Simple Machines Community Forum

Simple Machines => News and Updates => Topic started by: bloc on February 16, 2009, 03:28:03 PM

Title: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: bloc on February 16, 2009, 03:28:03 PM
Simple Machines is extremely proud to announce the addition of a new default theme for SMF 2.0.  Codenamed "Curve", the new default theme is the culmination of our efforts to offer a more semantically correct default theme.  In addition, with a heavier reliance on CSS for positioning and styling, Curve should help both experienced and amateur theme designers, as well as inexperienced forum admins more easily create customized themes. It will also allow greater freedom for theme designers to create impressive CSS-based themes. 

Some of Curve's main features include:

- A fresh and smooth design that is easy on the eyes
- Expandable css-based drop-down menu capability on the Board Index, Profile, Moderation, and Administration pages
- Better semantic use of tables and other XHTML tags.
- Increased use of CSS for positioning and styling of elements

In an effort to provide a better theme to our members, the SMF team has also invited a small number of theme, HTML and CSS designers to participate in the design, bugfixing, and polishing stages of Curve development.  The invitees include several well known and talented theme designers.

As some of our members may remember, some time ago, we posted a topic inquiring which of the bundled SMF themes our members use as their default.  After evaluating these numbers, we have decided to bundle both "Curve" and "Core", the current SMF Default Theme, with SMF 2.0.  The older default themes, "Babylon" and "classic" will still be maintained by the team and will be made available via our Theme Site, but will be removed from the SMF download package.  This will help minimize the size of the SMF 2.0 download archive in the future.

Curve is tentatively scheduled to be available with the release of SMF 2.0 RC2.  While we currently do not have a timeframe for RC2's release, we continue to work diligently to finish it as soon as possible.

For now, please enjoy a few early screen shots of Curve in action!

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Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Yağız... on February 16, 2009, 03:30:02 PM
Very nice! Good job. Can't wait for RC2 :)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Owdy on February 16, 2009, 03:32:37 PM
Awesome theme!
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: vagrant on February 16, 2009, 03:33:42 PM
Very nice looking  :)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: grafitus on February 16, 2009, 03:35:42 PM
Very very nice :P :) Good job SMF Team.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: chadon on February 16, 2009, 03:39:03 PM
Not bad at all. I can't wait to see it in action :)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: karlbenson on February 16, 2009, 03:40:06 PM
gr8 work.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: TheDisturbedOne on February 16, 2009, 03:40:16 PM
Ah!  That explains those images in the sigs :D
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Apllicmz on February 16, 2009, 03:41:26 PM
good work
iam here
wait for 2.0 final
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Brettflan on February 16, 2009, 03:52:53 PM
Nice, I was wondering when it would be announced and we'd get to see full images of it.  :)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: karlbenson on February 16, 2009, 03:56:48 PM
Does this mean I can remove the thing from my sig now?
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Killer Possum on February 16, 2009, 04:10:42 PM
Congrats guys and gals of the SMF team! The road to 2.0 Final is going to be very exciting. :)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: metallica48423 on February 16, 2009, 04:24:14 PM
Quote from: regularexpression on February 16, 2009, 03:56:48 PM
Does this mean I can remove the thing from my sig now?

If you'd like.   I intend to leave it for a few days and add a link to this topic around mine.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: babjusi on February 16, 2009, 04:26:25 PM
This is great news. It will make a lot of people real happy :) The new theme looks very beautiful and stylish. Well done :)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Simplemachines Cowboy on February 16, 2009, 04:28:56 PM
Very nice.
Thanks to all on the SMF team.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: [unplugged] on February 16, 2009, 04:41:09 PM
Great work! It's a very nice professional looking theme.  ;D
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: aldo on February 16, 2009, 04:54:23 PM
Thats so awesome! Great job :)

SMF Rules :D
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: bullbreedluverz on February 16, 2009, 04:59:46 PM
looks like some really nice eliments in this but something i think that seriously lets down the default theme that could really be improved on is the recent posts section of the info center which in my view is appauling..... its all bunched up together and not easily defineable, everything about themes is structured, divided, sectioned, in columns etc yet the info center isnt

a suggestion as an improvement is to have nice columned recent posts like this


and possibly have a scroll bar so that for example 100 recent posts can be shown in a small space rather than either showing either just a small amount of recent posts or having the recent posts taking up more space than your actual forum cats & boards do
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Antechinus on February 16, 2009, 05:00:48 PM
Quote from: SunKing on February 16, 2009, 04:41:09 PM
Great work! It's a very nice professional looking theme.  ;D
And we're all hard at work making sure that by the time it is released it'll be even better.  8)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: lax.slash on February 16, 2009, 05:05:38 PM
Very nice!
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Antechinus on February 16, 2009, 05:07:33 PM
Quote from: bullbreedluverz on February 16, 2009, 04:59:46 PM
looks like some really nice eliments in this but something i think that seriously lets down the default theme that could really be improved on is the recent posts section of the info center which in my view is appauling..... its all bunched up together and not easily defineable, everything about themes is structured, divided, sectioned, in columns etc yet the info center isnt

a suggestion as an improvement is to have nice columned recent posts like this


and possibly have a scroll bar so that for example 100 recent posts can be shown in a small space rather than either showing either just a small amount of recent posts or having the recent posts taking up more space than your actual forum cats & boards do
Hmmm. I have to admit that I always change the standard info centre whenever I do a custom theme so I'll raise this point in the top-secret sneaky Curve forum (just teasing y'all).

One thing you do have to watch though is that the recent posts listing can actually put quite a load on your server because it relies on running a lot of database queries. If you have a very active site and want 100 recent posts listed and don't have a lot of headroom on your server then you could get severe performance problems.

Bearing in mind that (ahem) all recent posts are actually available on the forum itself  ;)  having a hundred of them stacked up at the bottom of your screen is of dubious value.

I agree though that the general layout of the info centre could and should be cleaned up a bit. Everything else is being updated and the poor old info centre seems to get forgotten sometimes.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: bullbreedluverz on February 16, 2009, 05:17:00 PM
lol the 100 was just a random figure

not changing it would be like painting a wall 3/4 of the way down then leaving the bottom 1/4 the same old brown stained colour from nicotine lol
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Antechinus on February 16, 2009, 05:21:29 PM
You have a way with words, old son. My current position requires phrasing things somewhat more diplomatically. :D

ETA: Since half the team are going at it hammer and tongs anyway I think I'll just hack the info centre into what I think looks good and see what the powers that be think of it.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Paracelsus on February 16, 2009, 05:27:40 PM
Great new look!

From the thumbnails it looks more modern and harmonic and it keeps the most important part of all: you don't get tired of looking at it over and over again (I really can't say the same about phpBB3 default theme - it gets boring and irritating after a couple of hours).
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: bullbreedluverz on February 16, 2009, 05:29:05 PM
i thought i was being quite elliquant with the use of a metaphore  :D
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: X3mE on February 16, 2009, 05:56:14 PM
It looks great!
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: ethankcvds on February 16, 2009, 06:09:54 PM
Ya! Well I know it will definitely be a nice improvement to SMF 2.0, and it will be worth the wait for RC 2. Like my one favorite musician said "If it's planned it's boring" so don't start asking when SMF 2.0 RC 2 is going to be released.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: hefesto on February 16, 2009, 06:10:37 PM
You guys are so cruel! "You can see it, but you can't touch it" I thought my hunger for more would disappear for a while after RC1 was released, but now... God I can't wait to get that new fashioned theme!

Great work.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: ascaland on February 16, 2009, 06:13:18 PM
That looks so cool! Now its ok to use the defualt theme. xD
By the way, would it be possible creating a theme like this for 1.1.x versions?
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: _Anthony_ on February 16, 2009, 06:15:22 PM
Holy ******! That's looks amazing, I've never seen a theme so nicely designed. Now I can't wait till 2.0 final comes out!
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Nibogo on February 16, 2009, 07:09:48 PM

Really nice Bloc ;)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: I JaR oF JaM I on February 16, 2009, 07:44:28 PM
Most excellent!   Looking forward to this!
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Me313 on February 16, 2009, 08:14:13 PM
very good..
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Sverre on February 16, 2009, 08:25:08 PM

No matter how nice it may look, it's impossible to judge a book by its cover, so any substantial evaluation will have to wait until RC2 is released and we - or more specifically, gurus like deathshadow (unless he's already been enlisted to help polish Curve's code that is) - get a chance to play around with the new theme and see what's hidden underneath the hood, so to speak :)

Judging by the screen shots, it seems like Curve will bring a much needed fresh look to SMF though. The skin appears to introduce some very nice details and ideas, which I can hardly wait to see in action, but I also see a few things I don't like quite as much - such as the images in the drop down menus for example. If people want unnecessary images to interfere with their forum navigation, I don't see why it can't be left to be added by a MOD instead of cluttering up an otherwise (seemingly) pretty sleek looking default theme???

Obviously, this is still a work in progress, so the following comments, thoughts and suggestions may have already been addressed/discussed.

I'm very glad to hear that the Bablon and Classic themes have been dropped from the installation package by the way!
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Bancherd on February 16, 2009, 09:58:39 PM
 :D   Nice, Thanks!  :D
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: SleePy on February 16, 2009, 10:38:02 PM

Thanks for the notes. Please do remember this is a work in progress and things are subject to change.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: yashmaf on February 16, 2009, 10:41:57 PM
Looks great, bloc and team. Definitely an improvement over Core.
Can't wait to test it out. Keep up the hard work :)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: TurkmenKing on February 16, 2009, 10:50:54 PM
Awesome !!!

Good Luck with this nice project !!
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: cenourinha on February 16, 2009, 11:20:21 PM
Well done, it looks great.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Fustrate on February 17, 2009, 12:07:09 AM

I was sent an image of it about a month ago, and didn't believe it. Once I saw the signature images, I knew it was the real deal :P

Amazing work, Bloc!
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: LiroyvH on February 17, 2009, 12:09:32 AM
I have no clue what you are talking about Fustrate.
Where did you ever raise the suggestion that u knew about a new theme? ^o)
And the whole thing about signature images... :P

Nice job guys!
It really looks good :)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Fustrate on February 17, 2009, 12:16:00 AM
:) I have no idea where, CoreISP!

Question: Does this use pretty much the same code as the current default? Specifically, will most mods that install on the current default install on this one, and not be fussy like Classic and Babylon?
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: klaus3 on February 17, 2009, 12:40:25 AM
Topic display seems like a phpbb3 default theme clone... 
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: 青山 素子 on February 17, 2009, 12:44:38 AM
Quote from: Fustrate on February 17, 2009, 12:16:00 AM
Question: Does this use pretty much the same code as the current default? Specifically, will most mods that install on the current default install on this one, and not be fussy like Classic and Babylon?

No. Modifications will need to be written to handle the theme. Since this will be the new default, I don't think it will be a big problem. The whole point is to make it easier to do custom themes so they won't need custom edits for installing modifications.

Quote from: klaus3 on February 17, 2009, 12:40:25 AM
phpbb3 clone.

In what way?
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Antechinus on February 17, 2009, 01:07:12 AM
Quote from: Sverre on February 16, 2009, 08:25:08 PM

No matter how nice it may look, it's impossible to judge a book by its cover, so any substantial evaluation will have to wait until RC2 is released and we - or more specifically, gurus like deathshadow (unless he's already been enlisted to help polish Curve's code that is) - get a chance to play around with the new theme and see what's hidden underneath the hood, so to speak :)
Funny you should mention that. He was making so much noise I figured we ought to put him to work. The guys agreed so he's in and he's busy. We should end up with a better product for it.

QuoteJudging by the screen shots, it seems like Curve will bring a much needed fresh look to SMF though. The skin appears to introduce some very nice details and ideas, which I can hardly wait to see in action, but I also see a few things I don't like quite as much - such as the images in the drop down menus for example. If people want unnecessary images to interfere with their forum navigation, I don't see why it can't be left to be added by a MOD instead of cluttering up an otherwise (seemingly) pretty sleek looking default theme???
That's entirely personal preference. My 2c is that I hate plain box drop menus and I'd be hassling Bloc if he tried to use them. Can't stand the things. You wouldn't attempt to do an entire theme without images so why stop at the drop menus when you can make them look classier with no penalty in terms of functionality? Of course they'll be easy to customise anyway so if you don't like the images simply remove them. No problem.

QuoteObviously, this is still a work in progress, so the following comments, thoughts and suggestions may have already been addressed/discussed.

  • In the screen shots, there is an inconsistency in the use of rounded and square corners between different templates (i.e. the "containers" wrapping each board on Board Index have square corners, same goes for topics on Message Index and the sections of the Administration Center, while posts and information boxes in Display and Profile Information respectively have rounded corners).
  • The "Administration Center" heading uses a light blue background gradient, while other similar headings, such as the "Summary" heading from Profile Information uses the common dark blue gradient.
  • Because of the different background colour, locked topics attract too much attention compared to regular topics. Personally, I much prefer the visual distinction used to signal locked topics in the theme currently used here (grey text).
  • I've never been a fan of the styling of the "quote", "modify", etc. links in posts, with the superfluous images accompanying them. Maybe it could be an idea to use the same/a similar styling to what's used on the mod_buttons array?
As you say it's still WIP. For instance the quote containers and polls are being styled to match the post backgrounds (meaning rounded corners) and no doubt there will be extra changes that nobody has thought of yet. On the other hand rounded corners could be overdone and end up looking silly so they wont be everywhere, just where they look good.

All ideas are welcome at this stage and there are quite a few being kicked around behind the scenes. 
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Özgür on February 17, 2009, 01:10:03 AM
Very nice! Looking good..

Quote from: Bloc on February 16, 2009, 03:28:03 PM

Curve is tentatively scheduled to be available with the release of SMF 2.0 RC2.  While we currently do not have a timeframe for RC2's release, we continue to work diligently to finish it as soon as possible.

Is soon really soon ???  =)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Deaks on February 17, 2009, 02:43:04 AM
I agree its a very nice theme and seeing it improve over time has been great... also I disagree with the point of a template file looks like a phpbb clone.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: bloc on February 17, 2009, 03:29:46 AM
Quote from: Project Evolution on February 16, 2009, 06:13:18 PM
That looks so cool! Now its ok to use the defualt theme. xD
By the way, would it be possible creating a theme like this for 1.1.x versions?

