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No Quote BBCode

Started by M-DVD, December 05, 2008, 04:06:25 PM

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MOD No Quote BBCode v1.2

  • Autor:
  • Version:
  • Release:
30th November 2008
  • Languages:
  • Compatible With:
SMF 1.1.1 - 1.1.8
SMF 2 Beta 3 & 4 & RC1

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  • With this MOD with a BBCode you can select which parts of your Post may not be quoted

  • You can prevent users quoting post very long.

  • You can prevent stolen Post by users Leech, quote and copy a Post with format.

  • You can add a permission on Members Groups and allow the quote NoQuote text.


Languages (normal & utf-8)

  • English
  • English_British
  • Spanish_Es
  • Spanish_Latin
  • Portuguese_Portugal by DeviDarkL
  • Russian by ZeUsSaN
  • Ukrainian by ZeUsSaN

$txt['noquote'] = 'Insert No Quote';
$txt['permissionname_allowNoQuote'] = 'Allow Quote the NoQuotes';
$txt['permissionhelp_allowNoQuote'] = 'By Enabling this, will allow quote with [noquote].';



  • Con este MOD con un BBCode podrás seleccionar que partes de tus Post no podrán ser citadas

  • Podrás evitar que los usuarios citen temas muy largos.

  • Podrás evitar robo de Post por usuarios Leech, que citen y copien un tema con todo y formato.

  • También podrás otorgar Permisos a los Grupos de Usuarios que podrán citar textos con NoQuote.



Interesting idea.

Keep up the good work mate :)
Do NOT give admin and/or ftp details to just anybody, see if they are trust worthy first!!  Do your homework ;)


CrazyZone - My SMF Forum

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Update No Quote BBCode v1.1:

New features:

  • Fix bug with Quote Fast and Permissions by Membergroup. The permissions activated now yes allow the quote, when use quotefast.

How do I upgrade?

  • Uninstall the previous version
  • Install the new


Características Nuevas:

  • Reparado bug entre Quote Fast y los Permisos de Grupos de Usuarios. Ahora los permisos activados si permiten la cita cuando se usa Quotefast.

¿Como actualizar?

  • Desintalar la anterior versión
  • Instalar la nueva


Antes que todo Disculpen mi ingles.
First of all sorry my English.

Hi M-DVD, I've been testing your mod and has served me well, however this is a mistake. always at the end of the post leaves me [/ noquote] disappears if only restricts Citation 1 line, but the long block quotes. I have exposed the BBC, while still fulfilling its purpose.

the issue is that it looks ugly uu! there any way to avoid appearing on the BBC at the end of each item?. thanks in advance =).

an example in this post.

Hola M-DVD, he estado testeando tu modificación y me ha servido bastante, sin embargo este tiene un error. siempre al final del post me deja el [/noquote] solo desaparece si restrinjo citas de 1 linea, pero al bloquear citas largas. me queda el BBC expuesto, aunque sigue cumpliendo su propósito.

el tema es que se ve feo u.u!, ahí alguna forma para evitar que aparezca el BBC al final de cada tema?. de antemanos gracias =).

un ejemplo al final de este Tema.

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Update No Quote BBCode v1.2:

New features:

  • Fix issue with tag [/noquote] visible.

How do I upgrade?

  • Uninstall the previous version
  • Install the new


Características Nuevas:

  • Reparado problema con tag [/noquote] visible.

¿Como actualizar?

  • Desintalar la anterior versión
  • Instalar la nueva


Cool  :D

Nothing that I have use for at the moment but the time might come   :)


Thank you for this module - this is something I never knew I needed but now I can't live without it!!!

Thanks much!

I can see where instead of nothing being left in the Quote area a link is instead left to the post - like "Link to Quote Discussed ............".  But I'm happy as the module now stands.

How about tackling the Wiki thread?

I really need that one - the first post of a thread that I allow certain folks to modify and a copy of the existing post is placed in a Wiki holder forum which I could go back and restore if needed.

Its that simple and would allow smf to become an instant Wiki resource!

Thanks for all the hard work you share with us.


Quote from: PerryM on February 25, 2009, 02:16:56 PM
Thank you for this module - this is something I never knew I needed but now I can't live without it!!!

ja ja ja, me too, me too :P

Quote from: PerryM on February 25, 2009, 02:16:56 PM
How about tackling the Wiki thread?

I really need that one - the first post of a thread that I allow certain folks to modify and a copy of the existing post is placed in a Wiki holder forum which I could go back and restore if needed.

Its that simple and would allow smf to become an instant Wiki resource!

I don't know if I understood.

