forum
My Mods: My Small Mod Collection
My Parser: DIN1031's ModParser
Current Info: More away the next days, because i've to much work to do :x


I installed Version: FP1.11 had to add the following manually because I couldn't find it

<search for>
array('check', 'descr_allow'),
</search for>

<add before>
array('text', 'hide_hiddentext'),
array('check', 'hide_adminshouldsee'),
</add before>

I tested this but when I reply back it just shows the hidden text. I can't see the information I entered in [hide][/hide]

Skate, Snow, and Surf - SF Boarders - Bringing San Francisco Bay Area boarders together.


I cant find this:

array('check', 'descr_allow')



Hmmm i... so i must install the faster parsment on a test instalation...
i remove it from the dl list...

Quote from: nameless on April 29, 2005, 03:40:19 PM
I installed Version: FP1.11 had to add the following manually because I couldn't find it

<search for>
array('check', 'descr_allow'),
</search for>

<add before>
array('text', 'hide_hiddentext'),
array('check', 'hide_adminshouldsee'),
</add before>

I tested this but when I reply back it just shows the hidden text. I can't see the information I entered in [hide][/hide]
Sorry for using the wrong line some how i came one line below the line i want to use...

Found the error... never thought that there a global is missing...

In the Subs.php

<search for>
function parsecode(&$message)
global $modSettings, $scripturl, $txt;
</search for>

function parsecode(&$message)
global $modSettings, $scripturl, $txt, $context;

I think now it should work :).

Quote from: whatever on April 29, 2005, 05:34:28 PM
I cant find this:
array('check', 'descr_allow')

This one should work...

<edit file>
</edit file>

<search for>
array('check', 'enableBBC'),
</search for>

<add after>
array('text', 'hide_hiddentext'),
array('check', 'hide_adminshouldsee'),
</add after>

Bye and Thx for the help...
Support only via MOD Thread! NO PM Support!
My Forum: ayu][kult Forum
My Mods: My Small Mod Collection
My Parser: DIN1031's ModParser
Current Info: More away the next days, because i've to much work to do :x


Skate, Snow, and Surf - SF Boarders - Bringing San Francisco Bay Area boarders together.


It still doesn't work with Faster Parsecode... =(
The ModSettings.php & Subs.php


Quote from: Rianna on April 30, 2005, 11:08:05 PM
It still doesn't work with Faster Parsecode... =(
The ModSettings.php & Subs.php
I make a new version 1.11b i think than it should work :).

Thx namless for the information =)

Version FP1.11b
FP = Faster Parsecode
Sould work know.
This Version is only for the faster parsecode and do not work with the normal install!
(Deinstall FP1.11 (if installed) and install than FP1.11b).
Support only via MOD Thread! NO PM Support!
My Forum: ayu][kult Forum
My Mods: My Small Mod Collection
My Parser: DIN1031's ModParser
Current Info: More away the next days, because i've to much work to do :x


Install Actions for archive HideTagModFP111b11.tar.gz:
Installing this package will perform the following actions:  Type Action Description
1. Execute Modification .\Sources/ModSettings.php Failure
2. Execute Modification .\Sources/Display.php Success
3. Execute Modification .\Sources/Post.php Success
4. Execute Modification .\Sources/Printpage.php Success
5. Execute Modification .\Sources/Subs.php Failure
6. Execute Modification .\Themes\default/languages/ModSettings.english.php Success
7. Execute Modification .\Themes\default/languages/ModSettings.german.php File not found

any idea??

and How do I manually uninstall hide hack 1.0 ?? It's saying 'subs.php = failure' When trying to unstall..

best regards.


Quote from: keisko on May 05, 2005, 04:28:05 AM
Install Actions for archive HideTagModFP111b11.tar.gz:
Installing this package will perform the following actions:  Type Action Description
1. Execute Modification .\Sources/ModSettings.php Failure
2. Execute Modification .\Sources/Display.php Success
3. Execute Modification .\Sources/Post.php Success
4. Execute Modification .\Sources/Printpage.php Success
5. Execute Modification .\Sources/Subs.php Failure
6. Execute Modification .\Themes\default/languages/ModSettings.english.php Success
7. Execute Modification .\Themes\default/languages/ModSettings.german.php File not found

any idea??

and How do I manually uninstall hide hack 1.0 ?? It's saying 'subs.php = failure' When trying to unstall..

best regards.

First you install the Version with the mod for the fast parsment... so if you not install the fast parsment mod it would find the right informations in the subs php...

the subs.php uninstall for version 1.0.

Search this

// The HideTag :)
if (isset($context['user_post_avaible'])) {
$codefromcache[] = "~\[hide\](.+?)\[\/hide\]~i";
if ($context['user_post_avaible'] == 1)
        $codetocache[] = '<b>$1</b>';
    $codetocache[] = $txt['hide_hiddentext'];
else {
$codefromcache[] = "~\[hide\](.+?)\[\/hide\]~i";
    $codetocache[] = $txt['hide_hiddentext'];

and remove it ;).

An Please be sure that you install the right hide tag for your istall...
Support only via MOD Thread! NO PM Support!
My Forum: ayu][kult Forum
My Mods: My Small Mod Collection
My Parser: DIN1031's ModParser
Current Info: More away the next days, because i've to much work to do :x


Quote from: din1031 on May 05, 2005, 10:10:49 AM
Quote from: keisko on May 05, 2005, 04:28:05 AM
Install Actions for archive HideTagModFP111b11.tar.gz:
Installing this package will perform the following actions:  Type Action Description
1. Execute Modification .\Sources/ModSettings.php Failure
2. Execute Modification .\Sources/Display.php Success
3. Execute Modification .\Sources/Post.php Success
4. Execute Modification .\Sources/Printpage.php Success
5. Execute Modification .\Sources/Subs.php Failure
6. Execute Modification .\Themes\default/languages/ModSettings.english.php Success
7. Execute Modification .\Themes\default/languages/ModSettings.german.php File not found

any idea??

and How do I manually uninstall hide hack 1.0 ?? It's saying 'subs.php = failure' When trying to unstall..

best regards.

First you install the Version with the mod for the fast parsment... so if you not install the fast parsment mod it would find the right informations in the subs php...

the subs.php uninstall for version 1.0.

Search this

// The HideTag :)
if (isset($context['user_post_avaible'])) {
$codefromcache[] = "~\[hide\](.+?)\[\/hide\]~i";
if ($context['user_post_avaible'] == 1)
        $codetocache[] = '<b>$1</b>';
    $codetocache[] = $txt['hide_hiddentext'];
else {
$codefromcache[] = "~\[hide\](.+?)\[\/hide\]~i";
    $codetocache[] = $txt['hide_hiddentext'];

and remove it ;).

An Please be sure that you install the right hide tag for your istall...

I can't see that lines in subs.php..
and still that mod not works..
finally, thank yours help..