At this point that hasn't been looked at. If it did work its way to SMF 1.1 it will surely not be so complete there, seeing it changes every template in SMF2.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Jeel on February 17, 2009, 03:57:33 AM
Great job, can't wait for 2.0 final =)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: 6aro on February 17, 2009, 04:16:59 AM
Awesome, can't wait  to see new version.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: akbora on February 17, 2009, 04:53:51 AM
very very good theme, and we can't  wait till tomorrow...

Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Angelotus on February 17, 2009, 05:25:48 AM
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Kermit on February 17, 2009, 06:01:37 AM
Good work guys,keep it up ! ;)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: exxocet on February 17, 2009, 06:04:15 AM
Halleluja! Finally a theme that doesn't look like a brick. Bravo guys, it looks nice!
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: DeathSign on February 17, 2009, 06:15:29 AM
Wonderful I love it :)

Great job!
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Özgür on February 17, 2009, 06:25:11 AM
QuoteIn the screen shots, there is an inconsistency in the use of rounded and square corners between different templates (i.e. the "containers" wrapping each board on Board Index have square corners, same goes for topics on Message Index and the sections of the Administration Center, while posts and information boxes in Display and Profile Information respectively have rounded corners).
If this true and rounded corners for images, this is not good. :(
Because rounded corners not useful.
Etc: i want the change background color, i must the change all back images and corner images.. Am i right?
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: bloc on February 17, 2009, 06:34:54 AM
Quote from: Özgür´ on February 17, 2009, 06:25:11 AM
QuoteIn the screen shots, there is an inconsistency in the use of rounded and square corners between different templates (i.e. the "containers" wrapping each board on Board Index have square corners, same goes for topics on Message Index and the sections of the Administration Center, while posts and information boxes in Display and Profile Information respectively have rounded corners).
If this true and rounded corners for images, this is not good. :(
Because rounded corners not useful.
Etc: i want the change background color, i must the change all back images and corner images.. Am i right?

Indeed, thats a valid question. And no, you won't need to change more than 3-4 images, as they are re-used. We are also constructing a theme kit to help with changing of those graphics.

In addition you can easily turn off background images in CSS if thats suits you better.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: pheadrus on February 17, 2009, 06:45:51 AM
It's the best news I heart from SMF :D
Thanx a lot..
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Özgür on February 17, 2009, 06:51:46 AM
@Bloc, Thanks for quick answer.  I see.
And separately thanks for this theme.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Alan G on February 17, 2009, 07:48:37 AM
Aha! congrats all on this. Pleased to see a new default theme looking so close to ready. That might just mean i can start moving to 2 pretty soon! I've been holding off for months as people keep saying expect major theme changes before it goes final. This would explain everything!
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: lahalo on February 17, 2009, 07:49:31 AM
Very nice theme!
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Skhilled on February 17, 2009, 07:58:13 AM
I was waiting for this! Can't wait for RC2! (
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: pizad_sura on February 17, 2009, 09:10:36 AM
it very extreamessss
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: noonoo on February 17, 2009, 10:12:28 AM
It looks great :) :) :)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Tyrsson on February 17, 2009, 10:18:43 AM
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Roph on February 17, 2009, 11:17:40 AM
Nice work, I look forwaed to butchering it when it's released ;)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: islam2hamy on February 17, 2009, 11:20:34 AM
nice theme.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Sverre on February 17, 2009, 12:49:20 PM
Quote from: SleePy on February 16, 2009, 10:38:02 PM

Thanks for the notes. Please do remember this is a work in progress and things are subject to change.

You're welcome, and yes, of course, that's why I added a disclaimer to that extent in my post ;) It's not like I have an idea of what the skin/interface will really feel like by looking at a set of static images, but I just couldn't pass up on the chance to comment on a couple of personal pet peeves and inconsistencies I noticed, and if nothing else, it may get the designers to take another look at it :)

Quote from: Antechinus on February 17, 2009, 01:07:12 AMMy 2c is that I hate plain box drop menus and I'd be hassling Bloc if he tried to use them. Can't stand the things. You wouldn't attempt to do an entire theme without images so why stop at the drop menus when you can make them look classier with no penalty in terms of functionality? Of course they'll be easy to customise anyway so if you don't like the images simply remove them. No problem.

So you think that tiny, pixelated images would be an improvement to the help and search drop downs found on for example? If the final version of the drop down menus end up looking as cluttered and tacky as in this preview (and in RC1) - not to mention the minute, but still unnecessary "waste" of resources - you're damn right I'm going to customise them! :P If given a choice, I would definitely prefer to add things rather than remove them though...

Quote from: Antechinus on February 17, 2009, 01:07:12 AMAs you say it's still WIP. For instance the quote containers and polls are being styled to match the post backgrounds (meaning rounded corners) and no doubt there will be extra changes that nobody has thought of yet. On the other hand rounded corners could be overdone and end up looking silly so they wont be everywhere, just where they look good.

I totally agree that rounded corners can be overdone. I'd probably go so far as saying that it is a classical example of less is more. When design features such as rounded corners are utilized, I personally feel that a consistent use throughout the theme, on hierarchical similar elements, is of much greater importance than whether it looks good in certain parts or not though. As an example, I think the rounded corners on the post backgrounds look very good on its own, but at the same time, I feel a strong disharmony when Display is held up against Board Index and Message Index, where the corresponding elements (boards and topics respectively) have square corners. On Message Index, even the catbg (or whatever it is called now) has square corners.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Dzonny on February 17, 2009, 01:45:22 PM
Great job...
Theme is awesome.. :)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Eleglin on February 17, 2009, 02:34:52 PM
I have ever thought that SMF design was its gap. With the new theme, we'll have one which is pleasant and easier to custom (I hope).
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: maximus23 on February 17, 2009, 03:23:14 PM
Good job.... :)
It is one of the last steps toward 2.0 gold... :)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: @L3 on February 17, 2009, 03:28:25 PM
It's very nice....good job! ;)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Antechinus on February 17, 2009, 03:40:22 PM
Quote from: Sverre on February 17, 2009, 12:49:20 PMSo you think that tiny, pixelated images would be an improvement to the help and search drop downs found on for example? If the final version of the drop down menus end up looking as cluttered and tacky as in this preview (and in RC1) - not to mention the minute, but still unnecessary "waste" of resources - you're damn right I'm going to customise them! :P If given a choice, I would definitely prefer to add things rather than remove them though...
We might be talking about different images. I was referring to the gradient background in the drops and the pointer on top of them. You appear (correct me if I'm wrong) to be talking about the images in front of the links in the admin drops.

QuoteI totally agree that rounded corners can be overdone. I'd probably go so far as saying that it is a classical example of less is more. When design features such as rounded corners are utilized, I personally feel that a consistent use throughout the theme, on hierarchical similar elements, is of much greater importance than whether it looks good in certain parts or not though. As an example, I think the rounded corners on the post backgrounds look very good on its own, but at the same time, I feel a strong disharmony when Display is held up against Board Index and Message Index, where the corresponding elements (boards and topics respectively) have square corners. On Message Index, even the catbg (or whatever it is called now) has square corners.
WIP, mate.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: ascaland on February 17, 2009, 04:41:27 PM
Quote from: Bloc on February 17, 2009, 03:29:46 AM
Quote from: Project Evolution on February 16, 2009, 06:13:18 PM
That looks so cool! Now its ok to use the defualt theme. xD
By the way, would it be possible creating a theme like this for 1.1.x versions?

At this point that hasn't been looked at. If it did work its way to SMF 1.1 it will surely not be so complete there, seeing it changes every template in SMF2.
Thanks for the response. :)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Sverre on February 17, 2009, 05:52:24 PM
Quote from: Antechinus on February 17, 2009, 03:40:22 PM
Quote from: Sverre on February 17, 2009, 12:49:20 PMSo you think that tiny, pixelated images would be an improvement to the help and search drop downs found on for example? If the final version of the drop down menus end up looking as cluttered and tacky as in this preview (and in RC1) - not to mention the minute, but still unnecessary "waste" of resources - you're damn right I'm going to customise them! :P If given a choice, I would definitely prefer to add things rather than remove them though...
We might be talking about different images. I was referring to the gradient background in the drops and the pointer on top of them. You appear (correct me if I'm wrong) to be talking about the images in front of the links in the admin drops.

Indeed, I was talking about those tiny, good-for-nothing images in front of the links in the admin drop downs, as seen here ( Styling of the drop down menu's borders, background and hover effect is a completely different matter, and as long as it's done in moderation, you won't hear any complaints about that from me. Speaking of that, the button shape from the main menu, etc. might be an interesting alternative for the hover effect.

Quote from: Antechinus on February 17, 2009, 03:40:22 PM
WIP, mate.

That's been perfectly clear from the get-go, and as I've said before, I'm just using this opportunity to air some of my thoughts and ideas, based on the limited insight provided by the published screen shots. In the end, a skin is just that though, and what really matters is the quality and flexibility of the code/markup.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: bloc on February 17, 2009, 06:18:29 PM
There will be plenty of time to air as many thoughts as you wish - when the theme is ready.

In the meantime enjoy the screenshots, to quote the first post. :)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: IACS_CM on February 17, 2009, 06:31:04 PM

The screen-shots offer a tantilizing preview of what the RC2 version will look like, but I think by the time of release it will look even better; looking forward to seeing how it turns out.

Already, its another positive step in the right direction from my view-point.

Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Nolt on February 17, 2009, 06:38:23 PM
Just amazing :)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: jacmoe on February 17, 2009, 10:42:32 PM
Looks great!  :)
About time that a default skin looked not only good, but really good.
Can't wait to customize it. :D
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: tyty1234 on February 18, 2009, 01:12:58 AM
Awesome theme! I love it!
Brings out the word "Simple", and is very nice!

Awesome job SMF!
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: weightman on February 18, 2009, 01:41:27 AM
Very nice. I really like it. Great work!
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: islam2hamy on February 18, 2009, 01:46:09 AM
Does it work good with (RTL) languages ??
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: NHWD on February 18, 2009, 01:48:48 AM
yes! thats what we were missing hopefully it comes out soon!
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: DarkDarvish on February 18, 2009, 03:02:10 AM
is it full div design or it use tables ?!
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: 青山 素子 on February 18, 2009, 03:06:02 AM
Quote from: DarkDarvish on February 18, 2009, 03:02:10 AM
is it full div design or it use tables ?!

It's semantic. This means it uses tables only where there is actual tabular data. It does not use tables for design elements.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: bycn* on February 18, 2009, 06:14:02 AM
Very nice! Good job :)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: HR on February 18, 2009, 07:02:06 AM
Nice looking guys.. looking forward to punching it full of holes.

*No disrespect mind you
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Antechinus on February 18, 2009, 07:37:33 AM
We're already doing that. Should be fairly hole free by the time you get it.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: GravuTrad on February 18, 2009, 11:45:34 AM
better theme than actual core theme. good job!

i hope it won't have code errors in it. ;) (i hope a good debugging will be done)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: X3mE on February 18, 2009, 11:59:48 AM
It would be nice if the new theme would come with new smileys :)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: scimmiotto on February 18, 2009, 12:20:20 PM
simply the best theme ever seen on the net, clear, professional,simple, u guys rocks ;)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Smith6612 on February 18, 2009, 12:40:28 PM
I can't wait to see how my forum will look with this as well as see how the members will react when they see a more modern looking theme :)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: gouri on February 18, 2009, 02:21:45 PM
Very nice look....  :)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Vandaahl on February 18, 2009, 02:30:46 PM
Better late than never. It looks good, especially compared to the horrible default themes.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: 6aro on February 18, 2009, 03:49:28 PM
Can we see a demo, not just screen shots, or we should wait smf RC2?
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: shadow82x on February 18, 2009, 03:51:42 PM
Quote from: 6aro on February 18, 2009, 03:49:28 PM
Can we see a demo, not just screen shots, or we should wait smf RC2?
Screenshots only at the time. There may be an opportunity to see the theme live before RC2.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Antechinus on February 18, 2009, 03:54:32 PM
I've seen it live. ;D  Tis jolly spiffy, wot.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: 6aro on February 18, 2009, 04:00:41 PM
Quote from: Shadow82x on February 18, 2009, 03:51:42 PM
Quote from: 6aro on February 18, 2009, 03:49:28 PM
Can we see a demo, not just screen shots, or we should wait smf RC2?
Screenshots only at the time. There may be an opportunity to see the theme live before RC2.

ok, thanks!
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: shadow82x on February 18, 2009, 04:04:06 PM
Quote from: Antechinus on February 18, 2009, 03:54:32 PM
I've seen it live. ;D  Tis jolly spiffy, wot.
Gotta love bragging eh? LOL :P

Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Antechinus on February 18, 2009, 04:16:52 PM
Ab_so_looterly! We gotta get some perks out of this caper.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Fussilet on February 18, 2009, 08:11:50 PM
awesome theme !!!
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: DarkGênesis on February 18, 2009, 09:58:53 PM
Very nice! ;)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: codebirth on February 19, 2009, 04:15:27 AM
Beautiful  :)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: netco on February 19, 2009, 04:32:28 AM
very nice theme
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: TheLegend on February 19, 2009, 06:28:32 AM
a greaaaat work, thanks a lot
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Paracelsus on February 19, 2009, 06:33:30 AM
Curious thing, this new theme look threatens to become the most awaited "feature" in SMF v2.0, even more than the real new features. ;D
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: GravuTrad on February 19, 2009, 10:06:24 AM
Quote from: Paracelsus on February 19, 2009, 06:33:30 AM
Curious thing, this new theme look threatens to become the most awaited "feature" in SMF v2.0, even more than the real new features. ;D

We are a little tired of the actuel default theme lol...
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Xarcell on February 19, 2009, 12:04:45 PM
I know this is just screenshots and you can't judge a book by it's cover.

I just wanted to voice my opinion on what I've seen so far. I am very disappointed with the fact that it uses round corners(images). Yes it makes the theme look smoother, but customizing it looks like it's going to alot of work for designer's that really want to switch things up. I know it was said that a "theme kit" will be created to help with designs, but that should be the first warning that it isn't the right route to go.

I hate the drop-down menus, especially when it goes from a single column to a secondary column. Using a touchscreen with it is a b*tch. I see it being used in places where I think it shouldn't(admin areas), and not used in places where it should be(message.index).

I work with alot of new-age electronics getting a good idea of where consumers are heading. Things like 65" monitors and touch screen PC's. Full HTML browsers in smartphones. I can't help but wonder how the curve theme will hold up in these?

