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SMF Trader System

Started by Team, July 12, 2006, 12:35:09 AM

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Quote from: vbgamer45 on November 08, 2008, 12:31:18 AM
Maybe not sure how it work since the trading system is not tied to boards really.

I mean show this:

<b>' . $txt['smftrader_profile'] . ' </b>
               (<a href="' . $scripturl .  '?action=trader&id=' . $message['member']['id'] . '">', $modSettings['trader_use_pos_neg'] ? ($tradecount > 0 ? '+' . $tradecount : $tradecount)  : $tradecount  , '</a>)<br />';

Only in the "Trader Boards" also when you create a new post in this trader boards you can add some info like this:

In english:

Price: [Price of the article]

Payment Method: [Paypal , Credit Card ,.....]

Status: [Used , New]


Smoky "Rider" Blue

Since the upgrade to the 1.1.7, the un install button has disapeared.

when you try to get to the admin section of the trader, it takes you back to the forum.. vBgammer, any advise?? or should i just remove via file and db?? i need this functional for my client, and figured you should know bout this.  :)

**Take the time to remember friendships and family.. Sometimes it's all we have, and missed very much**

Smoky "Rider" Blue

**Take the time to remember friendships and family.. Sometimes it's all we have, and missed very much**


Looks like the mod would need to be reinstalled again seems that parts of it got wiped out from the upgrade depending on what upgrade package was used for SMF.
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Smoky "Rider" Blue

the only "upgrade" was from 1.1.6 to the 1.1.7 by using the patch.  :)

no worries, i have sorted it out now..  ;)
**Take the time to remember friendships and family.. Sometimes it's all we have, and missed very much**


Quote from: kizer on November 07, 2008, 05:30:10 PM
Ok I installed the mod and had to modify my laungage file, which was no big deal. Two things that I'm noticing.

When I submit feedback the reciever gets this.

"He ripped me off big time

Comment made by: themouse_
An Error Has Occurred!"

When I click on the An Error Has Occured it takes me to the profile of the person recieving the feedback.

As well I have 3 admins and one admin seems to be getting PM's when there is a reported  feedback. Now since I'm the Site Admin shouldn't I get it as well?

Any ideas? This was before the 1.1.7 update. I was running 1.1.6 when I was having these issues.
Own a Jeep?


Currently i thin it only sends PM's to one admin. Not sure if it is first admin or if it goes by the server settings email.
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Any idea on the Error message I keep getting?

Comment made by: themouse_
An Error Has Occurred!"

You might be right on the admin email since Im using a bogus email to keep the spam to my account down.
Own a Jeep?


Afternoon Gang!

I am trying to create a link, that points to an empty SMF Trader submit feedback form and passes the URL of interest into the Topic URL field, any suggestions on how to make it post the value I want to pass?


Any way to increase someone's Trader Count without actually doing addtional feedback entries.  (Ex.  I want to credits someone for feedback they have received elsewhere, they are bringing a count of +5, want to increase their count by 5 without having to do 5 individual feedbacks)  Possible?



Quote from: twldave on November 13, 2008, 05:17:11 PM
I am trying to create a link, that points to an empty SMF Trader submit feedback form and passes the URL of interest into the Topic URL field, any suggestions on how to make it post the value I want to pass?

I know how to write the link to send the item I am trying to pass forward, I am not sure how to get it to post into the Topic URL field.  I am hesitant to mess with the SMF Trader code with out any guidance.

Again, thanks in advance for any suggestions or help!


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all smiley images are not linked properly. These are without boardurl so if one uses 3rd party SEF Urls mod then all these images will break.


Need to see an example. Not sure if I can fix that sounds like an issue with the mod changing all image links for some reaosn.
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Want a sig like mine for your BTCGuild stats ? Then check this out: Spend-ur-Bits


Quote from: twldave on November 15, 2008, 09:32:00 AM
Quote from: twldave on November 13, 2008, 05:17:11 PM
I am trying to create a link, that points to an empty SMF Trader submit feedback form and passes the URL of interest into the Topic URL field, any suggestions on how to make it post the value I want to pass?

I know how to write the link to send the item I am trying to pass forward, I am not sure how to get it to post into the Topic URL field.  I am hesitant to mess with the SMF Trader code with out any guidance.

Again, thanks in advance for any suggestions or help!

Any thoughts or advice on this one?  Seems like it would be so nice to provide the topic url, instead of having to remember to copy and paste it.


Ok here is my install problem and maybe someone can help me with it.  I know where the problem is on the install.

Existing Profile.template.php line:

global $context, $settings, $options, $scripturl, $modSettings, $txt, $db_prefix, $ID_MEMBER;

   // First do the containing table and table header.

Now the installation says:

Search for:

global $context, $settings, $options, $scripturl, $modSettings, $txt;

   // First do the containing table and table header.


global $context, $settings, $options, $scripturl, $modSettings, $txt, $db_prefix;

   // First do the containing table and table header.

I tried to modify the installation file but then I get a 1. Execute Modification - Modification parse error

If I use an unmodified installation I get this 3. Execute Modification ./Themes/default/Profile.template.php Test failed

Does the fact that $db_prefix already exists cause a problem?

Thanks for any light that can be shed on this.
Yabb 2.1 converted to SMF 1.1.5

Mods Installed:
Auto Embed Video / Audio Clips
Age and Gender Board Filter
Registration - Show Gender mod
Profile Comments
Custom Profile Field Mod
cbi, 1.0
SMF Gallery Pro
View Single PM
Member Color Link
Streaming 3
SMF Gallery Pro Profile Link


Yes it causes that error try to install it anyway should be ok.
Community Suite for SMF - Grow your forum with SMF, Gallery,Store,Classifieds,Downloads,more! - Paid Modifications for SMF

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Ok it was profile comments mod that puts this in $db_prefix, $ID_MEMBER so once I removed that mod it installed just fine.
Yabb 2.1 converted to SMF 1.1.5

Mods Installed:
Auto Embed Video / Audio Clips
Age and Gender Board Filter
Registration - Show Gender mod
Profile Comments
Custom Profile Field Mod
cbi, 1.0
SMF Gallery Pro
View Single PM
Member Color Link
Streaming 3
SMF Gallery Pro Profile Link


Ok I like this mod although I am using it for something a little different :D

One issue is when someone issues the trade count and on admin approval they get this message (see picture below).

Is there a way to set this up so that this doesnt dump to an Error page?

And where can I edit the info for the "back" link to go somewhere else.
Yabb 2.1 converted to SMF 1.1.5

Mods Installed:
Auto Embed Video / Audio Clips
Age and Gender Board Filter
Registration - Show Gender mod
Profile Comments
Custom Profile Field Mod
cbi, 1.0
SMF Gallery Pro
View Single PM
Member Color Link
Streaming 3
SMF Gallery Pro Profile Link
