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SMFPacks Minimun Characters or Words Mod

Started by Nibogo, December 05, 2008, 03:31:53 PM

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this mod sounds great! any chance of getting it for 1.1.8 please?


Nice mod, but it would be nicer if it checked for quoted text too. I mean, many people use to quote someone's post and after that they only write a couple of words, or a smiley.
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SMF 2.0 RC5

Webhost to New Webhost file transfer service, PM me - Fast transfers


yep, very nice, stops those spammers posting single worded threads, waste of a post lol..

thanks again nice mod

SMF 2.0 RC5

Webhost to New Webhost file transfer service, PM me - Fast transfers


Tried to manually edit this so it would work on the theme we use.

The edit was made yet the mod isn't working as it should.

2.0 RC1-1


Installed on 2 RC 1.2 and am no getting the following error:

==>906: $txt['error_minChar'] = 'The message does not meet the minimum character requirements (' . $modSettings['minChar'] . ' characters).';

: Undefined index: minChar
File: /web/cache/lang_index+Modifications_english_default.php
Line: 906 

Please advise. Thx


Quote from: TheListener on July 02, 2009, 06:36:46 PM
Tried to manually edit this so it would work on the theme we use.

The edit was made yet the mod isn't working as it should.

2.0 RC1-1



Quote from: NIBOGO on August 04, 2009, 03:18:03 PM
Works great, tested in my localhost on a fresh install of SMF so the mod works great ;)

Try to re-install the mod and set the admin settings for this mod

2 RC 1.2?


Quote from: NIBOGO on August 04, 2009, 03:18:03 PM
Works great, tested in my localhost on a fresh install of SMF so the mod works great ;)

Try to re-install the mod and set the admin settings for this mod

No difference.


NIBOGO que bueno que hablas español!

Tengo este problema, en mi log de errores siempre me bota esto :;board=humor-y-curiosidades;topic=aprendiendo-los-tipos-de-%27modelos-economicos%27-con-distante.msg22185&topicseen

8: Undefined index: minWordLen

Línea: 191

Siempre la misma linea la 191, esta contiene esto

$txt['error_minWordLen'] = 'El mensaje no tiene la cantidad minima de palabras requeridas: (' . $modSettings['minWordLen'] . ' palabras).';

Alguna idea de que puede estar mal?  :-\


Nice Mod

Here to include the German

$txt['minWordLen'] = 'Min. Wörter pro Beitrag';
$txt['minwords_mod'] = 'Wörter';
$txt['minChar'] = 'Min. Zeichen pro Beitrag';
$txt['minchars_mod'] = 'Zeichen';
$txt['minmod_zero'] = '0 für kein Min. setzen.';
$txt['minAdminLen'] = 'Min. Wörter oder Zeichen bei Admins ignorieren';
$txt['error_minWordLen'] = 'Die Nachricht hat zu wenige Wörter. (min. bitte ' . $modSettings['minWordLen'] . ' Wörter eingeben.)';
$txt['error_minChar'] = 'Die Nachricht hat zu wenige Zeichen. (min. bitte ' . $modSettings['minChar'] . ' Zeichen eingeben.)';
I worked with:
SMF 2 in German

SID Giessen


     Apply Filter: Only show the errors of this type  Type of error: Undefined
Apply Filter: Only show the error messages of this URL;area=postsettings;sa=topics
Apply Filter: Only show the errors with the same message
8: Undefined index: minChar
Apply Filter: Only show the errors from this file
Line: 602

Attachment supplied


I just want to say that this mod works for SMF 2.0 RC2, too.

Take this post as a kind of request, because when I tried to install the package, it said the package was not compatible with 2.0RC2. I emulated the version to RC1 but it said the same thing. At last I found the manual copy/past instructions (from install.xml) and installed it manually; the package worked without requiring any modifications.

In short, it would be great for RC2 users if you put 2.0 RC2 as compatible version to the package-info.