There are other "little things" that I feel need detailing, but I know it's a WIP.

I have considered creating an "unofficial default" for some time now. I will admit my coding skills(php) aren't where they should be, but I think it can be done. After seeing screens of the curve, I know I definitely will. It's just going to take so much time and work, that I dread doing it.

I just try to be grateful that I have SMF, which is still the best forum software out there.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: 青山 素子 on February 19, 2009, 12:58:11 PM
Quote from: Xarcell on February 19, 2009, 12:04:45 PM
I just wanted to voice my opinion on what I've seen so far. I am very disappointed with the fact that it uses round corners(images). Yes it makes the theme look smoother, but customizing it looks like it's going to alot of work for designer's that really want to switch things up. I know it was said that a "theme kit" will be created to help with designs, but that should be the first warning that it isn't the right route to go.

The corners are all CSS-driven, so you can remove them if you like. The kit will be, afaik, sources of the images and gradients going into this theme, which will make it really easy for those that want a quick color change.

Quote from: Xarcell on February 19, 2009, 12:04:45 PM
I hate the drop-down menus, especially when it goes from a single column to a secondary column. Using a touchscreen with it is a b*tch. I see it being used in places where I think it shouldn't(admin areas), and not used in places where it should be(message.index).

Luckily, you can switch between the drop-down menus and the older sidebar. The drop-downs were shown as they do look different than the same old sidebar look.

Quote from: Xarcell on February 19, 2009, 12:04:45 PM
I work with alot of new-age electronics getting a good idea of where consumers are heading. Things like 65" monitors and touch screen PC's. Full HTML browsers in smartphones. I can't help but wonder how the curve theme will hold up in these?

We are considering how best to handle smaller screens, and the advantage is that with a semantic design, we can work well on these and on larger screens. Want to handle a large screen? Either use part of it, or scale up the design. It should work well, we are putting effort into making sure things will handle scaling reasonably well.

Quote from: Xarcell on February 19, 2009, 12:04:45 PM
I have considered creating an "unofficial default" for some time now. I will admit my coding skills(php) aren't where they should be, but I think it can be done. After seeing screens of the curve, I know I definitely will. It's just going to take so much time and work, that I dread doing it.

I've been considering using the new semantic code to build look-a-likes of classic at the very least, as some of my forums use that as their base theme. Given the care I see being put into things, I don't think it will be all that bad. Remember, we're not talking mounds of tables here.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: billy2 on February 19, 2009, 03:46:05 PM
simply beautiful..................!!!!

you must be soooooooooo proud.

well done all.......and thanks

Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Antechinus on February 19, 2009, 04:01:08 PM
Quote from: Motoko-chan on February 19, 2009, 12:58:11 PMI've been considering using the new semantic code to build look-a-likes of classic at the very least, as some of my forums use that as their base theme. Given the care I see being put into things, I don't think it will be all that bad. Remember, we're not talking mounds of tables here.

I think semantic versions of Babylon and Classic would be a worthwhile project at some point. Some people still like those themes.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Acans on February 19, 2009, 04:35:23 PM
Now theres a wave of destruction thats easy on the eyes.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Dejv on February 19, 2009, 11:44:54 PM
Thank you, a very nice theme, looking forward for 2.0 final release so I can finally upgrade :)

What I like the most is the highlighted "new topic" and "reply" button.  Maybe I would make these two a little bit bigger.
I wouldn't highlight the notify button.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Minare on February 20, 2009, 06:30:07 AM
I didn't see anything extraordinary, it is just smf and a normal theme

But since everyone liked it, the problem is me then ! Cangrats :)

Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Meowwang on February 20, 2009, 08:20:04 AM
Wow SMF finally adopted my suggestion. :P
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: dekay on February 20, 2009, 10:00:48 AM
Nice theme.

Quote from: Dejv on February 19, 2009, 11:44:54 PM
What I like the most is the highlighted "new topic" and "reply" button.  Maybe I would make these two a little bit bigger.
I wouldn't highlight the notify button.


Comparing to the (old) phpbb look I always thought, SMF comes with too many options/buttons for users that have only little or no experience in using forums.
So make things more SIMPLE and hide the additional stuff like "send to" "unread" or "print" to some place where users can find them if needed.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: phpMyTony on February 20, 2009, 10:52:07 AM
So this is the thing I was seeing everywhere!!!
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: searchgr on February 20, 2009, 11:03:29 AM
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: ascaland on February 20, 2009, 05:01:37 PM
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: eclipsenow on February 20, 2009, 06:56:11 PM
Quote from: dekay on February 20, 2009, 10:00:48 AM
Comparing to the (old) phpbb look I always thought, SMF comes with too many options/buttons for users that have only little or no experience in using forums.
So make things more SIMPLE and hide the additional stuff like "send to" "unread" or "print" to some place where users can find them if needed.

Again, I absolutely agree. I like the FX themes for the fact that they hide the extraneous functions.... I'd have "Reply", "New Post" very prominent, with a slightly lower level of emphasis on "Quote" and "Notify"
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Antes on February 20, 2009, 08:16:36 PM
Really AWSOME ! ... cant wait ^^
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Ashdaw on February 20, 2009, 11:26:28 PM
Great job guys, looks really great :)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: vivekm on February 21, 2009, 03:25:04 AM
Thats a great addon, love to see that in my forum.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: TomW on February 21, 2009, 08:26:21 AM
Quote from: Paracelsus on February 19, 2009, 06:33:30 AM
Curious thing, this new theme look threatens to become the most awaited "feature" in SMF v2.0, even more than the real new features. ;D

So - what ARE the new features ???
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: shadow82x on February 21, 2009, 08:34:26 AM
Quote from: TomW on February 21, 2009, 08:26:21 AM
Quote from: Paracelsus on February 19, 2009, 06:33:30 AM
Curious thing, this new theme look threatens to become the most awaited "feature" in SMF v2.0, even more than the real new features. ;D

So - what ARE the new features ???
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: H on February 21, 2009, 09:45:25 AM
Great work :)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: klumy on February 21, 2009, 09:51:51 AM
really nice theme!
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: searchgr on February 21, 2009, 11:52:49 AM
Hope to be able to use it soon :) (before Easter)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: mediman on February 21, 2009, 12:27:18 PM
great work  :)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: TomW on February 21, 2009, 01:04:54 PM
Quote from: Shadow82x on February 21, 2009, 08:34:26 AM
Quote from: TomW on February 21, 2009, 08:26:21 AM
Quote from: Paracelsus on February 19, 2009, 06:33:30 AM
Curious thing, this new theme look threatens to become the most awaited "feature" in SMF v2.0, even more than the real new features. ;D

So - what ARE the new features ???

Thanks !  I've been searching for this info.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Peludo_08 on February 21, 2009, 03:05:25 PM
thanks cant wait to get it
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: tbk22 on February 21, 2009, 04:47:11 PM
Looks really neat =D
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Mert Öz on February 22, 2009, 07:13:40 AM
Nice theme.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: billy2 on February 22, 2009, 11:23:07 AM
did I see some mention of a button creator - or am I just hoping?

nice looking theme - cheers
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Fustrate on February 22, 2009, 11:55:43 AM
Pretty much, yes. If I read all of that correctly, there will be a PSD available so you can tweak it however you want to, including making new buttons.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: jmahan on February 22, 2009, 01:47:09 PM
I'm creating a forum for a small project team and I'm a very experienced developer. If Curve is far enough along I would love to Beta Test it for you (so I can start the new Forum with the new look, of course)

Keep up the good work!
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Deaks on February 22, 2009, 03:14:12 PM
thanks for offer however the team that are testing are well known themers, who have been around for a while.  It is due out on RC2 so if you can wait till then, you will be able to test it.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: eclipsenow on February 22, 2009, 05:20:44 PM
Any chance of them taking one little suggestion on board?

My wife is a graphic designer, and she thinks one small tweak would tidy up the theme a bit. (I think I mentioned this before, but here goes).

How about moving the words "Last post" from the right side-bar of each forum and up into the top of that column? It then leaves heaps more space for the last-post title itself to wrap around in that little box. I think that will create more clicks which then translates into more community. The FX themes already do this, but I think it is an important enough theme improvement to include in the default, and it shouldn't be too hard to do for the reward of all that extra space and a "cleaner" forum look?  :-\
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: choloman05 on February 23, 2009, 01:31:55 AM
that's a breath of fresh air.  And I know it's picky, but if we lost some of the icons (replaced by more contemporary-looking ones), that'd be a really nice default theme.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: billy2 on February 23, 2009, 03:31:06 AM
Quote from: billy2 on February 22, 2009, 11:23:07 AM
did I see some mention of a button creator - or am I just hoping?

Quote from: Fustrate on February 22, 2009, 11:55:43 AM
Pretty much, yes. If I read all of that correctly, there will be a PSD available so you can tweak it however you want to, including making new buttons.

Thats good news - thanks
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: ysNoi on February 23, 2009, 09:52:58 AM
Really amazing one....!  :) :)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: _System32_ on February 23, 2009, 09:57:20 AM
I like a lot, because this represented very

Congratulations to SimpleMachines team for the production of this wonderful item and have removed the previous topic that CORE was very ugly.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: elwizard on February 23, 2009, 11:32:34 AM
Very nice theme! Thank you. ;)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: jacmoe on February 23, 2009, 07:14:28 PM
I really don't think I can wait! :D
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: NHWD on February 23, 2009, 11:46:10 PM
Quote from: jacmoe on February 23, 2009, 07:14:28 PM
I really don't think I can wait! :D
me neither
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Hiver101 on February 24, 2009, 10:34:01 AM
Download!!! download!!
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: MultiformeIngegno on February 25, 2009, 06:37:07 AM
Guys you rock!!!! This theme is amazing!! :o
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: klumy on February 25, 2009, 04:45:43 PM
when will this theme be available?
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: 青山 素子 on February 25, 2009, 05:13:55 PM
It will hopefully be released with 2.0 RC2.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Pentaxian on February 25, 2009, 05:17:59 PM
This is a really beautiful theme. It looks great.

One thing I miss in the themes I've been looking into is the option that the sentence, saying you've got personal messages waiting for you gets a contrasting/alarming color the moment there is at least one message. A conditional setting, I mean.

Hey, keep up the good work. You're being admired!
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: poolhall on February 25, 2009, 06:41:14 PM
thanks for hard work! The new theme looks amazing.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: flexy123 on February 26, 2009, 04:13:45 PM
First i want to say that i am very pleased with the latest SMF 2 RC1,

i installed it on my webmaster and marketing forum (

The default theme is not bad, and the new one (this here) looks good, but personally i am not that big on those round corners - its "too" round and might not go with some other sites, especially if a forum is connected to a blog/site and the blog/site is not "round" :)

I also think you should provide a easier option to put banners/header pics up. I mean, i modded the theme...but its not really the best solution :)

Looking forward to release <--- SMF FTW!!


Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: riker on February 26, 2009, 05:39:04 PM
Nice bright fresh looking theme :)

Will the bugs be fixed which have been effecting IE on RC2 ?
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: bloc on February 26, 2009, 05:48:27 PM
Most certainly, the aim is to work well on all major browsers.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: _Anthony_ on February 26, 2009, 11:34:02 PM
Quote from: Bloc on February 26, 2009, 05:48:27 PM
Most certainly, the aim is to work well on all major browsers.
That's gotta be a real trick for IE.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: shumilica on February 26, 2009, 11:53:07 PM
Good looking theme, but please do something with the icons used by SMF. Pay somebody to make new ones (web 2.0 stylish or just more modern) or buy from icon makers around the net (i'll donate if this will be the case), or maybe a contest, like you did with the letters for birthdays or theme contest. Don't you see how ugly is that attention icon when registering? And that is the first interaction that a future member will have with the forum... and this is just one example...

Keep up the good work!
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: riker on February 27, 2009, 02:53:27 AM
Will this one be finally available to us ?
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: bloc on February 27, 2009, 04:28:49 AM
Quote from: shumilica on February 26, 2009, 11:53:07 PM
Good looking theme, but please do something with the icons used by SMF. Pay somebody to make new ones (web 2.0 stylish or just more modern) or buy from icon makers around the net (i'll donate if this will be the case), or maybe a contest, like you did with the letters for birthdays or theme contest. Don't you see how ugly is that attention icon when registering? And that is the first interaction that a future member will have with the forum... and this is just one example...

Keep up the good work!

Thank you. :) We are looking at doing something with the icons too, but right now its the theme appearance and its templates that are the main focus.

Quote from: riker on February 27, 2009, 02:53:27 AM
Will this one be finally available to us ?

When its ready it will become the default theme in the SMF 2 package, so most definitely yes. :)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: riker on February 27, 2009, 05:37:06 AM
Quote from: Bloc on February 27, 2009, 04:28:49 AM
When its ready it will become the default theme in the SMF 2 package, so most definitely yes. :)

No I'm referring to the one SMF use here.  It would be nice to have that replace one of the other old themes that are currently included
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: bloc on February 27, 2009, 07:06:41 AM
Quote from: riker on February 27, 2009, 05:37:06 AM
Quote from: Bloc on February 27, 2009, 04:28:49 AM
When its ready it will become the default theme in the SMF 2 package, so most definitely yes. :)

No I'm referring to the one SMF use here.  It would be nice to have that replace one of the other old themes that are currently included

I see. Currently no plans for that I am afraid..though it depends on a few factors, like if there are any interest for it and if the team would like such a change.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: netco on February 27, 2009, 10:19:51 AM
Question :

Will  rtl issue in theme be solved in rc2 ?
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: karlbenson on February 27, 2009, 10:20:48 AM
RTL issues have been tagged to be fixed for RC2.
So thats the plan AFAIK.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: mmostafayousef on February 28, 2009, 03:38:02 AM
Please try to fix the problems of the RTL languages that were available in the Core default theme in this new Curve Theme. This will be highly appreciated.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: metallica48423 on February 28, 2009, 04:01:11 AM
I personally doubt the current site theme will be released. 

The current site theme was more than not a concept.  I guess you could say it spawned curve.  But the coding is not really up to standard and really is sort of buggy.  But like i said, it was a concept :)

I believe our plan is to move to utilizing curve here once the theme is complete.

