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Quick ReplieS in Posts display

Started by gri, July 26, 2005, 03:00:45 AM

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The additional Quick Reply option..
being displayed not only in the Profile,
is requested.

Use Quick Reply box inside the POST display:

"show within each post display, off by default,
  and with the provided global quote of the post
  inside the box".

It seems reasonable to select two independent options
"Use quick reply box in POST display:" OR
"Use quick reply box on TOPIC display:"

according to "OR" logic.

Isn't it obvious that the switching one to another
should be accessed not through a long way to Profile
  but QUICKLY from the "Additional options" box
   which is also independent from the reply boxes ?

The quote (with the global link in the header of the quote)
should be accessed in off-line.

"Quick Reply in Posts display" box
  should have a checkbox
   "_Ready_ for posting the reply".

When the "Quick Reply in Posts display" option
is switched to "ON" -
  the original common "Reply" button is nothing to do

and the common button "Post checkboxed ReplieS"
instead of "Reply" button..
will post n sequential quick replies
during a one next connection session.

The button which is named as "Reply" today
should tomorrow be renamed to..
  ~Just go to prepare a slow reply~.

Another topics will appear all over the planet

on adding global post links
to the quick reply quote header

for posting quick replies to Free Speech forums..

with just the outgoing hotlinks
placed at the moderated zooes.

Added on September 29, 2005
{ here is also an example of future ~Quick Modify~..
  of one's own_ed_ post } : .

Global Quote is implemented in the example
instead of
[quote author=gri link=topic=43448.msg313653#msg313653 date=1122361245]

Tony Reid

I have tried reading that and attempted to understand it - but its making my brain bleed.

Perhaps you could reword it so us common folk can understand it ;D
Tony Reid


Quote from: "url=]Tony on: date=1122450890,
in ~Quick ReplieS in Posts display~

I have tried reading that and attempted to understand it -
but its making my brain bleed.

Perhaps you could reword it so us common folk can understand it ;D

I have added an example link .

Your quote in this post is also global.
Try to place the code of this post at any other
SMF 1.1 forum.
The link from the remote quote header should work..
until your original post is removed.

The related removed topic - "Global Quoting" .

Still bleed ?

Do you distingwish the difference between
"removed" and "remoted" ?
Do you see the problem ?



Egads...   Honestly, Gri, I *HATE* that idea. It's cluttered and unnecesarry.

If you want to quote a message, click on the "quote" button...  If you want to quote from a bunch of messsages, go to regualt replay and choose the insert quote links...

I would fight against having this as a "feature"... but if you want to release it as a mod, feel free. That's why SMF has the whole mod section.

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Quote from: Kindred on November 08, 2005, 09:57:26 AM
Egads...   Honestly, Gri, I *HATE* that idea.
I would fight against having this as a "feature"...
but if you want to release it as a mod,
feel free. That's why SMF has the whole mod section.

Kind red,

i respect your Honesty and Hat red.

"Feature" is the ability for a USER
     to set any convenience ON or OFF.

If any convenience is included as a feature
       and is both allowed by a default
              and not disallowed by an administrator,
then the USER
         instead of fighting
                    for excluding of the feature
                        from the package
can easily discover
           which checkbox to click on his screen
                 to not ever observe that feature.

In other opposite case
   when a virtual mod is naturally unknown
          both to administrator
                   and to a USER,
   a USER fully depends from an administrator's will
                and an administrator's current skill
     and from the God
              who will define for a USER
                                  how many years long
          a USER should continue fighting
          at the features request board
                 for including a set of features
                     from which maybe the USER's life depends..
     or depended
     plus how many years
        a USER should voyage from forum to forum
          keeping the melting hope
                      to meet occasionally a forum
          with simultaneousely installed
               at least a dozen of necessary mods
                          which can allow a USER
                                    only to begin to spea

Sure, a USER will not have time to say his last

Because of hatred of a next administrator to the True words
(for example).


Quote from: Kindred on November 08, 2005, 09:57:26 AM
It's cluttered and unnecesarry.

"Cluttered" - it is when several quotes
                    of different posters
     are replied to
                    in a one reply message.
Such common replies
                       are hardly can be linked
     from the outside.

To have the ability to link to the key posts -
                       is the necessity.
If I reply to a separate poster
         with a separate quote
           in a separate post
   does not oblige you
                       to reply similarly.


Quote from: Kindred on November 08, 2005, 09:57:26 AM
If you want to quote a message,
click on the "quote" button...
If you want to quote from a bunch of messsages,
go to regular reply and choose the insert quote links...

In a part of collecting of several quotes
Quick Reply is similar to Full (regular) Reply.

They are both inconvenient because a USER
              have to connect _specially_ to get a quote
     when he decided to prepare a reply
          while long-lasting reading of the topics attentively..
                in off-line.


Quote from: Kindred on November 08, 2005, 09:57:26 AM
I would fight against having this as a "feature"...

1. If you want to quote a message traditionally
   you would just select that mode of replying
   in your User Profile.

2. If you selected (as a default)
   the "multi-quick reply box" plus "off by default"

   then while reading a topic it looks like with
             "quick reply box" plus "off by default".

   If you then do not click the "quote" button
   then there is nothing at all at the screen
   what you could fight against.
   But if you want to Reply QUICKLY
                      (it often means without quote
                       or with the single quote)
   then what will be bad if the reply box will expose
        closely under the same post
                you have decided to reply to ?


