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AjaxChat Integration (latest version 3.2.1)

Started by .HuNTeR., August 27, 2008, 12:59:06 AM

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woot, thanks for the js info, I will use it to add more smileys :D


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Quote from: johncccccc on May 10, 2009, 10:04:21 PM
woot, thanks for the js info, I will use it to add more smileys :D


I'm currently workin on some edits that will add all the BBC Buttons on the Shoutbox, make your smileys popup in the chat room and shoutbox and add the font color palette to the shoutbox as well.

Should be done in an hour or so, will post back when I'm done.


Would the editing have to be done using notepad?


tried to add the smileys but they dont appear in the chat

What am I doing wrong?


You've been busy, mrtrc266!  :P

Any word yet on my Error: Connection status: 0 issue? Give me some good news. ;)

HOLY!!!!!!!!! I have my own good news!!! I finally got it working on my test site! I figured I would start from the very beginning and work my way through each step again. When I got to the PrettyUrls Tip posted by Jiveturkey (I am adding this mod to a clean install), I decided to just give it a try anyway....which I had done previously as well. However, on this particular try, I noticed another .htaccess file and figured I'd try adding RewriteRule ^chat/?$ ./chat/index.php [L,QSA] to this overlooked .htaccess and TADA!!! It works! Time to enjoy (finally)!!!

Quote from: SunKing on May 11, 2009, 12:12:37 AM
I wanted to point out that the PrettyUrls mod had nothing to do with Jiveturkey's fix. The only mod installed on my test site is AjaxChat 3.0. So anyone else experiencing the Error: Connection status: 0, even if not using PrettyUrls, give this fix a try. Put it in the .htaccess file inside the same folder as the SSI.php is in (the forum root, not necessarily the site root).

The fix above fix requires placing a line in an .htaccess file located in the same folder as SSI.php. If this fix still does not resolve your issues, there are a few other things you can try. I will explain them here.

  • Try adding RewriteEngine on just above the RewriteRule ^chat/?$ ./chat/index.php [L,QSA] in the .htaccess that's in the same folder as SSI.php.
  • Try also putting these same two lines in the .htaccess in the site's root folder. (You'll end up with two separate files, each with those two lines at the top.)
  • Try creating an .htaccess file just inside both the /chat/ and the /shoutBox/ folders. At the top of each of these and on separate lines, add RewriteEngine on and RewriteRule ^/?$ ./index.php [L,QSA].
    This particular fix seems to also take care of the problem with being forced to integrate the shoutbox and chat to get the shoutbox working. It will also hopefully be added to the package in future releases.

If one of the procedures above fixes your blank chat, please list it so we can see which are the most common configurations.

A big thanks goes to mrtrc266 (again) for helping get these issues sorted.
« Next Edit: Tomorrow at 08:34:45 PM by SunKing »   <---- « someone stole my sig... :o »


Quote from: SunKing on May 10, 2009, 10:50:45 PM
You've been busy, mrtrc266!  :P

Any word yet on my Error: Connection status: 0 issue? Give me some good news. ;)

HOLY!!!!!!!!! I have my own good news!!! I finally got it working on my test site! I figured I would start from the very beginning and work my way through each step again. When I got to the PrettyUrls Tip posted by Jiveturkey (I am adding this mod to a clean install), I decided to just give it a try anyway....which I had done previously as well. However, on this particular try, I noticed another .htaccess file and figured I'd try adding RewriteRule ^chat/?$ ./chat/index.php [L,QSA] to this overlooked .htaccess and TADA!!! It works! Time to enjoy (finally)!!!

WOOOOHOOOOO!!!!! Sooo Happy you got it sorted SunKing! That's awesome, I finally did get in touch with Hunter but he wasn't sure and has been extremely busy. So, I posted HERE with the issues and they weren't sure either. I didn't forget about ya and have been trying to find some anweres.

Thank you very much for your patience and once again, very glad to see you got it going. Great Job!!!


I wanted to point out that the PrettyUrls mod had nothing to do with Jiveturkey's fix. The only mod installed on my test site is AjaxChat 3.0. So anyone else experiencing the Error: Connection status: 0, even if not using PrettyUrls, give this fix a try. Put it in the .htaccess file inside the same folder as the SSI.php is in (the forum root, not necessarily the site root).