It should be fairly simple to get a look similar to the site here with curve, once it's completed, though. :)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: sodmanccc on February 28, 2009, 07:57:54 PM
once again great work Bloc

Quote from: Antechinus on February 16, 2009, 05:00:48 PM
Quote from: SunKing on February 16, 2009, 04:41:09 PM
Great work! It's a very nice professional looking theme.  ;D
And we're all hard at work making sure that by the time it is released it'll be even better.  8)

i like DZiner smf themes but no one makes themes for all different types of sites as good as Bloc.

Its a lot harder then most would think. they do a great great job of making a user friendly layout thats not heavey and works for all types of sites and i personally think Bloc has done a better job then VB default. nothing is more complex then making a simple yet powerful layout.

SMF Staff and related work hard to make SMF as great as it is I strongly suggest all non Charter members become Charter members to give even more out of SMF and support who supports you.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: sodmanccc on February 28, 2009, 08:03:58 PM
Quote from: metallica48423 on February 28, 2009, 04:01:11 AM
I personally doubt the current site theme will be released. 

The current site theme was more than not a concept.  I guess you could say it spawned curve.  But the coding is not really up to standard and really is sort of buggy.  But like i said, it was a concept :)

I believe our plan is to move to utilizing curve here once the theme is complete.

It should be fairly simple to get a look similar to the site here with curve, once it's completed, though. :)

metallica48423 sounds like this is creating a lot of work and issues for you guys... seams like this would be a good Charter members only feature. (if it becomes one at all hehe)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: - Lawrence - on March 01, 2009, 02:26:39 PM
Wow, this looks really good, I can't wait for it :D.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Black_Paolo on March 02, 2009, 07:27:32 AM
That would be the new default theme? Nice ;)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: riker on March 02, 2009, 08:21:58 AM
Quote from: metallica48423 on February 28, 2009, 04:01:11 AM
I personally doubt the current site theme will be released. 

The current site theme was more than not a concept.  I guess you could say it spawned curve.  But the coding is not really up to standard and really is sort of buggy.  But like i said, it was a concept :)

I believe our plan is to move to utilizing curve here once the theme is complete.

It should be fairly simple to get a look similar to the site here with curve, once it's completed, though. :)

Well my point was it would be nice to have a couple of other nice themes to go with it instead of the older ones which are already included :)  This could also give modders more incentive to write for the 3 new ones ;)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: 青山 素子 on March 02, 2009, 11:27:14 AM
We will likely be removing Classic and Babylon from the package and making them a separate download.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: HR on March 02, 2009, 11:32:55 AM
I rather like that idea.. as most mods arent affecting those themes and other themes are making use of default then in the package they are pretty much bloatware.  Of course this isnt to say they arent wonderful pieces of work.. just the general consensus
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: TommyJoe on March 02, 2009, 01:52:29 PM
I like the new theme, it looks great. I use the default cor theme with some mod's.
The only complaint that I receive from my users is the stark white backgrounds and such.

Maybe a color generator that will change the css colors board wide, I think that would be great.

Great work SMF, I stumbled upon your work by accident, I am changing all my boards to SMF.

And I am leaving the SMF logo to link to your page.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: BounceDK on March 02, 2009, 04:55:42 PM
Looks awesome, it needs a profile picture though - I've always like those :)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: aiwaX on March 02, 2009, 05:27:34 PM
Thats the Layout i waited for... well-arranged and good linking! (as far as i am able to judge it by the screenshots)

I will check the news feed for RC2 daily  ;)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: dr.wills on March 03, 2009, 10:40:38 AM
 :P it's cute. time to go Curving  8)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: abcx on March 03, 2009, 06:04:33 PM
Will the font size selector at the top right corner interfere with the placement of banner / advertisement?
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: IchBin™ on March 03, 2009, 08:11:01 PM
I don't think the font selector will make it into the final product. Personally I'd much rather see a width selector, as the browser can already do font resizing on its own.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: abcx on March 04, 2009, 05:24:54 AM
Manual / auto width selector & also font size selector but not at the top right / left corner of Board Index page as that might interfere with the placement of banner / advertisement.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: eedavidee on March 04, 2009, 08:51:16 AM
hey guys,

yesterday about 8pm Beijing time i noticed that my theme on the already working forum has changed to the curve. did anyone of you noticed that too? when i went home and opened the forum it was gone. it looked nice. i cant wait for ti to be released.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: searchgr on March 04, 2009, 09:40:47 AM
How is possible to happen this?
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: poolhall on March 04, 2009, 09:57:01 AM
Quote from: searchgr on March 04, 2009, 09:40:47 AM
How is possible to happen this?
due to toxic mushrooms, possibly.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: 青山 素子 on March 04, 2009, 10:36:01 AM
Quote from: poolhall on March 04, 2009, 09:57:01 AM
Quote from: searchgr on March 04, 2009, 09:40:47 AM
How is possible to happen this?
due to toxic mushrooms, possibly.

/me laughs

Nice one.

Seriously now, Curve hasn't been released and we are still working on it. Besides, we don't have the kind of power to push it to your sites.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Fustrate on March 04, 2009, 11:14:42 AM
You can push things to my site any time, if ya know what I mean ;)

and I mean you can release things a little early for CMs and I'll download them.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: searchgr on March 04, 2009, 02:34:06 PM
Quote from: poolhall on March 04, 2009, 09:57:01 AM
due to toxic mushrooms, possibly.

A good alternative solution for those who can't wait  :D
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: fiver on March 04, 2009, 09:53:44 PM
Quote from: bullbreedluverz on February 16, 2009, 04:59:46 PM
and possibly have a scroll bar so that for example 100 recent posts can be shown in a small space rather than either showing either just a small amount of recent posts or having the recent posts taking up more space than your actual forum cats & boards do

I have been using a scrollable Recent Posts at the top of my forum for about 3 years. There was once I upgraded the forum and didn't put the top scroll bar back, some members felt quite lost without it.

I need help on an improvement here if anyone can offer some idea please: (
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: flyingstar16 on March 07, 2009, 09:36:09 AM
Am I the only one who cannot see the screenshots but gets a bolded name instead? O_o
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: 青山 素子 on March 07, 2009, 11:59:53 AM
I think it's related to the site upgrade we recently did. I'll have one of the site team look at the issue.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: 6aro on March 08, 2009, 04:40:32 AM
Quote from: flyingstar16 on March 07, 2009, 09:36:09 AM
Am I the only one who cannot see the screenshots but gets a bolded name instead? O_o

No, I can`t see it to! May by   Motoko-chan is right.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: metallica48423 on March 08, 2009, 05:03:26 AM
Thanks, i've copied the files over from our old webserver :)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Imô¿ôu2 on March 08, 2009, 01:18:14 PM
Wow that is a nice clean new look
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Kenny01 on March 08, 2009, 01:30:06 PM
It's cool, but i prefer to remain with my 1.1.8
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: abcx on March 08, 2009, 02:02:15 PM
Can we have a brand-free version of SMF 2.0 (without SMF copyright) that can be purchased?
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Kenny01 on March 08, 2009, 02:07:16 PM
Quote from: abcx on March 08, 2009, 02:02:15 PM
Can we have a brand-free version of SMF 2.0 (without SMF copyright) that can be purchased?
I don't think it possible.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: 青山 素子 on March 08, 2009, 02:24:23 PM
We do allow the removal of copyright in certain circumstances, however this isn't the topic to begin a discussion on that. Either start a new one, or find one of the many where this was discussed before.

Please bring this discussion back on topic, please.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: rower on March 08, 2009, 03:44:48 PM
that is a nice clean :) congratulation !
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: saaam on March 09, 2009, 03:43:31 AM
Cool looks pls make themes for support all mods ............................ :D
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: bloc on March 09, 2009, 04:38:16 AM
Quote from: saaam on March 09, 2009, 03:43:31 AM
Cool looks pls make themes for support all mods ............................ :D

Thats actually one of the reasons we are rewriting the templates - not just doing a new look, but also using much more CSS. You can then in many cases leave the templates alone when you make a custom theme and only change the stylesheets.

Which means most mods will work and install easily on custom themes as well.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: mark7144 on March 09, 2009, 05:34:43 AM
Once this comes out, I can finally make the move to SMF2. I'll have a lot of fun ripping this theme apart :D
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Kenny01 on March 09, 2009, 09:56:50 AM
Quote from: Bloc on March 09, 2009, 04:38:16 AM
Quote from: saaam on March 09, 2009, 03:43:31 AM
Cool looks pls make themes for support all mods ............................ :D

Thats actually one of the reasons we are rewriting the templates - not just doing a new look, but also using much more CSS. You can then in many cases leave the templates alone when you make a custom theme and only change the stylesheets.

Which means most mods will work and install easily on custom themes as well.
that's a good idea.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: c23_Mike on March 09, 2009, 04:13:20 PM
Hi there !

All cool! But I want to know at which time I could convert and use SMF 2? Together with Tinyportal? Are there days? Weeks? Month?
Today i use ikonboard, I just test the convert from iB to smf 1.18, but maybe I should wait and just step up to 2.0 ... if I know which time we talk.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: HR on March 09, 2009, 05:33:58 PM
LOL I Just noticed.. Category headers in all those shots are rounded except for the one in topic view ;)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: bloc on March 09, 2009, 06:52:10 PM
Quote from: HR on March 09, 2009, 05:33:58 PM
LOL I Just noticed.. Category headers in all those shots are rounded except for the one in topic view ;)

Work in progress. :) Mind you, there have to be a bit of a balance, it can't all be round lol.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Kenny01 on March 10, 2009, 02:03:36 AM
SMF simply the best.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Tristan Perry on March 10, 2009, 04:33:22 AM
Quote from: c23_Mike on March 09, 2009, 04:13:20 PM
Hi there !

All cool! But I want to know at which time I could convert and use SMF 2? Together with Tinyportal? Are there days? Weeks? Month?
Today i use ikonboard, I just test the convert from iB to smf 1.18, but maybe I should wait and just step up to 2.0 ... if I know which time we talk.
Hello there :)
Currently, release dates are never given out (well, to be more accurate, there aren't any release dates set - things will be released when ready :)) - and so, unfortunately, a time frame can't be given.

However if you are happy with running beta software on a live site (which can be a bit risky since it may contain a few bugs) then upgrading straight to 2.0 should be no real problem, especially since 2.0 RC2 (the one with curve in) will also be an easy upgrade to do.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: ictboy on March 10, 2009, 06:42:12 AM
That look nice
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: hartiberlin on March 10, 2009, 07:15:57 AM
Very nice new default theme.
Will it work with the Mods, that are made for only the default theme now in RC1 ?
By the way, how many Release Candidate Version will there be,
before SMF 2.0 final will be out ?

Many thanks.
Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Tristan Perry on March 10, 2009, 07:43:09 AM
Quote from: hartiberlin on March 10, 2009, 07:15:57 AM
Very nice new default theme.
Will it work with the Mods, that are made for only the default theme now in RC1 ?
By the way, how many Release Candidate Version will there be,
before SMF 2.0 final will be out ?

Many thanks.
Regards, Stefan.
It really depends on what the mods actually modify, although modifications written specifically to change some part of the current SMF default theme (i.e. core) may not work with curve since curve is pretty different (in parts) to core. Although it really depends on the mod itself :)

And there are no plans as to how many RCs there will be before a final release - it depends on developement of curve, bug fixes, if any features need changing/adding etc.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: c23_Mike on March 10, 2009, 04:02:01 PM
Hi there !

As course no correct date, just a frame ;-)
And as long there is the Simple Portal for SMF 2.0 is not given to public I will wait :-(
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Stallyon on March 11, 2009, 08:14:41 AM
Not bad. Looking forward to getting my mits on it. I hope the RC1 -> RC2 wait isn't as long as some have been.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Gary on March 11, 2009, 01:02:25 PM
Quote from: hartiberlin on March 10, 2009, 07:15:57 AM
By the way, how many Release Candidate Version will there be,
before SMF 2.0 final will be out ?

Usually, in the past, it's been planned for two. However it doesnt always work out that way since for example, 1.1 had three Release Candidates. So remember, there will be at least two, but there can always be a third.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Kenny01 on March 11, 2009, 02:50:25 PM
I hope there will still be an option for us to keep our old theme?
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: shadow82x on March 11, 2009, 03:08:52 PM
Quote from: Kenny01 on March 11, 2009, 02:50:25 PM
I hope there will still be an option for us to keep our old theme?

As some of our members may remember, some time ago, we posted a topic inquiring which of the bundled SMF themes our members use as their default.  After evaluating these numbers, we have decided to bundle both "Curve" and "Core", the current SMF Default Theme, with SMF 2.0.  The older default themes, "Babylon" and "classic" will still be maintained by the team and will be made available via our Theme Site, but will be removed from the SMF download package.  This will help minimize the size of the SMF 2.0 download archive in the future

Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: dewdrinker19 on March 11, 2009, 04:47:00 PM
Does anybody know if the CSS for the new curve theme will have unique names for properties?

It would be really nice to be able to also load a css and header from different software (Joomla, Wordpress, etc.) and not have the css conflicting with each other!  :)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Antechinus on March 11, 2009, 06:25:43 PM
It has unique names all over the place. It's unique.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: paulthai on March 11, 2009, 08:34:02 PM
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: orelanic on March 12, 2009, 05:55:46 AM
I want it now, nowwww!!! gime gime gime  :)

OK in normal mode, I think it looks really cool and I can't wait for the RC2 :D
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Kenny01 on March 12, 2009, 05:24:45 PM
Quote from: Shadow82x on March 11, 2009, 03:08:52 PM
Quote from: Kenny01 on March 11, 2009, 02:50:25 PM
I hope there will still be an option for us to keep our old theme?

As some of our members may remember, some time ago, we posted a topic inquiring which of the bundled SMF themes our members use as their default.  After evaluating these numbers, we have decided to bundle both "Curve" and "Core", the current SMF Default Theme, with SMF 2.0.  The older default themes, "Babylon" and "classic" will still be maintained by the team and will be made available via our Theme Site, but will be removed from the SMF download package.  This will help minimize the size of the SMF 2.0 download archive in the future

Good idea.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Yigal on March 13, 2009, 02:32:38 AM
Great Job!
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: NHWD on March 13, 2009, 05:07:28 PM
Quote from: Bloc on March 09, 2009, 04:38:16 AM
Quote from: saaam on March 09, 2009, 03:43:31 AM
Cool looks pls make themes for support all mods ............................ :D

Thats actually one of the reasons we are rewriting the templates - not just doing a new look, but also using much more CSS. You can then in many cases leave the templates alone when you make a custom theme and only change the stylesheets.