You say that, if this mod will can do compatible with the MOD Wiki?  :-\

Quote from: PerryM on February 25, 2009, 02:16:56 PM
Thanks for all the hard work you share with us.

your welcome, thanks for your comment. :)

Quote from: ScarMix on February 21, 2009, 08:16:55 AM
Cool  :D

Nothing that I have use for at the moment but the time might come   :)

Thanks for your comment. For me, if it has been very helpful, i don't know as i could live without it.  :P


Thanks, you did a great mod again ;)

As usual, here is the portuguese_pt translation:
<file name="$languagedir/Modifications.portuguese_pt.php" error="skip">
<search position="end" />
// MOD No Quote BBCode
$txt['noquote'] = 'Inserir Impedidor de Citação';
$txt['permissionname_allowNoQuote'] = 'Permitir fazer Citação às Impedidoras de Citação';
$txt['permissionhelp_allowNoQuote'] = 'Ao activar isto, ir permitir Citação com [noquote].';]]></add>


Quote from: DeviDarkL on March 19, 2009, 09:09:32 PM
Thanks, you did a great mod again ;)

As usual, here is the portuguese_pt translation:

Thanks you, your translation have been uploaded :)


██████ russian:
$txt['noquote']= 'Вставить No Quote';
$txt['permissionname_allowNoQuote']= 'Позволить Цитировать NoQuotes';
$txt['permissionhelp_allowNoQuote']= 'Разрешая это, вы позволяете цитировать [noquote].';

██████ ukrainian:
$txt['noquote']= 'Вставити No Quote';
$txt['permissionname_allowNoQuote']= 'Дозволити Цитувати NoQuotes';
$txt['permissionhelp_allowNoQuote']= 'Дозволяючи це, ви дозволяєте цитувати [noquote].';


Quote from: ZeUsSaN on May 25, 2009, 08:27:40 PM
██████ russian:
$txt['noquote']= 'Вставить No Quote';
$txt['permissionname_allowNoQuote']= 'Позволить Цитировать NoQuotes';
$txt['permissionhelp_allowNoQuote']= 'Разрешая это, вы позволяете цитировать [noquote].';

██████ ukrainian:
$txt['noquote']= 'Вставити No Quote';
$txt['permissionname_allowNoQuote']= 'Дозволити Цитувати NoQuotes';
$txt['permissionhelp_allowNoQuote']= 'Дозволяючи це, ви дозволяєте цитувати [noquote].';

Thanks you, your translation have been uploaded :)


Versão 2.0 RC2 Portuguese_Pt

Simple Portal 2.3 Portuguese_Pt

Em crescimento na programação :)



I need this bbcode mod for my forum, but it doesn't install without errors on SMF 2.0.9.  So I made it SMF 2.0.9 compatible!

Inside the package, Find this in install_2.xml:
Code (Find) Select
<file name="$sourcedir/Subs-Editor.php">
<search position="before"><![CDATA[
'quote' => array('code' => 'quote', 'before' => '[quote]', 'after' => '[/quote]', 'description' => $txt['bbc_quote']),]]></search>
'noquote' => array('code' => 'noquote', 'before' => '[noquote]', 'after' => '[/noquote]', 'description' => $txt['noquote']),]]></add>

and replace it with this:
Code (Replace) Select
<file name="$sourcedir/Subs-Editor.php">
<search position="before"><![CDATA[array(
'image' => 'quote',
'code' => 'quote',
'before' => '[quote]',
'after' => '[/quote]',
'description' => $txt['bbc_quote']
'image' => 'noquote',
'code' => 'noquote',
'before' => '[noquote]',
'after' => '[/noquote]',
'description' => $txt['noquote']

Then find this:
Code (Find) Select
$form_message = preg_replace('~<br( /)?' . '>~i', "\n", $row_quoted['body']);
and replace with this:
Code (Replace) Select
$form_message = preg_replace('~<br ?/?' . '>~i', "\n", $row_quoted['body']);

I hope this helps someone....  Install and enjoy!

EDIT:  I missed something.  You also need to go into the install package's languages.xml and replace all instances of Modifications with index.  This takes care of missing string errors.....

EDIT2: Attached revised copy of the mod that works with SMF 2.0.9.....  Removed..... So sad...  ???

EDIT3: Edited post to reflect the change done two posts down....


Pretty cool M-DVD & Dougie!

How does one get an actual button? All I have is
My pet rock is not feeling well. I think it's stoned.


Whoops....  I still left something out.  In the unmodified install_2.xml, you need to find this:
Code (Find) Select

'code' => 'noquote',
'before' => '[noquote]',
'after' => '[/noquote]',
'description' => $txt['noquote']

and replace it with this:
Code (Replace) Select
'image' => 'noquote',
'code' => 'noquote',
'before' => '[noquote]',
'after' => '[/noquote]',
'description' => $txt['noquote']

This fixes that issue.  I've updated the attachment two posts back.....  Removed.... So sad...  ???


Thank your for sharing the fix ;)

Unfortunately the mod has no license that allows you to pick it, modify it and redistribute it (by attaching it to your post). As such, I had to remove your attachment :(
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QuoteOver 90% of all computer problems can be traced back to the interface between the keyboard and the chair


Thanks for the fix Dougie. :)
My pet rock is not feeling well. I think it's stoned.
