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TB³ aka TalkBox

Started by EffinToast, August 30, 2010, 06:35:59 PM

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aka: anzumerc / is no more.


it is simple version or multimedia version??


I think that lines such as "if ($modSettings['TalkBox_Disable_Date'])" would be better replaced with "if (!empty($modSettings['TalkBox_Disable_Date']))". This will exclude errors like "Undefinex index..." from the Error log.

And I didn't think much of your code here (tb_exec.php):
//setup ban link depending wether banned or not
if(allowedTo('talkbox_admin') && tb_banned($shoutIp))
$shoutBan = '<a href="javascript:tbUnban(\''.$shoutIp.'\', \''.$shoutUser.'\')"><span style="color:red;">[unban]</span></a>';
$shoutBan = '<a href="javascript:tbBan(\''.$shoutIp.'\', \''.$shoutUser.'\')">[ban]</a>';

//admin ban - edit - del
if(allowedTo('talkbox_admin') && $user_info['id'] != $shoutUserId){
$shoutUserLink = '<a href="'.$scripturl.'?action=profile;area=tracking;sa=ip;searchip='.$shoutIp.'">'.$shoutUser.'</a>';
$shoutFunctions = $shoutBan.' <a href="javascript:tbEdit(\''.$shoutId.'\')">[edit]</a> <a href="javascript:tbDel(\''.$shoutId.'\')">[del]</a>';

//setup edit/del links for normal users
if($user_info['id'] == $shoutUserId && !$modSettings['TalkBox_Disable_Functions']){
$shoutFunctions = '<a href="javascript:tbEdit(\''.$shoutId.'\')">[edit]</a> <a href="javascript:tbDel(\''.$shoutId.'\')">[del]</a>';

[ban], [del], [edit] etc. — "Hardcoded" text. Please replace it with $txt['tb_ban'], $txt['tb_del'] and $txt['tb_edit'], respectively.
Quote- No Hardcoded Text
"Hardcoded text" refers to words that are typed directly into the template and source files and displayed to members using the theme. This makes translating the mod for use with different languages much more difficult, so it is for this reason we require that all language strings be placed into language files. This applies even for English!  Modifications.english.php is loaded on every page load and should be used for all mods unless your mod is large enough that it would require it's own language file.  You may add other language files to your install file using the error="skip" attribute, but you must at least add them to Modifications.english.php if not creating your own language file.

Think of what I've told you.


Quote from: !RFAN on August 31, 2010, 02:33:54 AM
it is simple version or multimedia version??

This is the simple version. We are currently working on the media version.

Quote from: Bugo on September 01, 2010, 03:48:32 PM
[ban], [del], [edit] etc. — "Hardcoded" text. Please replace it with $txt['tb_ban'], $txt['tb_del'] and $txt['tb_edit'], respectively.

They were added to the language file but not changed in tb_inc.php thanks for pointing that out.
aka: anzumerc / is no more.


Are these commands supported?


/me {action}
/action {recipient username}
/news {announcement}
/whisper {recipient username} {message}
/google {keyword}


Github Profile
Android apps

How to enable Post Moderation

"For the wise man looks into space and he knows there is no limited dimensions." - Laozi

All support seeking PM's get microwaved

Matthew K.

What I want to know, is how this mod was approved, if there is inline text.


Quote from: Bugo on September 02, 2010, 01:13:36 AM
Are these commands supported?


/me {action}
/action {recipient username}
/news {announcement}
/whisper {recipient username} {message}
/google {keyword}

Not yet im currently rewriting all the commands, for the new version. Since i never got the original mod approved it was decided to rewrite everything to clean up the code and be more SMF Mod Site compliant.

Quote from: Labradoodle-360 on September 02, 2010, 01:23:13 AM
What I want to know, is how this mod was approved, if there is inline text.

That was in an update, since getting the mod approved took nearly 20 days i continued to work on the mod. That inine text has now been fixed.
aka: anzumerc / is no more.


Finally released! Congrats!
« Next Edit: Tomorrow at 08:34:45 PM by SunKing »   <---- « someone stole my sig... :o »


Is there any "shout" logfile kept?



some suggestion for your shoutbox :

- improve style, something like :;mod=585;id=72600;image

- add sound notification

- display notification for new topics
اذا أحس أحد انه لم يخطأ ابدا في حياته, فهذا يعني أنه لم يجرب أي جديد في حياته
My Mods For SMF 2 RC3 : XQuote XCode - Vbulletin Style New Meta Tags

Grim Line

This shoutbox is going to be great! Can't wait! Please make it Simpleportal (Or any portal for that) friendly. :)