Which means most mods will work and install easily on custom themes as well.
thats badly needed hopefully it works
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: michelangelo on March 13, 2009, 05:33:06 PM
Oh NOES, the admin panel is a drop down menu? You guys better stick to the sidebar navigation since moving boards and setting permissions requires lots and lots of clicks. Using a drop down menu will just cost time and decreases efficient navigation. Please keep the sidebar navigation!
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Antechinus on March 13, 2009, 05:42:33 PM
You have the option of the old sidebar or the new drops. Same in profile and in the pm centre. The display can be toggled between the two alternatives, so people can pick which one they like. There are no plans to get rid of the sidebar completely.

Personally I agree that the sidebar is better for admin, but some people will like the drops. :)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Kenny01 on March 13, 2009, 06:18:53 PM
Another cool idea.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: mark7144 on March 13, 2009, 06:19:02 PM
Quote from: michelangelo on March 13, 2009, 05:33:06 PM
Oh NOES, the admin panel is a drop down menu? You guys better stick to the sidebar navigation since moving boards and setting permissions requires lots and lots of clicks. Using a drop down menu will just cost time and decreases efficient navigation. Please keep the sidebar navigation!
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Gary on March 13, 2009, 06:21:05 PM
There's no need to worry about it. You can use either the dropdowns or the current sidebar at will.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Leemy on March 13, 2009, 11:59:35 PM
When is Curve being released? I noticed it's not with my RC1. We have to wait for final 2.0? Also when is that :)? lol thanks
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Fustrate on March 14, 2009, 12:02:41 AM
It will most likely be with RC2.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Leemy on March 14, 2009, 01:28:58 AM
Quote from: Fustrate on March 14, 2009, 12:02:41 AM
It will most likely be with RC2.
Thank you for the info Fustrate.  Looks like Dilber MC is unmaintaned to 2.0 I cant find a solution for it :( My users will be sad but Curve looks like an excellent switch with some color changes
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Tristan Perry on March 14, 2009, 05:24:15 AM
Quote from: michelangelo on March 13, 2009, 05:33:06 PM
Oh NOES, the admin panel is a drop down menu? You guys better stick to the sidebar navigation since moving boards and setting permissions requires lots and lots of clicks. Using a drop down menu will just cost time and decreases efficient navigation. Please keep the sidebar navigation!
As always, choice is provided ;)

You can click a button to convert it back to a sidebar navigation.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: SPerroud on March 14, 2009, 03:49:05 PM
Wow, very nice theme. Gr8 Work SMF team !
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: <ProGamer> on March 14, 2009, 07:42:29 PM
very nice
i like the funny fact that the admin panel says rc2 is not the most up to date version :D
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: pulkit on March 14, 2009, 08:20:57 PM
nice theme ... the look of the software can often change mindsets of how good they perceive the software to be ... this certainly looks much better than RC1 and even though the software might not be much better, the users will appreciate it more ...
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: eedavidee on March 19, 2009, 05:45:44 AM
do you guys have timeframe for the curve now? i mean I WANT IT.  :( O:)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Dragooon on March 19, 2009, 06:08:31 AM
It is expected to be released with SMF 2 RC 2. No time frames are given out.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: gourav on March 21, 2009, 09:34:08 AM
Really cant wait for Curve :)
There was a HUGE need of change in look of default SMF theme
and the snapshots are showing this time look would be enhanced drastically :)

Just want to confirm if there is any chnages in wap templates too??
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Álvaro R on March 21, 2009, 11:03:43 AM
:o really awesome ;)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Leemy on March 21, 2009, 01:15:28 PM
Will Curve have different Color Templates? It'd be great if we can pick up Curve while keeping a color theme close to our current branding.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: bloc on March 21, 2009, 01:33:33 PM
Its not something thats planned right now, but its rather easy to do, as the graphics will be collected into bigger files. Not 6-7 smaller ones, but a bigger one where CSS will handle the positioning. This technique will allow quicker changes of the graphics.

For example: the menu in Core theme(current default) uses 4-5 smaller images for active/non-active, first and last parts of the menu. In Curve we also use images like that, but they are all on just one single image. The browser will need to download only image for the menu and you as the user, can take this image and change it easily enough.Se attached graphic.

SMF 2 also supports color changes within themes so its def. a possibilty.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Scribs on March 21, 2009, 02:24:38 PM
I cant wait to use the new theme and to have RC2!
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Entropic on March 22, 2009, 03:47:45 PM
I am actually quite fond of this new look; sleek, simple. Nice :)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: cybernet on March 22, 2009, 08:56:58 PM
how many RC will be ?
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Gary on March 22, 2009, 09:23:48 PM
At least two are planned.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Fustrate on March 22, 2009, 10:25:15 PM
key word: "planned" ;)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: IchBin™ on March 22, 2009, 10:30:27 PM
Key words "At least". :D
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Fustrate on March 22, 2009, 11:06:45 PM
the only remaining key words are now "two are"...
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: metallica48423 on March 22, 2009, 11:29:47 PM
Two RC's are planned.  There may be a third if the team feels curve is not up to snuff enough to be released as final when the release following RC2 is to be made.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: kingkingston on March 23, 2009, 05:26:44 AM
not bad but if you look closely you can see the edges of the square up top
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Leemy on March 25, 2009, 02:15:44 AM
Thanks for the updates, SMF team. Glad to know Curve will be easily customized to other colors.  Do we have an ETA on RC2? Thanks Again!
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Fustrate on March 25, 2009, 02:23:57 AM
They'll tell you the ETA after it comes out ;)

Basically, you never rush out a bad product if you don't bind yourself to a deadline.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: orelanic on March 25, 2009, 06:32:38 AM
Quote from: Fustrate on March 25, 2009, 02:23:57 AM
They'll tell you the ETA after it comes out ;)

Basically, you never rush out a bad product if you don't bind yourself to a deadline.

Very true...
but just like a children who want the new toy you will get,  I WANT IT NOWWWWW... :)

Thanks for doing what you do so well.

Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Antechinus on March 25, 2009, 06:35:37 AM
Well to tell you the truth, it is a work in progress and that means if we gave it to you NOWWWWW you'd probably be grumpy about it anyway. We're doing you a favour here. Srsly. ;D
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: iaccountant on March 25, 2009, 08:44:58 PM
Great looking version...and it will always be a work in progress. I can't see the development team resting on its laurels.

FWIW, I am a fan of the side bar and the tabs...though I understand the drop downs make for faster "global" navigation. I guess I just like "being in context"...being in a "resting space"... which is what the sidebar and tabs give me.

I guess the bottom line is that given my behaviours and use of the admin centre, that  I do not feel the urgency to jump from one area to the other.

But that's just me. And I appreciate all your efforts to create such a marvellous piece of software...nor will I ever look such a great gift horse in the mouth.

I'll just be happy riding it :)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Leemy on March 27, 2009, 09:04:06 PM
There's a saying in business that
QuoteIt's better to release a good product today, than a better product tomorrow

Assuming stability, it's best to release software and then improve it as you go.  If you keep waiting for perfection, potential users could go to other products, etc etc.

Of course I'd love to see SMF as stable and feature-rich as possible, but I also really wanna get RC2 + Curve! lol

Thanks again to the SMF team for all their hard work.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Tristan Perry on March 28, 2009, 12:33:53 PM
Quote from: Saleem on March 27, 2009, 09:04:06 PM
Of course I'd love to see SMF as stable and feature-rich as possible, but I also really wanna get RC2 + Curve! lol
That's why many of the betas for 2.0 have been released already ;)

They are releasing and fixing, it's just that Curve is a very big change and currently isn't stable enough to release at this immediate moment in time (although work is being done on it daily)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: on March 28, 2009, 05:23:48 PM
Will the psd files for Curve be available to those of us who just want to change the colors of the images?
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Tristan Perry on March 28, 2009, 07:30:17 PM
Quote from: s² on March 28, 2009, 05:23:48 PM
Will the psd files for Curve be available to those of us who just want to change the colors of the images?
Certain PSDs (i.e. for the corners, etc) will probably be provided, yes.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: 青山 素子 on March 28, 2009, 07:49:20 PM
A customization kit will very likely be provided once we have the code behind the theme in a much more stable state. At the very least, many of the source images will be made available so color variations and minor tweaks can be made.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Electro-X- on March 30, 2009, 10:59:52 AM
When the RC2 gonna be out?? i know there's no exact time... man i can't wait.....
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Fustrate on March 30, 2009, 11:32:12 AM
Start counting to a billion, and when you say the right number, RC2 will be released.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: уιℓмαz on March 30, 2009, 12:23:42 PM
Very nice picts
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Tristan Perry on March 30, 2009, 02:19:12 PM
Quote from: Fustrate on March 30, 2009, 11:32:12 AM
Start counting to a billion, and when you say the right number, RC2 will be released.
If I write a program (PHP, Java etc) to count it for me, will this still be true? :P

Nah Electro-X-, it'll be released when it's ready. And there's no time limit on how long it'll take until "it's ready" ;)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Hragged on March 30, 2009, 04:19:20 PM
Hello, just wanted to say that I'm really looking forward to this and thanks for all the hard work :)
I've been using your forum software for almost 3 years now and never had a problem.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Fustrate on March 30, 2009, 04:55:34 PM
Quote from: Tristan Perry on March 30, 2009, 02:19:12 PM
Quote from: Fustrate on March 30, 2009, 11:32:12 AM
Start counting to a billion, and when you say the right number, RC2 will be released.
If I write a program (PHP, Java etc) to count it for me, will this still be true? :P
Nope. It has to be out loud, from your own mouth. Any outside help is cheating, and resets the counter to negative one billion.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Tristan Perry on March 30, 2009, 05:17:20 PM
Quote from: Fustrate on March 30, 2009, 04:55:34 PM
Quote from: Tristan Perry on March 30, 2009, 02:19:12 PM
Quote from: Fustrate on March 30, 2009, 11:32:12 AM
Start counting to a billion, and when you say the right number, RC2 will be released.
If I write a program (PHP, Java etc) to count it for me, will this still be true? :P
Nope. It has to be out loud, from your own mouth. Any outside help is cheating, and resets the counter to negative one billion.
Damn, you've got me there ;D
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Fustrate on March 30, 2009, 05:19:31 PM
but what if the number is -742,193,017? You'd then HAVE to cheat before you could get to the right number...
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: ryansaw on March 31, 2009, 01:11:43 PM
Looks very nice!
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: billy2 on April 01, 2009, 07:49:19 AM
Hi Team,
You have probably answered this question a hundred times before........

I have only ever upgraded like; 1.1.4>1.1.7>1.1.8 , I have never installed a complete new 'package' :- which I presume curve falls into.

Have I got this right?..........
I can install curve to a totally new folder and install, but use the same named database as I use in 1.1.8 and all posts and accounts will still remain....... just the forum will look fresh and new.

Or have I again got the wrong end of the stick?
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Gary on April 01, 2009, 08:31:57 AM
Curve wont work on 1.1. You will need to upgrade to 2.0 if you wish to use it. The changes in the templates are too great to back port.

Check out our documentation for upgrading: Upgrade SMF (;sort=subject)

To install themes from the theme site that are compatible with 1.1, then yeah. You can install them via the Admin Center.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Spiritwarrior on April 01, 2009, 08:39:29 PM
It looks very outstanding and professional, I'm looking forward to its release.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: billy2 on April 02, 2009, 11:26:42 AM
Quote from: Gazmanafc on April 01, 2009, 08:31:57 AM
Curve wont work on 1.1. You will need to upgrade to 2.0 if you wish to use it. The changes in the templates are too great to back port.

Check out our documentation for upgrading: Upgrade SMF (;sort=subject)

To install themes from the theme site that are compatible with 1.1, then yeah. You can install them via the Admin Center.

Thanks Gazmanafc......but what I was actually asking was - if I upgraded to 2 curve into a completely different folder, can I still use the same database that 1.1.8 uses without losing any members or posts?
What I am trying to achieve is a shorter link to my forum.... its fkn long like ......./file/subfile/anothersubfile/index.php
This stems from many moons ago when I knew even less than I do now :)
Cheers - and sorry for being numb
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: niko on April 02, 2009, 11:32:45 AM
Quote from: billy2 on April 02, 2009, 11:26:42 AM
Quote from: Gazmanafc on April 01, 2009, 08:31:57 AM
Curve wont work on 1.1. You will need to upgrade to 2.0 if you wish to use it. The changes in the templates are too great to back port.

Check out our documentation for upgrading: Upgrade SMF (;sort=subject)

To install themes from the theme site that are compatible with 1.1, then yeah. You can install them via the Admin Center.

Thanks Gazmanafc......but what I was actually asking was - if I upgraded to 2 curve into a completely different folder, can I still use the same database that 1.1.8 uses without losing any members or posts?
Cheers - and sorry for being numb

You won't lose anything in database, upgrader will conver 1.1.x database to 2.0.x database. But you can't use this database from 1.1 after this.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: billy2 on April 02, 2009, 11:35:57 AM
Quote from: Niko on April 02, 2009, 11:32:45 AM
Quote from: billy2 on April 02, 2009, 11:26:42 AM
Quote from: Gazmanafc on April 01, 2009, 08:31:57 AM
Curve wont work on 1.1. You will need to upgrade to 2.0 if you wish to use it. The changes in the templates are too great to back port.

Check out our documentation for upgrading: Upgrade SMF (;sort=subject)

To install themes from the theme site that are compatible with 1.1, then yeah. You can install them via the Admin Center.

Thanks Gazmanafc......but what I was actually asking was - if I upgraded to 2 curve into a completely different folder, can I still use the same database that 1.1.8 uses without losing any members or posts?
Cheers - and sorry for being numb

You won't lose anything in database, upgrader will conver 1.1.x database to 2.0.x database. But you can't use this database from 1.1 after this.

Thank you Niko.........damn - I edited my post with shorter path blurb and you had already answered.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: elgrand on April 02, 2009, 03:46:00 PM
Well done guys what can i say i have just moved from PHPbb what a load of **** that was nightmare mods you way is so much better
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Fustrate on April 02, 2009, 05:01:55 PM
That's why they call them simple machines ;)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: asetaw on April 04, 2009, 12:36:32 PM
maybe this  (;lemma=1294;id=8003;image")could be the new look.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Farmacija on April 04, 2009, 06:10:22 PM
I like it!

Especially Admin CP.

Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: farhaj on April 05, 2009, 02:42:48 PM
that is outstanding!
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: NHWD on April 05, 2009, 05:14:34 PM
i dont know if i read the post i was reading right
but will we be able to edit the themes thru css instead of changing around index.php and boardindex.template.php etc.?
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Tristan Perry on April 05, 2009, 05:20:18 PM
Quote from: CL0WNER on April 05, 2009, 05:14:34 PM
i dont know if i read the post i was reading right
but will we be able to edit the themes thru css instead of changing around index.php and boardindex.template.php etc.?
Yes, that is the aim :)

It's basically all done via CSS and so you can modify the relevant CSS files and modify the template that way.

As a beta tester I recently tested out changing the default look of Curve to a completely different looking theme (different colours and some other bits changed too), and didn't have to modify the template files at all (only the images and CSS) :)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Antechinus on April 05, 2009, 05:46:07 PM
Up to a point. If you want to change the basic structure of the theme you will still need to edit templates. If you simply want to re-colour and slightly re-arrange the existing structure then the new css will give much more flexibility.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Tristan Perry on April 05, 2009, 05:51:59 PM
Quote from: Antechinus on April 05, 2009, 05:46:07 PM
Up to a point. If you want to change the basic structure of the theme you will still need to edit templates. If you simply want to re-colour and slightly re-arrange the existing structure then the new css will give much more flexibility.
Ah yes, good point :) My post wasn't too clear. I meant that I was able to change the colour of it and change some of the structure purely through CSS and image changing.

If you wanted to make a completely different one you'd need to change the template files too.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: NHWD on April 05, 2009, 10:27:33 PM
okay i get you guys sounds really good all i could really edit is css so thats why i asked
thanks guys
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: wjhdiz on April 07, 2009, 01:49:12 PM
Is this going to be the default theme for SMF2.0?
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Gary on April 07, 2009, 02:45:25 PM
Quote from: Phantom_TM on April 04, 2009, 12:36:32 PM
maybe this  (;lemma=1294;id=8003;image")could be the new look.
For you, yes. For everybody. No.

Quote from: wjhdiz on April 07, 2009, 01:49:12 PM
Is this going to be the default theme for SMF2.0?
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: wjhdiz on April 08, 2009, 01:43:30 PM
Making this theme as default theme for SMF2.0 will make SMF looks closer to Phpbb3.0. I might be wrong.

Simple Machines Hero

Will you consider to update wiki theme to SMF2.0?

Thanks so much.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Gary on April 08, 2009, 02:05:55 PM
Me? No. It's not my theme. :P Contact Bloc. The author.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: wjhdiz on April 08, 2009, 02:53:11 PM
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: nedla on April 10, 2009, 03:54:55 PM
any news on rc2 yet as i want curve for me birthday he he
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Gary on April 10, 2009, 04:43:08 PM
There wont be a release date announced. We don't work to deadlines. It'll be released when it's ready.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: nedla on April 10, 2009, 04:59:20 PM
cool. can'twait till it comes looks soo smooth well done to all involved
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: monsterebooks on April 12, 2009, 11:15:47 PM
Do you have any time it will be ready, like with in 1 month, 2, 3, 4 months???
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Antechinus on April 12, 2009, 11:25:08 PM
I can guarantee it within the next 48 months. No worries at all. :D
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Fustrate on April 13, 2009, 12:15:59 AM
Quote from: Antechinus on April 12, 2009, 11:25:08 PM
I can guarantee it within the next 48 months. No worries at all. :D
I can even narrow it down to the next 47.5 months, due to my sources inside the government of Vermont.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: dakpluto on April 13, 2009, 09:29:34 AM
My sources of the bathroom wall at the train station say it will be ready in the next 32 months....

and we can call it for a good time when it's ready.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Dragooon on April 13, 2009, 09:41:36 AM
My CPU's last words were that SMF 2 RC 2 will come out before December 21 2012.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Owdy on April 13, 2009, 10:35:40 AM
I hope we are faster this time than we were with 1.1. :)

SMF 1.1 RC1 28.12.05
SMF 1.1 RC2 19.06.06
SMF 1.1 RC3  02.12.06
SMF 1.1 Final 07.12.06

Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Ðyєgσv on April 13, 2009, 03:22:22 PM
Well you guyz surely did a great job there with the new theme, tough I still prefer the one used on this site better. I really love the theme on this site O:)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Gary on April 13, 2009, 03:39:02 PM
Curve is technically based around this theme in part. But the overall layout used on this site, is exclusive to
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: NHWD on April 14, 2009, 03:33:00 AM
Quote from: Antechinus on April 12, 2009, 11:25:08 PM
I can guarantee it within the next 48 months. No worries at all. :D
48 months? are u serious?to be honest id probably be using another forumsoftware if it takes that long
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Dragooon on April 14, 2009, 03:37:54 AM
Quote from: CL0WNER on April 14, 2009, 03:33:00 AM
Quote from: Antechinus on April 12, 2009, 11:25:08 PM
I can guarantee it within the next 48 months. No worries at all. :D
48 months? are u serious?to be honest id probably be using another forumsoftware if it takes that long
He wasn't serious, it was a joke....
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: NHWD on April 14, 2009, 05:04:40 AM
Quote from: Dragooon on April 14, 2009, 03:37:54 AM
Quote from: CL0WNER on April 14, 2009, 03:33:00 AM
Quote from: Antechinus on April 12, 2009, 11:25:08 PM
I can guarantee it within the next 48 months. No worries at all. :D
48 months? are u serious?to be honest id probably be using another forumsoftware if it takes that long
He wasn't serious, it was a joke....
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Black_Paolo on April 14, 2009, 06:13:40 AM
Mabye for Smf 3.0 :D
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Gary on April 14, 2009, 06:35:58 AM
Technically it is true though. RC2 will be released within 48 months, a long with a whole lot of other versions. :P
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Tias_ on April 15, 2009, 01:57:14 AM
very nice ;)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: searchgr on April 15, 2009, 03:30:20 AM
It's always like this, no one harry if there is no interest of money or profit....
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: bloc on April 15, 2009, 05:56:07 AM
Quote from: searchgr on April 15, 2009, 03:30:20 AM
It's always like this, no one harry if there is no interest of money or profit....

You do understand this is a voluntary project, right? That everyone on the team here are doing work, lots of hours , on their own time, without getting any pay for it? I am asking, because it seems you are not - or you seem to think everyone has unlimited time, loads of money so we don't have to work and of course a never-ending desire to work on SMF 24/7.

Well, apart from the last lol :), those things sadly are only available to very few, if any. So be grateful for that it IS people doing it, and be patient. If you can't wait, then hire someone to create one faster for you - saves you the trouble of waiting.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: searchgr on April 15, 2009, 11:38:16 AM
Quote from: Bloc on April 15, 2009, 05:56:07 AM
Quote from: searchgr on April 15, 2009, 03:30:20 AM
It's always like this, no one harry if there is no interest of money or profit....

That everyone on the team here are doing work, lots of hours , on their own time, without getting any pay for it?

We say the same thing....
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Black_Paolo on April 15, 2009, 06:46:42 PM
Quote from: Bloc on April 15, 2009, 05:56:07 AM
Quote from: searchgr on April 15, 2009, 03:30:20 AM
It's always like this, no one harry if there is no interest of money or profit....

You do understand this is a voluntary project, right? That everyone on the team here are doing work, lots of hours , on their own time, without getting any pay for it? I am asking, because it seems you are not - or you seem to think everyone has unlimited time, loads of money so we don't have to work and of course a never-ending desire to work on SMF 24/7.

Well, apart from the last lol :), those things sadly are only available to very few, if any. So be grateful for that it IS people doing it, and be patient. If you can't wait, then hire someone to create one faster for you - saves you the trouble of waiting.
I think you did the perfect answer, that because of my bad knowledge of English I couldn't do :D
Title: Re: SMF 4.7 RC9 Released!
Post by: Fustrate on April 16, 2009, 01:10:32 AM
Pfft, Bloc, you know you get paid in happy thoughts and goodwill!
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: searchgr on April 16, 2009, 04:36:44 PM
ok guys, i will be in stand by mode for the next 48 months :)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: ShawnH on April 19, 2009, 05:52:14 AM
I truly like the new look, changing to SMF a short time ago and has made my life so much easier and to see the dedication being put into this new revision... just gives me the warm and fuzzy's...

Thank you all who are involved, keep up the good word...  ;)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: orelanic on April 20, 2009, 07:54:48 AM
Quote from: Fustrate on April 16, 2009, 01:10:32 AM
Pfft, Bloc, you know you get paid in happy thoughts and goodwill!

Add my happy thoughts and good will to the list :)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Leemy on April 20, 2009, 01:08:03 PM
I am willing to pay 2 cuils and an internet to get RC2? ;)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Fustrate on April 20, 2009, 02:34:37 PM
Deal. Send the cuils and the internet ASAP, and I'll send RC2 as soon as it's released :D
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Leemy on April 20, 2009, 08:46:38 PM
Hm I should have specified that the cuils expire in 10 days. NEED MY RCTWOOOOO
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: vas on April 21, 2009, 01:01:55 PM
Nice looking! Please change the icon set too if possible. I will migrate to SMF once this SMF version becomes GOLD. Main reason will be this theme and the bridging option with CMSes. Thanks. :D
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: carterx on April 23, 2009, 11:43:24 AM
Quick question without looking through the 16 pages here. The new theme which I really like, will it be the default theme in the full SMF 2.0 release or will this just be the theme here on the SMF site. Really like this theme to use.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Marcus Forsberg on April 23, 2009, 11:46:53 AM
carterx, this will be the new default theme in SMF 2.0
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: carterx on April 23, 2009, 12:10:22 PM
Great news, thanks  8)
So far I think this is the best looking theme there is for RC2 so far
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: lastnico on April 24, 2009, 06:25:12 AM
Very nice look!
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: yawp on April 24, 2009, 04:24:36 PM
is there any possibility to wrap up this theme in a separate package and make it available for download without waiting for the RC2 release to be ready ?

Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Marcus Forsberg on April 24, 2009, 04:25:36 PM
No, yawp, it is not.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Tristan Perry on April 24, 2009, 04:33:42 PM
Quote from: yawp on April 24, 2009, 04:24:36 PM
is there any possibility to wrap up this theme in a separate package and make it available for download without waiting for the RC2 release to be ready ?
The theme itself still isn't 100% ready.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: dr.wills on April 25, 2009, 03:42:28 PM
wonder how long I have to wait?  :'(
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Marcus Forsberg on April 25, 2009, 03:47:33 PM
@akaiphan, as RC1 just got released, you probably have to wait a bit longer.
The devs have bug-fixes to do and CUrve is far from finished.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: MultiformeIngegno on April 26, 2009, 05:22:19 AM
Quote from: yawp on April 24, 2009, 04:24:36 PM
is there any possibility to wrap up this theme in a separate package and make it available for download without waiting for the RC2 release to be ready ?
No, 'cause RC1 and older aren't compatible with it.. :)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: bloc on April 26, 2009, 02:54:34 PM
Its just a theme as any other - if you consider its looks and appearance - but as we are also converting all templates to work with it + improving the markup to be more semantic correct.

In other words, there isn't any major reasons why it can't be ported backwards, but it would never be as complete. The CSS scheme would also need to be changed as it simply doesn't exist or partly exists in older SMF versions. The amount of work involved stops it from happening anytime soon.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: vas on April 26, 2009, 03:11:34 PM
Approximately 6 months between each new version. RC1 was released in Feb, So it will be in Aug.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Gary on April 26, 2009, 05:07:04 PM
Actually, no. There is no planned release for RC2. For all we know, it could be December. (again, that's not the release date either, I'm just making a point)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Blind Bandit on April 27, 2009, 11:38:43 PM
Quote from: Gazmanafc on April 26, 2009, 05:07:04 PM
Actually, no. There is no planned release for RC2. For all we know, it could be December. (again, that's not the release date either, I'm just making a point)

God I hope not.

But at the rate everything is going I wouldn't be surprised.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: EnricoR on April 28, 2009, 08:10:01 AM
Wow, this is clean and stylish! I hope we can use it soon!  :)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: billy2 on April 28, 2009, 11:12:17 AM
jeezus, I cannot believe the selfishness of some of the postees in this thread.

FFS, these guys are working their t*ts off to bring you a smart looking new theme - gratis / free / nada / diddlysquat / for nothing but a *thanks* by the few that actually appreciate what SMF stands for.

Yeah - I know I aint a payin member............but I am also not whining for a release date.

Thats my rant over with.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Aleksi "Lex" Kilpinen on April 28, 2009, 11:16:34 AM
Billy - I agree with you ;)
I can't wait to see 2.0 go gold, and the new theme and everything,
but I know whining about it won't bring it out any faster. :)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Fustrate on April 28, 2009, 03:01:06 PM
Whining might not, but wining will! Everyone knows that drunk coders (think they) code faster!
Title: Re: Lex via Nokia
Post by: Aleksi "Lex" Kilpinen on April 28, 2009, 03:08:13 PM
Also, wining makes the wait seem shorter, and makes it considerably more tolerable :P
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Gary on April 28, 2009, 04:29:43 PM
Quote from: Fustrate on April 28, 2009, 03:01:06 PM
Everyone knows that drunk coders (think they) code faster!

Sure, if you want a lot of beer references and puke in the code. :P
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: feline on April 28, 2009, 04:37:20 PM
Is really interesting to see how long the SMF team needs to complete  a theme (at least for charter members) ...
The announcement is now 3 months back .. really a great period for a simple theme  8)

Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Gary on April 28, 2009, 04:52:45 PM
Jeez. Some people just don't get it.

We are volunteers, and as such we are not paid to do this, we have personal lives, and other projects of our own to attend to which take priority over SMF.

Further, we are not doing this theme as if it is just another theme, it is a total overhaul of ALL templates, even ones that theme authors don't edit.

And lastly don't forget that there is a limited number of people working on this to update all those templates, there's probably about five or six working on it, one of which is me.

I find it insulting that people keep insist on getting this, that and the other given to them five seconds after we announce that we're working on it. It just doesnt work like that. We are not paid, so why should we put our personal lives (like failing a final exam or getting sacked from a real paid job) on the line just so you can have a new release of a product you get for free.

Sorry to be blunt here, but just shut up and wait until we release the damn thing.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: NHWD on April 28, 2009, 05:25:13 PM
Quote from: Gazmanafc on April 28, 2009, 04:52:45 PM
Jeez. Some people just don't get it.

