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Audible PM

Started by brianjw, December 05, 2008, 03:41:56 PM

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Quote from: societyofrobots on January 30, 2009, 09:34:26 PM
And perhaps a bug with the Audible PM . . . it doesn't play a sound when I'm listening to mp3's using WinAmp. The manual install worked, but I never heard anything because of this . . .
I really doubt this is a bug with the mod. There might be something causing this to happen on your computer or a setting in WinAmp but I don't think the mod is advanced enough to have the capability to even have a bug like this. It's also swf, so that definitely pulls me off track to why it would be the mod. I think it's your computer.


That sounds like a soundcard setting - being able to play more than one sound at a time.
« Next Edit: Tomorrow at 08:34:45 PM by SunKing »   <---- « someone stole my sig... :o »


Perhaps a .swf bug?

I can play as many sounds as I want simultaneously with all my programs, except this.

Can someone verify the problem by playing WinAmp while getting a new message?


Quote from: brianjw on January 24, 2009, 04:31:35 PM

Not too much editing in the next version though. The next version will have an admin panel with settings where you can set almost all of the options possible without manually modifying the code.

I will anxiously be waiting for this to release.


Quote from: societyofrobots on February 06, 2009, 12:48:53 AM
Perhaps a .swf bug?

I can play as many sounds as I want simultaneously with all my programs, except this.

Can someone verify the problem by playing WinAmp while getting a new message?

Have to agree with the above conclusion.

I can explain this as simply as possible.. If I do it & implement I guarantee it.
If I do it and you implement it its a crap shoot.


This doesnt work with 1.1.8?

If not can it be made to work with 1.1.8 please?


I will update it soon.



I tried this, with 1.8 and it says it's not compatible.  I went back and tried the smf parser with both, and got the same from the parser?  What am I doing wrong?
Learning SMF..... Thanks for your help!


The mod has not been setup to work with 1.1.8 yet through the actual package, however if you remove the version in the package-info.xml file then it will go through the package manager and parser fine.


Quote from: brianjw on April 27, 2009, 10:20:56 PM
The mod has not been setup to work with 1.1.8 yet through the actual package, however if you remove the version in the package-info.xml file then it will go through the package manager and parser fine.

Yup That did it, I changed it from 1.1.7 to 1.1.8 on both lines and it stalled fine, Thanks, Dave


Not sure if I am Supposed To Do this, But I am just trying to help, I attached the 2 versions that are edited and now work in the package manager with 1.1.8, Thanks For The Great Mod, Dave


Hi guys,
I'm using this mod for a while, but when i'm upgrated my version on 1.1.9 it wont work...
Actually, i dont have a code in index.template.php like this:

// If the user is logged in, display stuff like their name, new messages, etc.

So will this be updated, or i'm somewhere wrong?


It will be fixed in June along with the several of my other mods. Sorry about the wait guys works just been real busy. I have the month of June entirely off to catch up with this and for vacation later on in the month so these mods will be updated.


Ok, thanks for info brianjw, we'll be waiting till then... :)

Gwydion Frost

May I request a slight modification on the update [or, gosh, a simple fix for what I want]...?

When it goes to sound off, it waits until you acknowledge the PM pop up to sound off [ie; pop up appears, you click it, and THEN it says YOU HAVE MAIL...]

What I'd love to see is it sounding off when the POP UP appears, instead.

I think it would be a simple change of moving the trigger to fire FIRST before the loading of the PM informer... yes?

Any advice on this one?


Gwydion Frost,

Possibly that could be a fix. I am not a javascript expert but I think that javascript loads before anything else loads on the page and because the popup is triggered by javascript I would assume that would not be possible but IT STILL COULD BE POSSIBLE!
I just don't know a whole lot about javascript. It might be as simple as moving it ahead in the onload part of the page.
I guess it is really the same reason why you don't see the forum in the background along with the popup and instead you see a blank white screen, but I'll look into it to see what I can do.


Brian, how are you doing with the updates? We've a lot of members who want to turn the audible PM off, and a lot who want to retain it. Would be great to install the updates and keep both bunches happy.


I am working on updating the mod for 100% 2.0 compatibility. Then I will add the ability for the admin to disable the mod in the admin. The profile settings will take a bit longer to implement.


Thanks. Lots of anticipation for these changes!