Gri...   why did you reply to my one post in multiple posts...  that makes it difficult to read (even aside from your very wierd writing style)

Cluttered is when I have to search to separate the actual messages from the reply boxes.  YUCK!

As I said, one of the glories of this sort of system is the ability to make and install mods for what you want.
FEATURES like this end up causing code creep, clutter and bloat.
They are not needed (and not wanted) in most cases.

Besides, on every forum I have been on, the rule of thumb is "REPLY IN A SINGLE MESSAGE"  COmbine all your responses to thos ebefor eyou into a single post...  do not clutter up the message boards with individual responses to each post...   That is how MSN does things, and is one of the major reasons that my community has moved OFF of MSN.


Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Quote from: Kindred on November 08, 2005, 03:18:38 PM
Gri...   why did you reply to my one post in multiple posts...
that makes it difficult to read
(even aside from your very wierd writing style)

Cluttered is when I have to search
to separate the actual messages from the reply boxes.  YUCK!

As I said, one of the glories of this sort of system
is the ability to make and install mods for what you want.
FEATURES like this end up causing code creep, clutter and bloat.
They are not needed (and not wanted) in most cases.

Besides, on every forum I have been on,
the rule of thumb is "REPLY IN A SINGLE MESSAGE"
 COmbine all your responses to ~thosebeforeyou~
  into a single post...  do not clutter up the message boards
   with individual responses to each post...
That is how MSN does things, and is one of the major reasons
that my community has moved OFF of MSN.

I am free to distinguish separating branches of thoughts
in each letter of your posts
  and in each combination of the letters..
              of your posts with sombody else posts.
These thoughts are free enough to allow them
                  to live their own life
 and to meet or not to meet other separate thoughts
                            or their combinations.

Why should I necessarily push free thoughts
                             in a one container ?
                             I should not.
Only these thoughts may ask me to place them together.

And on this way we must really think
                  how to help thoughts
not to be torn and forcely cutted          from its beginning
to continuation.

There is the link in each quote header
which can help the program
 to determine the history and the direction
  of each microdialogue
and the program could display the selected microdialogues
independently from the actual place of replies arrangement
 i.e. in its logical structure which is created
             by the participants of the dialogues
      regardless of whether the logical sequence of posts
                    coincide with the chronological sequence
                    or not.
More over in the sequence
         with only one possible dimensionality
                     (i.e. simplier than plain)
                   as it is now in SMF -
the logical sequence will almost always hide itself
among simultaneous posts and replies
                   of ~nearby~ microdialogues.

In order to speak about the same things
                 we must use the same terms -
                 the words filled with the figurativeness.

I have in my mind a definite vector
 of the link in the quote.
    I have named it "grivitonik".
                 It is a vector of grivitation force
           applied to the thought of a replier
           sorry, a reader and future replier.

When you read and feel suddenly the desire to reply,
    i.e. to comment any separate set of text lines -
    sometimes it is the resistless wish to Reply Quickly..
know, just you live not only in gravitation space
                       but are surrounded by the ambiguous
     grivitation field.

Conditionally the grivitonik vector shows the direction

        /  <-  from the original words
        \  ->  to further discussion.

So SMF program should agree with the reality
                     of grivitation nature
                     of human communications
to satisfy the natural requests of Human Beings
to mirror
   reality by virtual means and possibilities
              of the software.

The incoming grivitonik of the quote (grivitINik)
can inform the readers of any reply
 where the thoughts having produced the reply
  have had originated from,
   moving backward to vector arrow.

But still now there is no any info for the future readers
                             of the original post
which (the thought in an original post) have generated
       the effective thoughts of next reader-replier
                              for his resulted reply.
These are outgoing grivitoniks (grivitOUTiks)
     which the SMF program should include
                           or allow to include
     in the special grivitonic section of a post
            to move along the vector arrow.

I suppose that it would be correct
to arrange the outgoing grivitout section
 not under the Signature zone
               as it can seem reasonable first
  but at the left of the post
   under the original_post_Author_avatar_zone
    (each of which - both avatar+profile info
                     and grivitout section
     could be selected to display or not..

It would be the best if the grivitoutiks
would be displayed to the left of the original post
    oppositely that same fragment of quote
     which was implemented in Quick Reply Block Quoting
      The program surely can do it.

<-  Here. Two inches to the left and two lines down !
<<  [to Kindred] ~from Gri~ (grivitoutik)

Quote from: ~just the colored box for a separate thought
                        which could be quoted out there~

The signature section
can be now set to "Don't show other users' signatures"

   but it should be capable to be set to

"Show users' signatures,           on by default, off-line by default",

and similarly -

"Show users' avatar+profile info, on by default, off-line by default" ,
"Show users' grivitoutiks,        on by default, off-line by default"

to switch them ON and OFF in OFF-line

 similar to "Show/Hide" of the Ignore User Mod.. ignore post.


I do not think that (most of) the readers
        which will come to the original topic
              ~while moving for life~
                      against the direction
                              of the distributed grivitiniks
           included in the multiple global quotes out there..
 will be glad to search and search
      the point of original separate thought
          in the long posts with the salad of thoughts.

So when I can.. I divide them
                                       to the branches.

There are a lot of communities on the planet
     which can not use SMF
           because of the only reason -

the absence of the tree-like structure of the posts-replies.

<< [to imcool] ~from Gri~ << (grivitoutik)

It is their manner of thinking and posting.

When such people attempt to post to the plain structure
the pretext for moderation arises from a part of plain moderators.

I am against global moderation.
