Hello :)
How can I remove the area marked in the pic?
Still need help on this.
Any help appreciated :)
You want to remove all of the user info, and the search?
Actually, yes. I want the user info gone as marked on the pic. I have installed Simple Portal, which displays the same info to the right of the boards - but with more info. The search area could stay I guess :)
Please attach your index.template.php
Attached :)
You can easily hide these sections in the index.css (SMF 2.0) style sheet.
For SMF 2.0 - Themes > Default (or whatever theme you choose) > css > index.css
Look for:
#upper_section div.news
width: 50%;
float: right;
text-align: right;
display: none; /* <--- Add this line */
div#upper_section div.user
width: 35%;
float: right;
overflow: auto;
text-align: right;
display: none; /* <--- Add this line */
Add the lines as indicated.
Hi Chas.
Thanks. Will try that.
It will work, just not the way I normally deal with such things.
I tend to follow the "easy as possible" route. Adding two lines to a CSS page is easier than removing lines of code in a template but hey, each to his own ;D
That worked! Thanks :)
Is it possible to get rid of the last un-used space? I can still expand and collapse the header. You can see for yourselfes on www.forum.diablo3x.dk
As you will see I have added the search and user info areas to the right of the boards instead :) Just want as much space as possible on top.
Which is exactly why I suggest removing the whole code from index.template.php
I have to run, if when I get back this is not yet resolved I will give you the edit to completely remove the instances.
I guess Labradoodle may be better able to fix your issue than me. I note from Object Inspector that the "top_section" has three <br> tags before your line of News so maybe that would be a quick fix. However, I'll leave it there.
Quote from: Labradoodle-360 on February 17, 2010, 07:09:15 PM
Which is exactly why I suggest removing the whole code from index.template.php
I have to run, if when I get back this is not yet resolved I will give you the edit to completely remove the instances.
Sounds good. Thanks :)
Sorry for the delay, I have been quite busy working on other projects.
File attached.
Quote from: Labradoodle-360 on February 18, 2010, 09:21:27 AM
Sorry for the delay, I have been quite busy working on other projects.
File attached.
Thanks, Labradoodle. That was excactly what I needed! Very much appreciated.
Have been to work myself so no worries ;)
Thanks again.
Oops. Actually, something is wrong.
Something is not right. You can see that to the left of the header area.
I don't see anything wrong?
I have marked it in this pic:
Looks like a div was closed too early.
(Meaning that there is an extra </div> around the area that I removed)
Okay. Is it possible to correct it?
Still need a little more help on this one :)
I apologize, doing a lot.
Try the attached file.
Thanks again Labra! Now everything seems perfect :)
Not a problem, and again I apologize for the delay.
Glad you got it.
Marking topic as resolved,
Never mind taking the time you need. You seemed busy and was in no hurry ;)
Hi, I run RC3.
I'd like to remove the "Hello user" and info header the same as is pictured in the original post.
Could someone please advice what coding Labradoodle removed?
I'd really like to remove it myself, so I can do it on other themes, but although I've searched SMF, I can't seem to find what I need. I'd rather not use the CSS cheat to remove it. I don't like the gap it leaves.
Many thanks =)
FireDitto, see if this helps you:
If not, it would be better to create a new topic for this in the Graphics and Templates (http://www.simplemachines.org/community/index.php?board=34.0) board, rather than bumping old and solved topics ;)
Or, if you'd like to start your own topic...and send me a PM with a link you can and I'll try to assist you. But as xenovanis said, this is an old topic and also resolved.