SMF license, prior to translating to Russian

Started by gri, September 22, 2005, 07:06:14 PM

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You are free to install the Turkish package over there, but you can't redistrubute it meaning you can not put it up for download ;)
Eren "forsakenlad" Yaşarkurt
SMF Friend & Former Team Member


Quote from: "url=]gri in ~SMF 1.1 Russian. Toogrian Language Packet.~[/url]"]
Quote from: "url=]forsakenlad in ~SMF license, prior to translating to Russian~[/url]"]
You are free to install the Turkish package over there,
but you can't redistribute it meaning you can not put it up for download ;)


Toogrian Language is the one where each letter
                                   or blankspace
                                   (i.e. the absence
                                    of any visible letter)
or the position of each letter
       (i.e. the picture drawn by the text)
or the logic content of the parts of a sentence

or the place of location of one post
                inside a set of related posts all over the different forums



                                          or associations arising by free text..


   may be more significant than.. the environment.

   Why do you discuss the environment ?

   Have not you noticed that I didn't ask you
   about the Turkish language packet ?

   I asked you about the Toogrian language _people_

           in comparison with any other language peoples

                           Simple Machines Team have declared

                    not only just to be discriminated
                                  by the group of few Americans

                    but which are ~allowed~ to speak their native languages
                    for relief of their further intellectual robbery
                    by means of administrators at forum.

   I will surely advertise the Toogrian language
                 according to  MY RIGHT ON LIFE
                 regardless of Simple Machines permissions.

   Just I would like to clarify the attitude of the developers
                                    concerning the permissions..
                        for other peoples.

   Reply please on behalf of the team -
   Do Simple Machines permit people to speak Toogrian Language ?

                      Yes           or         No     ?


Gri...  I'm not one of the SMF administrators... 
but I will say, based on a google search, YOU are the ONLY person who "speaks" toogrian.

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."

Daniel D.

And he is the one who must in a psychiatry. This topic is so useless...


Kindred, it his own word, hi itself it invented. (Togrik) It means you said to gri.