I really like the mod so far, but I do see some areas where I may try my hand at adding/tweaking features. ;) I will certainly post any worthy edits back here in this thread. A belated thanks to Jiveturkey for a solution that I just fumbled....hehehe...and a HUGE thank you to mrtrc266 for going above and beyond to try to find some answers. These are the things that make SMF so great. Thanks again.
« Next Edit: Tomorrow at 08:34:45 PM by SunKing »   <---- « someone stole my sig... :o »


Finally Adding the BBC Buttons, adding Custom Smileys and MAKING SMILEYS POPUP in your Chat Room and ShoutBox for AJAX Chat Intergration 3.0 is here:D

The edits below will add the following to your AJAX Chat Room & Shoutbox.

  • Adds all of the BBC Buttons to your Shoutbox.
  • Adds the Font Color Palette to your Shoutbox.
  • Adds custom Smileys to your Chat Room and Shoutbox.
  • Makes the Font Color Palette PopUp in the Shoutbox.
  • Makes the Smileys PopUp in your Chat Room & Shoutbox.
  • Adds 60 Custom Smileys to your Chat Room & Shoutbox.
Here we go.....First just do a couple edits to these files.

      <div class="tborder" style="margin: 10px 0 10px 0;">
         <div class="catbg" style="padding: 5px 15px 5px 10px;margin:0 auto;">
            <a rel="nofollow" href="#" onclick="ajax_shoutBox_collapse(!sb_current_header)"><img id="ajax_shoutbox_collapse" src="', $settings['images_url'], empty($options['sb_collapsed']) ? '/collapse.gif' : '/expand.gif','" alt="*" style="margin-right: 5px;" /></a>', $txt['shoutBox'], '
         <div id="ShoutBox"', empty($options['sb_collapsed']) ? '' : ' style="display: none;"', '>

Replace with

      <div class="tborder" style="margin: 10px 0 10px 0;">
         <table width="100%" class="catbg" style="padding: 5px 15px 5px 10px;margin:0 auto;">
            <td width="50%">
                  <a rel="nofollow" href="#" onclick="ajax_shoutBox_collapse(!sb_current_header)"><img id="ajax_shoutbox_collapse" src="', $settings['images_url'], empty($options['sb_collapsed']) ? '/collapse.gif' : '/expand.gif','" alt="*" style="margin-right: 5px;"  /></a>', $txt['shoutBox'], '
         <td width="50%" align="right">
      <div id="ajaxChatCopyright"><a href="">
          <font size="1">AJAX Chat</font></a><font size="1"> &copy; <a href=""></a> |
          </font> <a href=""><font size="1">Integrated with SMF</font></a></div>
      <div id="ShoutBox"', empty($options['sb_collapsed']) ? '' : ' style="display: none;"', '>

yourforum/chat/js/config.js (You can just use the attatched file if you have not made any previous edits to the config.js file)

   // Defines the list of allowed emoticon codes:
   emoticonCodes: new Array(

Replace with
   // Defines the list of allowed emoticon codes:
   emoticonCodes: new Array(

   // Defines the list of emoticon files associated with the emoticon codes:
   emoticonFiles: new Array(

Replace with
   // Defines the list of emoticon files associated with the emoticon codes:
   emoticonFiles: new Array(

Upload positions.css to yourforum/chat/css/
Upload shoutbox.css to yourforum/chat/css/
Upload loggedIn.html to yourforum/chat/lib/template/
Upload shoutbox.html to yourforum/chat/lib/template/
Upload config.js to yourforum/chat/js/ (only if you have not made any previous edit, otherwise to the edits above).

PLEASE NOTE: If you DO NOT have your Shoutbox and ChatRoom Intergrated then you must also
Upload shoutbox.css to yourforum/shoutbox/css/
Upload shoutbox.html to yourforum/shoutbox/lib/template/
Upload config.js to yourforum/shoutbox/js/ (only if you have not made any previous edit, otherwise to the edits above).
Unzip and upload the smileys to yourforum/shoutbox/img/emoticons/

The attatched zip file has over 60 Smileys. Unzip the file and upload them to chat/img/emoticons. Some will overwrite what is already there but these are better anyway :-)
You can add or change Smileys by uploading your own Smileys and making the edits to chat/js/config.js. It's important make sure the the input code is in the same order as the image file. Also make sure that the last array DOES NOT have a comma.