We are volunteers, and as such we are not paid to do this, we have personal lives, and other projects of our own to attend to which take priority over SMF.

Further, we are not doing this theme as if it is just another theme, it is a total overhaul of ALL templates, even ones that theme authors don't edit.

And lastly don't forget that there is a limited number of people working on this to update all those templates, there's probably about five or six working on it, one of which is me.

I find it insulting that people keep insist on getting this, that and the other given to them five seconds after we announce that we're working on it. It just doesnt work like that. We are not paid, so why should we put our personal lives (like failing a final exam or getting sacked from a real paid job) on the line just so you can have a new release of a product you get for free.

Sorry to be blunt here, but just shut up and wait until we release the damn thing.
someone needs to bold this :D
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: 青山 素子 on April 28, 2009, 06:09:25 PM
Quote from: feline on April 28, 2009, 04:37:20 PM
Is really interesting to see how long the SMF team needs to complete  a theme (at least for charter members) ...
The announcement is now 3 months back .. really a great period for a simple theme  8)

Well, considering the screenshots were taken of just the board index, and that wasn't even final yet, it's not a big surprise. As gazmanafc said above (with a little less diplomacy), the team is working hard on converting all the templates SMF uses to a more semantic structure and to fit in with the new look.

Sure, we could have just stopped with the pretty visuals, but the goal is to create a strong theme that can be used by our authors for some time. This means we can't go half way and then call it good. There are over 50 template files used by SMF and each one has to be worked on to update it, be validated in all major browsers, fixed if it breaks, and audited to make sure the code is clean. It's a lot of work, even with some advisors we have gathered to assist us in providing assistance in semantic code.

(Oh, and the board index code has changed a few times since the screenshot - it looks the same, but the code is much cleaner and simpler now - of course every rewrite takes a bit of time too)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: feline on April 29, 2009, 05:46:29 AM
Quote from: Motoko-chan on April 28, 2009, 06:09:25 PM
As gazmanafc said above (with a little less diplomacy)
The tone is dramatic bad. There should be some staff from SMF something to hold back ..


Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: bloc on April 29, 2009, 06:05:41 AM
Quote from: feline on April 29, 2009, 05:46:29 AM
Quote from: Motoko-chan on April 28, 2009, 06:09:25 PM
As gazmanafc said above (with a little less diplomacy)
The tone is dramatic bad. There should be some staff from SMF something to hold back ..



Dramatic bad? I don't think so, but you should rather choose your sarcasm more wisely, Feline. Maybe you won't get "dramatic bad" responses then.

For everyone else: have patience, you KNOW its worth it. :) Haven't SMF up until now been well worth waiting for? Even when releases take more time than expected...? They always delivered something great, which is all that matters.

I also like to mention a minor thing while I am at it: maybe some of you noticed my change of status recently and fear it will impact this theme development. It won't. The team has picked up the pace for some time now and are actually in a very good position to finish all the templates soon. Myself I've stepped down due to personal issues in RL, but will continue of making themes as I always have.   

In any case: the team is excited, you are excited..theres absolutely a good chance you will see it completed soon. :)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: G6™ on April 29, 2009, 06:53:47 AM
@ fel

1. Atleast SMF team go through with the task they start working on, How about you felblog ? started, messed up several hundred sites.. and then what ?

2. SMF dont rip of some one elses work, they start from scratch and work from there, How about PortaMX ? 90% of everything in it is TP ideas and functions, not one single idea of that is your own..... Easy to batch the people working on some thing here, when all you do is changing the layouts on something allready built ;)

3. If you are so darn good at everything, how come you cant even support anything you "create" and how come SMF and the other support sites for the mods have to do YOUR support when  YOUR work mess up their forums totally ?

Wave the bat, and you will get a bat waved back at you. Cant understand how you think really, it's not the first time you do it eather, time and time again you make a lot of criticism on what other people do and work on, when you your self take other peoples work and change a few things and call them your own, no wonder you can "work fast".
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: ZarPrime on April 29, 2009, 08:54:34 AM
@ G6,

Well said.  some people just don't get it and should have their internet privileges revoked for being so stupid.  I want to personally thank the SMF team for what you are doing and I look forward to what is to come in the future.  Thank you all, and G6, thank you for expressing your feelings about feline's idiocy and sarcasm, feelings that I feel sure many others have.  I couldn't have said it better myself.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Tristan Perry on April 29, 2009, 08:58:45 AM
Guys and gals, please stop this flaming. :) This is an announcement thread about the new SMF theme, not a chance to discuss developement cycles and flame each-other.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Smoky "Rider" Blue on April 29, 2009, 10:45:13 AM
/me looks at the above posts and wonders if anyone caught what bloc was trying to say instead of all the carrying on..


I also like to mention a minor thing while I am at it: maybe some of you noticed my change of status recently and fear it will impact this theme development. It won't. The team has picked up the pace for some time now and are actually in a very good position to finish all the templates soon. Myself I've stepped down due to personal issues in RL, but will continue of making themes as I always have.   

In any case: the team is excited, you are excited..theres absolutely a good chance you will see it completed soon.

thanks Bloc.. that is great news.. ;)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Dragooon on April 29, 2009, 12:30:43 PM
@Bloc - Good luck with your real life and whatever you do :).

@Team - Stop slacking and get to work :P J/K, Curve is shaping up extremely nicely. It is worth the wait.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Marcus Forsberg on April 29, 2009, 12:33:38 PM
Quote from: Dragooon on April 29, 2009, 12:30:43 PM
@Team - Stop slacking and get to work :P J/K, Curve is shaping up extremely nicely. It is worth the wait.

/me goes back to Help.template.php..
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Fustrate on April 29, 2009, 02:03:44 PM
Nas, don't you know that template should've been finished at LEAST 8 years ago? Possibly 11? You're so slow!

/me goes back to making other nonsensical statements :)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Marcus Forsberg on April 29, 2009, 02:13:37 PM
Quote from: Fustrate on April 29, 2009, 02:03:44 PM
Nas, don't you know that template should've been finished at LEAST 8 years ago? Possibly 11? You're so slow!

/me goes back to making other nonsensical statements :)

11? I didn't actually theme when I was 2.. :P
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Fustrate on April 29, 2009, 02:19:40 PM
Lazy bum. I started writing mods at 4 weeks old.

On top of that, Sax Man first sat in with the band at the ripe old age of three... weeks old.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: 青山 素子 on April 29, 2009, 05:28:43 PM
Please stop the ramblings or this topic will be locked.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Jorin on April 30, 2009, 03:28:35 AM
Quote from: zarprime on April 29, 2009, 08:54:34 AM
I want to personally thank the SMF team for what you are doing and I look forward to what is to come in the future.  Thank you all, and G6, thank you for expressing your feelings about feline's idiocy and sarcasm, feelings that I feel sure many others have.  I couldn't have said it better myself.

Me too. What about a full screenshot of Curve?  8)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Antechinus on April 30, 2009, 03:32:39 AM
You've seen most of it already. The full screenshot doesn't look much different.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Jorin on April 30, 2009, 03:41:55 AM
Right. I forgot the fullscreen screenshots on page 1 of this topic.  :-[ :-X
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: metallica48423 on April 30, 2009, 10:53:48 AM
yeh.  i did full screen shots just for that reason :P
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Smoky "Rider" Blue on April 30, 2009, 10:58:45 AM
/me would rather touch it that to look at snapshots  ;)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: H on April 30, 2009, 01:23:05 PM
Quote from: SmokyBlue on April 30, 2009, 10:58:45 AM
/me would rather touch it that to look at snapshots  ;)

Well for a fee, I will send you a printed copy of the image on the first page of this topic! :D
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Aleksi "Lex" Kilpinen on April 30, 2009, 01:24:18 PM
Quote from: H on April 30, 2009, 01:23:05 PM
Quote from: SmokyBlue on April 30, 2009, 10:58:45 AM
/me would rather touch it that to look at snapshots  ;)

Well for a fee, I will send you a printed copy of the image on the first page of this topic! :D
How much? :P
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Gary on April 30, 2009, 01:30:38 PM
How much you got? :P
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Aleksi "Lex" Kilpinen on April 30, 2009, 01:37:37 PM
Not much - I'm in security you know :P
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Smoky "Rider" Blue on April 30, 2009, 01:40:43 PM
Quote from: H on April 30, 2009, 01:23:05 PM
Quote from: SmokyBlue on April 30, 2009, 10:58:45 AM
/me would rather touch it that to look at snapshots  ;)

Well for a fee, I will send you a printed copy of the image on the first page of this topic! :D

lmao H.. im just a poor broke girl, and here you are charging.. hmm but it is really the first image or the bundle??

i cant help it.. i would love to touch it, not just look..  :P  im sure someone round here might agree..  O:)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: c23_Mike on April 30, 2009, 03:15:32 PM
Hi there !

I do not agree ... how to touch a SOFTware ... I just touch other things  :P

But install it ... THAT would be my dream  :D

Sometime it will come true, and than all we will laugh!

Until them: Ignore the freaks just crying like a small girl. Do your work, live long and prosper, and sometime do a little bit of code.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Smoky "Rider" Blue on April 30, 2009, 03:44:38 PM
hmm i touch my scripts all the time but see, what makes this soo tempting must be the name..

as its hard to tell what is driving it.. perhaps someone here could give a live demo or at least tempt with more info.. just a little more..  O:) ;)

Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Fustrate on April 30, 2009, 04:08:21 PM
Instructions to See a Live Demo:
1. Build a time machine.
2. Transport yourself (in said time machine) to the future.
3. ???
4. DEMO!!!
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: H on April 30, 2009, 04:26:36 PM
You missed
5. Profit???

Or perhaps you just don't read slashdot?
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Gary on April 30, 2009, 04:27:31 PM
Quote from: Fustrate on April 30, 2009, 04:08:21 PM
1. Build a time machine.

DOC BROWN: When this baby hits 88 miles per hour, you're going to see some serious ******.

Sorry, had to. :P
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Smoky "Rider" Blue on April 30, 2009, 04:32:04 PM
Quote from: H on April 30, 2009, 04:26:36 PM
You missed
5. Profit???

Or perhaps you just don't read slashdot?

hmmm "slashdot"??? nopes i got smf lmao!!! 

with smf, i got drama, mystery, science, and a whole bunch.. slashdot.. lmao!!!

we even have the smf stock exchange soemwhere, im sure  :P

Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Fustrate on April 30, 2009, 05:46:07 PM
Quote from: H on April 30, 2009, 04:26:36 PM
You missed
5. Profit???

Or perhaps you just don't read slashdot?
Stupid bbc ???... I changed PROFIT to DEMO. There, added a nobbc just for you :)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Sverre on April 30, 2009, 11:07:19 PM
As much as I'm dying to get my hands on the new theme, so I can finally start the preparations for the 2.0 upgrade, I'd much rather wait for the work to be done properly. What I don't understand is why such a massive and daunting task wasn't made a priority earlier in the development cycle, but that will be up to the team to evaluate once 2.0 is wrapped up and released.

A few details/updates on the work being done would be very welcome from time to time by the way. Something along the lines of Bloc's post a while ago about the use of CSS Image Sprites for example ;)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Kenny01 on May 01, 2009, 01:20:40 AM
I'm not dying for it, i prefer the current defaut theme.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Dragooon on May 01, 2009, 01:21:43 AM
If you die for it, how will you get it? :P
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Kenny01 on May 01, 2009, 01:30:45 AM
Quote from: Dragooon on May 01, 2009, 01:21:43 AM
If you die for it, how will you get it? :P
You have a point.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Antechinus on May 01, 2009, 01:31:38 AM
But if he wears a hat nobody will notice. ;)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Smoky "Rider" Blue on May 01, 2009, 01:48:36 AM
/me makes a tin foil hat with built in curve antennas for all O:)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Eleglin on May 01, 2009, 02:48:00 PM
Why don't you make this theme available on this forum for test purpose ?
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Fustrate on May 01, 2009, 03:08:04 PM
Because it's not ready, and we'd like to showcase a fully-working product instead of something that isn't done yet.

Yes, I know 2.0 isn't done yet either... but it's different :)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: c23_Mike on May 01, 2009, 05:57:15 PM
Hi there !

I think v2.0 and curve works hand in hand. So building this two together is at many parts just one work. So we will have to wait for both at same time.
And it will last longer as much more we spam here and get the people writing here instead of coding.
Nobody will die because he has not the curve theme, I am for sure ;-)

Let them do and let us be happy to coming things. Anything other just makes bad mood.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: metallica48423 on May 01, 2009, 07:46:05 PM
Quote from: Eleglin on May 01, 2009, 02:48:00 PM
Why don't you make this theme available on this forum for test purpose ?

Not quite as easy -- we also have a site that is based on and uses parts of the current SM site theme.  The site hasn't been adapted for curve just yet.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Eleglin on May 03, 2009, 08:14:32 AM
Quote from: metallica48423 on May 01, 2009, 07:46:05 PM
Not quite as easy -- we also have a site that is based on and uses parts of the current SM site theme.  The site hasn't been adapted for curve just yet.
You're right. But you could purpose it as an optional theme on this forum, just for people who want to help you finding bugs and so reducing the time for debugging ?
I suppose that it will require time for improving and debugging Curve before the final release.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Crime on May 04, 2009, 11:58:39 AM
it is so nice. thanks to Smf Team
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: JBlaze on May 04, 2009, 12:07:24 PM
Quote from: SmokyBlue on April 30, 2009, 03:44:38 PM
hmm i touch my scripts all the time but see, what makes this soo tempting must be the name..

as its hard to tell what is driving it.. perhaps someone here could give a live demo or at least tempt with more info.. just a little more..  O:) ;)

/me touches SmokyBlue

Her heart that is O:)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Smoky "Rider" Blue on May 04, 2009, 12:37:36 PM
lol hey JBLAZE..  :P

so now can i touch it?? pwease!!!!  ( j/k)

you know i have to say, smf is like fine wine, its getting better as it ages..  ;)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: JBlaze on May 04, 2009, 12:44:41 PM
Quote from: SmokyBlue on May 04, 2009, 12:37:36 PM
you know i have to say, smf is like fine wine, its getting better as it ages..  ;)

I thought that was you...? :P
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Smoky "Rider" Blue on May 04, 2009, 12:50:02 PM
lmao!!! JBLAZE!!!!  :o :P
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: JBlaze on May 04, 2009, 12:55:21 PM
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: AlexIsaacs on May 05, 2009, 12:14:57 AM
Looking mighty sexy and professional.  :)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Electro-X- on May 05, 2009, 08:18:37 AM
its been long...when this is going to be released?...Aww i cant wait....
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Dragooon on May 05, 2009, 08:19:46 AM
Quote from: Electro-X- on May 05, 2009, 08:18:37 AM
its been long...when this is going to be released?...Aww i cant wait....
When its ready.........
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: JBlaze on May 05, 2009, 02:10:17 PM
/me likes SmokyBlue's new sig pic... :P
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: c23_Mike on May 05, 2009, 02:29:14 PM
Hi there !

