"Report to moderator" as PM instead of email

Started by Srinib, June 14, 2012, 02:42:48 PM

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When a member uses the Report to moderator feature, a mail is sent to the email id given in the Webmaster Email Address in the Server Settings. Is there an option to send the same mail as a PM to a particular moderator instead of an email?


I had hit upon a MOD called Improved Webmaster Email Settings. Even though this is not the MOD presicely i am looking for, but the functionality is the same. Does a MOD exist for Report to moderator too?


Hello Srinib,

that could be an option in the profile page to let the user decide if they want to receive the notification by email or by PM (keeping in mind that a notification by PM would mean an email too).

Take a peek at what I'm doing! ;D

Hai bisogno di supporto in Italiano?

Aiutateci ad aiutarvi: spiegate bene il vostro problema: no, "non funziona" non è una spiegazione!!
1) Cosa fai,
2) cosa ti aspetti,
3) cosa ottieni.


I'm really not sure where this is coming from.

Reported posts go into the moderation centre as they have since 2.0. Reported PMs get sent via PM to the selected admin (if there is only one admin it goes to them, if there are multiple, the user can select who gets it)

So I'm thinking this is already done and moving it out of the main FR board as a result...

Burke ♞ Knight

Arantor, I think the OP means, that when a Report is made on a post, besieds being put into the moderation center, an email goes out to the main email address for the forum. The OP would like that to be switched to PM and maybe a selection of who gets it. Sort of like how the report PM's is done.


Actually, that's not how it works in *any* case.

It doesn't send it to the 'Webmaster Email Address'. It sends it to the email address of the user(s) attached to moderating the board in which the post was reported, which can be turned off in Moderate > Preferences.

Still not going to be added to PMs, though, because one of the big things about it being in the mod centre is so that reports can be discussed by all the moderators (as opposed to PMs which are by definition more private)