Have fun. ;)



I have never used notepad and have only recently used the ftp ( had help via aim)

Am still stuck on how to add my own smileys to chat.

Also how do I add the mods so they can kick/ban people?

With our shoutbox we have no scrollbar nor admin facilities


10 minutes ago. Couldn't you have posted that 10 minutes ago??  :P Now I'll be up all night adding even more great

I have been using nneonneo's shoutbox for quite some time ( as i think you may already know) and have become used to, almost dependent on, some added features to that mod. The one feature that I would miss the most by switching over to this awesome mod, is the notification in the shoutbox when someone posts or replies to a post. If this is already a feature of AjaxChat, how would I turn it on? I made both a test reply as well as a test post to see if either were notified, but neither were. Please keep in mind I have only briefly skimmed through the configurations. If this is not yet a feature, how would one go about adding it?
« Next Edit: Tomorrow at 08:34:45 PM by SunKing »   <---- « someone stole my sig... :o »


LOL @ SunKing I knew you were comin so I was trying to hurry :P

ATM that is not a feature available for AJAX Chat. That would be a great feature though, will have to do a lot of asking and digging to see how to go about getting that to work in here.

Would love to see any other edits/tweaks you can find.


Quote from: mrtrc266 on May 10, 2009, 09:31:08 PM
Quote from: andy40 on May 10, 2009, 08:10:14 PM
hi i have been using this for  a while now and it worked great but today i installed Dark theme - red and now the shout box shows but i have no scroll bar in there so when people chat it ends up taking the hole page up until you do a refresh is there anything i can do to fix this please?

Add this to the very first line in the style.css for your theme...
@import url(../../chat/css/shoutbox.css);

hi thanks that worked great  :)


sometime during chat i got this error:

Error: Connection status: 408


Help Please, I installed the chat succesfully but does't work, I have 1.1.8 smf forum, I have disinstalled all the modules only for trying to install the chat, please help me

The chat and the shoutbox it shows in the forum but I can't write nothing and in the chat doens't show me inside.

Thanks in advance


Quote from: mrtrc266 on May 11, 2009, 12:24:51 AM

  • Adds all of the BBC Buttons to your Shoutbox.
  • Adds the Font Color Palette to your Shoutbox.
  • Adds custom Smileys to your Chat Room and Shoutbox.
  • Makes the Font Color Palette PopUp in the Shoutbox.
  • Makes the Smileys PopUp in your Chat Room & Shoutbox.
  • Adds 60 Custom Smileys to your Chat Room & Shoutbox.

right am i being blind or completely stupid but i dont see no "popup" for colours/smileys or all the BBC buttons on my shoutbox

done the index.template.php edit, edited chat/js/config.js, uploaded the attatched files, added smileys and...... well all looks the same lol


@ Stikki

Looks like you didn't upload and overwrite the  ???

Upload positions.css to yourforum/chat/css/
Upload shoutbox.css to yourforum/chat/css/
Upload loggedIn.html to yourforum/chat/lib/template/
Upload shoutbox.html to yourforum/chat/lib/template/


Hello mrtrc266 can you help me please to resolve the problem?


Quote from: kolt on May 11, 2009, 01:36:47 PM
Hello mrtrc266 can you help me please to resolve the problem?

What's the problem?


it turns out it was the later of my statements and im stupid - its my server, i uploaded the files but the server is denying permission to over write the files


Quote from: kolt on May 11, 2009, 12:27:41 PM
Help Please, I installed the chat succesfully but does't work, I have 1.1.8 smf forum, I have disinstalled all the modules only for trying to install the chat, please help me

The chat and the shoutbox it shows in the forum but I can't write nothing and in the chat doens't show me inside.

Thanks in advance

I installed the chat but doen't work. Tell me please what to do?