I am the same opinion as JBlaze ;-) if she looks only half as beauty as here sig she would be like a model.

As nice as curve itself. But only one we will get sometime :-(
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: JBlaze on May 05, 2009, 02:36:10 PM
Quote from: c23_Mike on May 05, 2009, 02:29:14 PM
Hi there !

I am the same opinion as JBlaze ;-) if she looks only half as beauty as here sig she would be like a model.

As nice as curve itself. But only one we will get sometime :-(


/me eyes SmokyBlue
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Smoky "Rider" Blue on May 05, 2009, 04:54:24 PM

thanks JB and c23_Mike.. O:)

she didnt turn out too bad at all.. i was doodling while talking to a friend. hmm wonder if i doodle some more??

/me decides since its wet and rainy to go play with her goodies  :)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: JBlaze on May 05, 2009, 04:56:09 PM
/me plays with Smoky's ...

I can't say it... :P
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Smoky "Rider" Blue on May 05, 2009, 05:03:11 PM
jb..  :o
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: JBlaze on May 05, 2009, 05:04:11 PM
Quote from: SmokyBlue on May 05, 2009, 05:03:11 PM
jb..  :o

Couldn't resist :P
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Fustrate on May 05, 2009, 05:39:50 PM
What's an I can't say it?
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Smoky "Rider" Blue on May 05, 2009, 05:45:14 PM
lol im not sure i wana know, fustrate!!  :P
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: miseryshining on May 05, 2009, 06:56:56 PM
Quote from: SmokyBlue on May 05, 2009, 05:45:14 PM
lol im not sure i wana know, fustrate!!  :P

So this is a topic about fantasies featuring..  curves?  or what was the theme of this discussion again? :D

On a sidenote: Curve surely has personality, good job designers!
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: HecKel on May 06, 2009, 07:16:11 AM
One question, are you planning to "install" Curve in as an alternative theme before the RC2's release?
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: metallica48423 on May 06, 2009, 12:55:04 PM
Curve will likely become the main site theme.  It's pretty much just that there's still some work to be done for curve to work with our current existing site layout :)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Kenny01 on May 06, 2009, 02:06:08 PM
I hope the curve will not slow down smf loading?
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Fustrate on May 06, 2009, 03:15:25 PM
Technically it should speed up loading, since there is less markup to send to your computer :)

instead of <table ..><tr><td>...</td></tr></table>, there are more things like <div ...>...</div> and other block-level elements. Lots of inline styles have also been moved to external files that get cached, so that's even more that  doesn't get sent every time. Don't get me wrong - it'll still use tables for tabular data.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: H on May 06, 2009, 03:51:28 PM
There should be no noticeable difference in loading time.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: c23_Mike on May 06, 2009, 04:24:09 PM
Hi there !

Wow so curve has even more good parts in it. And looking to SmokyBlue .. curves are always good!
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: JBlaze on May 06, 2009, 04:27:01 PM
Quote from: c23_Mike on May 06, 2009, 04:24:09 PM
Hi there !

Wow so curve has even more good parts in it. And looking to SmokyBlue .. curves are always good!

Hey... keep your eyes off her lol :P
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Antechinus on May 06, 2009, 05:08:10 PM
Quote from: metallica48423 on May 06, 2009, 12:55:04 PM
Curve will likely become the main site theme.  It's pretty much just that there's still some work to be done for curve to work with our current existing site layout :)
Yeah. At the moment Curve only works with our current non-existing site layout.  :D
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Waffadrunker on May 07, 2009, 01:17:17 PM
well, i was just thinking should i wait or i am (pretty much) safe to start up whit my site on 2.0 RC1 + ton of mods and upgrade to gold whit new theme later when its readdy? Will my board RC1+addons,portalmanagment - updated to Gold be more "dirty" then just clean Gold+addons,portal management? I think i still have not good picture of how adding & removing addons/updates work. Do i need to reinstall all addons if i want to apply them to this skin? (its probably stupid question, i think i must reinstall all plugins...)

I go not want to ask this old same question that has been asked here so many times "when its ready, when its ready" - i would just be happy to know if it's taking more then a month for release or less. So i know if i should start up now whit RC1 or wait.

but this new stile does look really slick & nice. Im not sore if it has been asked but is there some color variations also for this skin or will be only in one color? (for example different color versions of current  skin  act differently compared to default skin when i installing addons/hacks - so they are more different then just a color)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: rommul on May 07, 2009, 02:42:17 PM
Quote from: Nas on April 25, 2009, 03:47:33 PM
@akaiphan, as RC1 just got released, you probably have to wait a bit longer.
The devs have bug-fixes to do and CUrve is far from finished.

yeap, RC1 just got released this year, so we had the release of the year;
next release, next year....... it's like Microsoft, from vista to w7 will take 4 years

and I remeber the days when some said the 2.0 final will be out in 2008 :P
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: 青山 素子 on May 07, 2009, 02:45:14 PM
If you decide to use the RC1 of SMF 2.0, you will need to manually update until the final edition has been released. At that point, updates will be issued through the package manager as well.

If you will not be able to handle the manual upgrades and re-installing modifications and theme changes, you are best to wait until the final release.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Kenny01 on May 07, 2009, 03:50:41 PM
Quote from: Fustrate on May 06, 2009, 03:15:25 PM
Technically it should speed up loading, since there is less markup to send to your computer :)

instead of <table ..><tr><td>...</td></tr></table>, there are more things like <div ...>...</div> and other block-level elements. Lots of inline styles have also been moved to external files that get cached, so that's even more that  doesn't get sent every time. Don't get me wrong - it'll still use tables for tabular data.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: NHWD on May 07, 2009, 11:18:37 PM
will we be able to edit this theme just like ipb?
with ipb u can edit the header and footer the global html elements the macros and few other things
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Gary on May 07, 2009, 11:21:24 PM
In SMF you can edit more than just the header and footer. In SMF you can edit the entire theme to how you see it. You could flip it upside down, and back to front if you so wanted. :P
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Hell Raiser on May 07, 2009, 11:42:11 PM
Well you too  Smoky is mine favourite too   :P
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Fustrate on May 08, 2009, 02:43:01 AM
This is a topic about the theme... can we keep the random comments to a minimum?
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Frestorm on May 08, 2009, 10:49:23 PM
Good !!
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: NHWD on May 08, 2009, 11:42:30 PM
Quote from: Gazmanafc on May 07, 2009, 11:21:24 PM
In SMF you can edit more than just the header and footer. In SMF you can edit the entire theme to how you see it. You could flip it upside down, and back to front if you so wanted. :P
yeah but you gotta know php
with ipb its simple css and html
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Gary on May 08, 2009, 11:49:45 PM
Actually, you don't need to know a lot of PHP, just how to work echo' statements.

I'm a designer for SMF and I barely know PHP.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: JBlaze on May 08, 2009, 11:50:19 PM
Quote from: Gazmanafc on May 08, 2009, 11:49:45 PM
...I'm a designer for SMF and I barely know PHP.

Pfft... :P
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Fustrate on May 08, 2009, 11:56:23 PM
I'm a Customizer who knows PHP, JS, HTML, and CSS, so my opinion on this is invalid :)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: NHWD on May 09, 2009, 12:32:05 AM
Quote from: Gazmanafc on May 08, 2009, 11:49:45 PM
Actually, you don't need to know a lot of PHP, just how to work echo' statements.

I'm a designer for SMF and I barely know PHP.
same difference :P
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: _Anthony_ on May 09, 2009, 12:46:27 AM
Quote from: Gazmanafc on May 08, 2009, 11:49:45 PM
Actually, you don't need to know a lot of PHP, just how to work echo' statements.

I'm a designer for SMF and I barely know PHP.
What's a PHP?
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Hell Raiser on May 09, 2009, 12:51:39 AM
it is a coding language :P
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: JBlaze on May 09, 2009, 01:16:17 AM
Quote from: MrMoney on May 09, 2009, 12:46:27 AM
Quote from: Gazmanafc on May 08, 2009, 11:49:45 PM
Actually, you don't need to know a lot of PHP, just how to work echo' statements.

I'm a designer for SMF and I barely know PHP.
What's a PHP?

HA! Is that a joke? :P

What is PHP? (
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Gary on May 09, 2009, 01:17:23 AM
Quote from: JBlaze on May 08, 2009, 11:50:19 PMPfft... :P
It just shows that you dont need to be a nerd. :P
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Tristan Perry on May 09, 2009, 05:03:19 AM
Going off-topic a bit, although basic PHP knowledge is required for SMF - so I can understand people getting confused at first.

Of course, it's a heck of a lot more powerful so.. you win some you lose some :P
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: _Anthony_ on May 09, 2009, 02:57:53 PM
Quote from: JBlaze™ on May 09, 2009, 01:16:17 AM
Quote from: MrMoney on May 09, 2009, 12:46:27 AM
Quote from: Gazmanafc on May 08, 2009, 11:49:45 PM
Actually, you don't need to know a lot of PHP, just how to work echo' statements.

I'm a designer for SMF and I barely know PHP.
What's a PHP?

HA! Is that a joke? :P

What is PHP? (
Yes it was a joke :P
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Smoky "Rider" Blue on May 09, 2009, 03:23:26 PM
curve.. guys.. keep it on curve..  O:) :P
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: c23_Mike on May 09, 2009, 03:56:33 PM
Hi there !

I never said anything else then curve ...
We can start to bet at the date the full version will be released!
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Waffadrunker on May 09, 2009, 04:53:00 PM
Quote from: MrMoney on May 09, 2009, 12:46:27 AM
Quote from: Gazmanafc on May 08, 2009, 11:49:45 PM
Actually, you don't need to know a lot of PHP, just how to work echo' statements.

I'm a designer for SMF and I barely know PHP.
What's a PHP?

This was good irony :D

i did not notice if anyone told does this skin have color options and if not - it should be easy to make/no ?
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: dr.wills on May 09, 2009, 05:18:27 PM
Just wondering? why is the Curve theme needing so much modification to the template? how is it different from thousands of other themes?
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: 青山 素子 on May 09, 2009, 05:31:06 PM
It is a complete re-build and rewrite of the entire SMF theme core. Every single one of the template files is being rewritten to eliminate the use of tables for design and put CSS-based presentational in place. This will not only allow easier custom theme writing (little to no template edits), but also will modernize the design and make it easier for search engines to process.

We're not just changing a few graphics and colors, we're re-building the structure too.
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: _Anthony_ on May 09, 2009, 06:05:44 PM
Quote from: Motoko-chan on May 09, 2009, 05:31:06 PM
It is a complete re-build and rewrite of the entire SMF theme core. Every single one of the template files is being rewritten to eliminate the use of tables for design and put CSS-based presentational in place. This will not only allow easier custom theme writing (little to no template edits), but also will modernize the design and make it easier for search engines to process.

We're not just changing a few graphics and colors, we're re-building the structure too.
<3 eliminating the use of tables for design :)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Smoky "Rider" Blue on May 09, 2009, 06:48:04 PM
smf, getting ready for the rc2.. is actually helping sites to become even better..

kewl vid:   well to a point.. wonder if he knows his php??  :P
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: dr.wills on May 09, 2009, 06:55:15 PM
Quote from: SmokyBlue on May 09, 2009, 06:48:04 PM
smf, getting ready for the rc2.. is actually helping sites to become even better..

kewl vid:   well to a point.. wonder if he knows his php??  :P

the video is funny :) but he didn't mention any SMF in it  :'(
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Smoky "Rider" Blue on May 09, 2009, 08:47:02 PM
he has a lot of good tips akaiphan, and its similar to what smf hopes to accomplish with the newer rc2 ;)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Waffadrunker on May 10, 2009, 10:59:39 AM
this rappar presents all new line of educational nerdcore, - this guy really presses the right keys (behind the mic).  but hen again SEO rapper ( own site does not seem to be perfect & validated :)  Before i was fanning YTcracker ( & similar - but anyway, thanks for the link SmokeyBlue - this was good find.

... well, after doing some thinking i might want to wait for rc2 and then start to build the site. Am i right to say that between rc1 and rc2 has more fundamental changes then rc2 and final? Because i hire designer for redesign the site so i would not want him to re- make most of the work 2 times. ... end date is middle of jul, so i try to find religion & pray it gets readdy before thus:))

sucks i am not able to help whit coding

Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: c23_Mike on May 10, 2009, 01:49:29 PM
Hi there !

Really cool song, Smoky you are every time more sympathic to me ;-)

@Waffadrunker: I hope that it will not change too dramatically, but there cannot be a guarantee for that as I think!
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Smoky "Rider" Blue on May 10, 2009, 03:21:47 PM
hmm curve for mother's day?? would be nice..

lol @ c23_Mike  ;)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: c23_Mike on May 10, 2009, 04:00:14 PM
Hi there !

Hey at mothers day presents are only for mothers. Maybe you are Smoky, but for sure i am NOT, and also wanna have curves ;-)
Or do you devide curves with me??
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: dr.wills on May 10, 2009, 06:01:37 PM
 :D yes, mother day, but unfortunately not this one, maybe smf2 final will be released on next mother day?  O:)
Title: Re: Announcing a new look for SMF 2.0: Curve
Post by: Leemy on May 10, 2009, 08:25:00 PM
Quote from: akaiphan on May 10, 2009, 06:01:37 PM
:D yes, mother day, but unfortunately not this one, maybe smf2 final will be released on next mother day?  O:)

Oh God, I hope it's before then. :)

I believe development started in Jan 2006,
SMF 2.0 Beta 1 was released to Charters in August 2007;
I think there have been 4 betas, and now 2 RC's... makes for great features and testing and I appreciate the team's hard work; I think we're all just waiting for the Final release now :D